Posts Tagged ‘quakeforge’

QuakeForge on Debian Unstable

Monday, September 7th, 2009

I wanted to have running Quake on my Debian GNU/Linux. Thus I looked as usual in google for the possible solutions.There were a couple of options I could approach. One of them was to use QuakeForge’s (QF)’s Quake engine. I tried to compileQuake Forge from it’s latest version 0.5.5, however that didn’t worked out. Therefore I needed another solution. I wantedto make installation of quakeforge as quick as possible. After some googling I found The Following Quake Debian Repository . Next I’ve downloaded all the necessery deb files on the Apache and installed them. File by file. I have to install the files with debian package manager file options –force-all because I’m running a Debian amd64 release. I did the deb binaries installation using the command:
. dpkg -i –force-all quakeforge*.deb. It might be a wise idea before executing the above binary to install either quakeforge-oss or quakeforge-alsa binary file otherwise while dpkg executes dpkg-reconfigure to quakeforge-common the package configuration will fail. There is one more thing to be done before you’re having a runnign version of Quake on your Linux. Be sure to download Quake’s original binary pak0.file and place it into the /usr/share/games/quake/id1 directory.Of course as you could expect in Linux things almost never work perfectly. I was unpleasently suprised when I started quakeforge and I realized I can not run the good old Quake with sound effects :(.END—–