Posts Tagged ‘rkhunter’

Install and configure rkhunter for improved security on a PCI DSS Linux / BSD servers with no access to Internet

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021


rkhunter or Rootkit Hunter scans systems for known and unknown rootkits. The tool is not new and most system administrators that has to mantain some good security servers perhaps already use it in their daily sysadmin tasks.

It does this by comparing SHA-1 Hashes of important files with known good ones in online databases, searching for default directories (of rootkits), wrong permissions, hidden files, suspicious strings in kernel modules, commmon backdoors, sniffers and exploits as well as other special tests mostly for Linux and FreeBSD though a ports for other UNIX operating systems like Solaris etc. are perhaps available. rkhunter is notable due to its inclusion in popular mainstream FOSS operating systems (CentOS, Fedora,Debian, Ubuntu etc.).

Even though rkhunter is not rapidly improved over the last 3 years (its last Official version release was on 20th of Febuary 2018), it is a good tool that helps to strengthen even further security and it is often a requirement for Unix servers systems that should follow the PCI DSS Standards (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards).

Configuring rkhunter is a pretty straight forward if you don't have too much requirements but I decided to write this article for the reason there are fwe interesting options that you might want to adopt in configuration to whitelist any files that are reported as Warnings, as well as how to set a configuration that sets a stricter security checks than the installation defaults. 

1. Install rkhunter .deb / .rpm package depending on the Linux distro or BSD

  • If you have to place it on a Redhat based distro CentOS / Redhat / Fedora

[root@Centos ~]# yum install -y rkhunter


  • On Debian distros the package name is equevallent to install there exec usual:

root@debian:~# apt install –yes rkhunter

  • On FreeBSD / NetBSD or other BSD forks you can install it from the BSD "World" ports system or install it from a precompiled binary.

freebsd# pkg install rkhunter

One important note to make here is to have a fully functional Alarming from rkhunter, you will have to have a fully functional configured postfix / exim / qmail whatever mail server to relay via official SMTP so you the Warning Alarm emails be able to reach your preferred Alarm email address. If you haven't installed postfix for example and configure it you might do.

– On Deb based distros 

[root@Centos ~]#yum install postfix

– On RPM based distros

root@debian:~# apt-get install –yes postfix

and as minimum, further on configure some functional Email Relay server within /etc/postfix/

# vi /etc/postfix/
relayhost = []

2. Prepare rkhunter.conf initial configuration

Depending on what kind of files are present on the filesystem it could be for some reasons some standard package binaries has to be excluded for verification, because they possess unusual permissions because of manual sys admin monification this is done with the rkhunter variable PKGMGR_NO_VRFY.

If remote logging is configured on the system via something like rsyslog you will want to specificly tell it to rkhunter so this check as a possible security issue is skipped via ALLOW_SYSLOG_REMOTE_LOGGING=1. 

In case if remote root login via SSH protocol is disabled via /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no variable, the variable to include is ALLOW_SSH_ROOT_USER=no

It is useful to also increase the hashing check algorithm for security default one SHA256 you might want to change to SHA512, this is done via rkhunter.conf var HASH_CMD=SHA512

Triggering new email Warnings has to be configured so you receive, new mails at a preconfigured mailbox of your choice via variable


# vi /etc/rkhunter.conf




# Needed for corosync/pacemaker since update 19.11.2020


# enabled ssh root access skip



# Email address to sent alert in case of Warnings


Optionally if you're using something specific such as corosync / pacemaker High Availability cluster or some specific software that is creating /dev/ files identified as potential Risks you might want to add more rkhunter.conf options like:

# Allow PCS/Pacemaker/Corosync
# Needed for corosync/pacemaker since update 19.11.2020

# tomboy creates this one
# created by libv4l
# created by spice video
# created by mdadm
# 389 Directory Server
# squid proxy
# squid ssl cache
# Allow podman


3. Set the proper mirror database URL location to internal network repository


Usually  file /var/lib/rkhunter/db/mirrors.dat does contain Internet server address where latest version of mirrors.dat could be fetched, below is how it looks by default on Debian 10 Linux.

root@debian:/var/lib/rkhunter/db# cat mirrors.dat 

As you can guess a machine that doesn't have access to the Internet neither directly, neither via some kind of secure proxy because it is in a Paranoic Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) Network with many firewalls. What you can do then is setup another Mirror server (Apache / Nginx) within the local PCI secured LAN that gets regularly the database from official database on (by installing and running rkhunter –update command on the Mirror WebServer and copying data under some directory structure on the remote local LAN accessible server, to keep the DB uptodate you might want to setup a cron to periodically copy latest available rkhunter database towards the http://mirror-url/path-folder/)

# vi /var/lib/rkhunter/db/mirrors.dat


A mirror copy of entire db files from Debian 10.8 ( Buster ) ready for download are here.

Update entire file property db and check for rkhunter db updates


# rkhunter –update && rkhunter –propupdate

[ Rootkit Hunter version 1.4.6 ]

Checking rkhunter data files…
  Checking file mirrors.dat                                  [ Skipped ]
  Checking file programs_bad.dat                             [ No update ]
  Checking file backdoorports.dat                            [ No update ]
  Checking file suspscan.dat                                 [ No update ]
  Checking file i18n/cn                                      [ No update ]
  Checking file i18n/de                                      [ No update ]
  Checking file i18n/en                                      [ No update ]
  Checking file i18n/tr                                      [ No update ]
  Checking file i18n/tr.utf8                                 [ No update ]
  Checking file i18n/zh                                      [ No update ]
  Checking file i18n/zh.utf8                                 [ No update ]
  Checking file i18n/ja                                      [ No update ]



4. Initiate a first time check and see whether something is not triggering Warnings

# rkhunter –check


As you might have to run the rkhunter multiple times, there is annoying Press Enter prompt, between checks. The idea of it is that you're able to inspect what went on but since usually, inspecting /var/log/rkhunter/rkhunter.log is much more easier, I prefer to skip this with –skip-keypress option.

# rkhunter –check  –skip-keypress

5. Whitelist additional files and dev triggering false warnings alerts

You have to keep in mind many files which are considered to not be officially PCI compatible and potentially dangerous such as lynx browser curl, telnet etc. might trigger Warning, after checking them thoroughfully with some AntiVirus software such as Clamav and checking the MD5 checksum compared to a clean installed .deb / .rpm package on another RootKit, Virus, Spyware etc. Clean system (be it virtual machine or a Testing / Staging) machine you might want to simply whitelist the files which are incorrectly detected as dangerous for the system security.

Again this can be achieved with


Some Cluster softwares that are preparing their own /dev/ temporary files such as Pacemaker / Corosync might also trigger alarms, so you might want to suppress this as well with ALLOWDEVFILE


If Warnings are found check what is the issue and if necessery white list files due to incorrect permissions in /etc/rkhunter.conf .


Re-run the check until all appears clean as in below screenshot.


Fixing Checking for a system logging configuration file [ Warning ]

If you happen to get some message like, message appears when rkhunter -C is done on legacy CentOS release 6.10 (Final) servers:

[13:45:29] Checking for a system logging configuration file [ Warning ]
[13:45:29] Warning: The 'systemd-journald' daemon is running, but no configuration file can be found.
[13:45:29] Checking if syslog remote logging is allowed [ Allowed ]

To fix it, you will have to disable SYSLOG_CONFIG_FILE at all.


How to fix rkhunter checking dev for suspisiocus files, solve rkhunter checking if SSH root access is allowed warning

Friday, November 20th, 2020


On a server if you have a rkhunter running and you suddenly you get some weird Warnings for suspicious files under dev, like show in in the screenshot and you're puzzled how comes this happened as so far it was not reported before the regular package patching update conducted …

root@haproxy-server ~]# rkhunter –check


To investigate further I've checked rkhunter produced log /var/log/rkhunter.log for a verobose message and found more specifics there on what is the exact files which rkhunter finds suspicious.
To further investigate what exactly are this suspicious files for or where, they're used for something on the system or in reality it is a hacker who hacked our supposibly PCI compliant system,
I've used the good old fuser command which is capable to show which system process is actively using a file. To have fuser report for each file from /var/log/rkhunter.log with below shell loop:

[root@haproxy-server ~]#  for i in $(tail -n 50 /var/log/rkhunter/rkhunter.log|grep -i /dev/shm|awk '{ print $2 }'|sed -e 's#:##g'); do fuser -v $i; done
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     hacluster   1851 ….m attrd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd
                     BEN.        PID ZUGR.  BEFEHL
                     root       1783 ….m corosync
                     root       1844 ….m pacemakerd

As you see from the output all the /dev/shm/qb/ files in question are currently opened by the corosync / pacemaker and necessery for proper work of the haproxy cluster processes running on the machines.

How to solve the /dev/ suspcisios files rkhunter warning?

To solve we need to tell rkhunter not check against this files this is done via  /etc/rkhunter.conf first I thought this is done by EXISTWHITELIST= but then it seems there is  a special option for rkhunter whitelisting /dev type of files only ALLOWDEVFILE.

Hence to resolve the warning for the upcoming planned early PCI audit and save us troubles we had to add on running OS which is CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core) in /etc/rkhunter.conf



# rkhunter –check

and Voila, the warning should be no more.


Another thing is on another machine the warnings produced by rkhunter were a bit different as rkhunter has mistakenly detected the root login is enabled where in reality PermitRootLogin was set to no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config


As the problem was experienced on some machines and on others it was not.
I've done the standard boringconfig comparison we sysadmins do to tell
why stuff differs.
The result was on first machine where we had everything working as expected and
PermitRootLogin no was recognized the correct configuration was:

— SNAP —
— END —

On the second server where the problem was experienced the values was:

— SNAP —
— END —

Note that, the warning produced regarding the rsyslog remote logging is allowed is perfectly fine as, we had enabled remote logging to a central log server on the machines, this is done with:

This is done with config options under /etc/rsyslog.conf

# Configure Remote rsyslog logging server

Maldetect – Malware web content file scanner for GNU / Linux – Keep your hosting servers Malware clean

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

Linux malware detect scan for malware from commandline / Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu 

It is so common nowadays that Shared hosting clients upload PHP / Javascript / Ajax scripts carelessly downloaded from somewhere containing malicious features or infected by third party script kiddie tools which replicate themselves after succesfully exploit some common PHP or Perl vulnerability. I'm sure even as time of writing this post probably millions of old un-updated Hosting Linux servers are silent Malware hives.
Therefore For Shared Hosting server servers it is useful to know about the existence of Maldetect – Linux Malware scanner also known under the name LMD.

Linux Maldetect – in what it does is very similar to Windows good Spyware Detect and Clean tool Malware Bytes. LMD uses Spyware definition database collected from network edge Intrusion detection systems who caught Web bugs commonly exploited as well as from custom user submissions of Malicious stuff. Maldetect's database can easily be exported and plays well together with ClamAV antivirus. LMD is very precious and is one of the must have outfits for hosting admins, as its use allows you to determine succesful cracking before system is rootkited and you have to audit for Backdoors or Rookit with rkhunter and chkroot

1. Install Linux MalDetect

LMD is young project so it does not still have a package deb and rpm package builds. Installation is done from source;

debian:~# wget
debian:~# tar -xzf maldetect-current.tar.gz
debian:~# cd maldetect-*
debian:~# ./

Linux Malware Detect v1.4.1
            (C) 2002-2013, R-fx Networks <>
            (C) 2013, Ryan MacDonald <>
inotifywait (C) 2007, Rohan McGovern <>
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

installation completed to /usr/local/maldetect
config file: /usr/local/maldetect/conf.maldet
exec file: /usr/local/maldetect/maldet
exec link: /usr/local/sbin/maldet
exec link: /usr/local/sbin/lmd
cron.daily: /etc/cron.daily/maldet

maldet(3143): {sigup} performing signature update check…
maldet(3143): {sigup} local signature set is version 201205035915
maldet(3143): {sigup} new signature set (2013060217799) available
maldet(3143): {sigup} downloaded
maldet(3143): {sigup} downloaded
maldet(3143): {sigup} downloaded
maldet(3143): {sigup} downloaded
maldet(3143): {sigup} downloaded
maldet(3143): {sigup} signature set update completed
maldet(3143): {sigup} 11509 signatures (9641 MD5 / 1868 HEX)

2. Maldetect configs and binaries

Config is default installed in –  /usr/local/maldetect/conf.maldet
Main executed binary is placed in –  /usr/local/maldetect/maldet
There is a cron skele file placed in /etc/cron.daily/maldet. Its useful to run maldet via cron to check all sites on server and get e-mail reports.

3. Keep maldet up2date

debian:~# maldet --update-ver

Linux Malware Detect v1.4.2
            (C) 2002-2013, R-fx Networks <>
            (C) 2013, Ryan MacDonald <>
inotifywait (C) 2007, Rohan McGovern <>
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2

maldet(3511): {update} checking for available updates...
maldet(3511): {update} hashing install files and checking against server...
maldet(3511): {update} latest version already installed.

4. Update Maldetect definitions manually

Maldetect Malware definitions are designed to auto-update via cron. For people who don't like to waste CPU time and scrape on HDD with cronjob;

debian:~# maldet --update

5. Configure LMD

Tune according to your needs in config (/usr/local/maldetect/conf.maldet)

email_subj="Attention Malware found! Check your server!"

6. Scanning for Malware manually

debian:~# maldet -a /home,/var/www/blog,/sbin,/opt
Linux Malware Detect v1.4.2
(C) 2002-2013, R-fx Networks <>
(C) 2013, Ryan MacDonald <>
inotifywait (C) 2007, Rohan McGovern <>
This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2

maldet(21709): {scan} signatures loaded: 11509 (9641 MD5 / 1868 HEX)
maldet(21709): {scan} building file list for /var/www/blog, this might take awhile...
maldet(21709): {scan} file list completed, found 6814 files...
maldet(21709): {scan} found ClamAV clamscan binary, using as scanner engine...
maldet(21709): {scan} scan of /var/www/blog (6814 files) in progress...

maldet(21709): {scan} scan completed on /var/www/blog: files 6814, malware hits 0, cleaned hits 0
maldet(21709): {scan} scan report saved, to view run: maldet --report 062813-1012.21709

As you see from above output  you can view Maldet report by issuing:

debian:~# maldet --report 062813-1012.21709

malware detect scan report for pcfreak:

SCAN ID: 070113-1223.7481

TIME: Jul  1 12:24:20 +0300





NOTE: quarantine is disabled! set quar_hits=1 in conf.maldet or to quarantine results run:

debian:~# maldet -q 070113-1223.7481


{CAV}Exploit.SafariCrash-1 : ./osX/dos/1715.html

{CAV}Exploit.PPC : ./osX/local/

{CAV}Exploit.Perl.Sadmin : ./solaris/remote/

{CAV}Exploit.FirefoxCrash : ./multiple/dos/1716.html

{HEX}exp.linux.setuid.13 : ./multiple/local/

{CAV}HTML.Shellcode : ./multiple/remote/2082.html


In case some badware is captured by Maldet to quarantine files run suggested command:

debian:~# maldet -q 070113-1223.7481

Linux Malware Detect v1.4.2

            (C) 2002-2013, R-fx Networks <>

            (C) 2013, Ryan MacDonald <>

inotifywait (C) 2007, Rohan McGovern <>

This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2


maldet(21341): {quar} malware quarantined from './php/remote/2008.php' to '/usr/local/maldetect/quarantine/2008.php.19608'

maldet(21341): {clean} restoring /usr/local/maldetect/quarantine/2008.php.19608 for cleaning attempt

maldet(21341): {clean} trying to clean ./php/remote/2008.php with base64.inject.unclassed rule

maldet(21341): {clean} rescanning ./php/remote/2008.php for malware hits

maldet(21341): {clean} clean successful on ./php/remote/2008.php


Just for a close up below is a list of common 60 Malwares found on Hosting servers (taken from Maldetect Website);

base64.inject.unclassed     perl.ircbot.xscan
bin.dccserv.irsexxy         perl.mailer.yellsoft
bin.ircbot.php3             php.cmdshell.c100
bin.ircbot.unclassed        php.cmdshell.c99
bin.pktflood.ABC123         php.cmdshell.cih
bin.pktflood.osf            php.cmdshell.egyspider
bin.trojan.linuxsmalli      php.cmdshell.fx29
c.ircbot.tsunami            php.cmdshell.ItsmYarD
exp.linux.rstb              php.cmdshell.Ketemu
exp.linux.unclassed         php.cmdshell.N3tshell
exp.setuid0.unclassed       php.cmdshell.r57
gzbase64.inject             php.cmdshell.unclassed
html.phishing.auc61         php.defash.buno          php.exe.globals
perl.connback.DataCha0s     php.include.remote
perl.connback.N2            php.ircbot.InsideTeam
perl.cpanel.cpwrap          php.ircbot.lolwut
perl.ircbot.atrixteam       php.ircbot.sniper
perl.ircbot.bRuNo           php.ircbot.vj_denie
perl.ircbot.Clx             php.mailer.10hack
perl.ircbot.devil           php.mailer.bombam
perl.ircbot.fx29            php.mailer.PostMan
perl.ircbot.magnum          php.phishing.AliKay
perl.ircbot.oldwolf         php.phishing.mrbrain
perl.ircbot.putr4XtReme     php.phishing.ReZulT
perl.ircbot.rafflesia       php.pktflood.oey