Blade Runner 1982 is a nice SCI FI movie with a kind of happy end which is a recommended see for anyone who is involved in technology / IT / programmers or a true SCi-FI lover.
The movie is directed by the glamorous SCi-Fi producer Riddley Scott and a plot written by Hampton Fancher it is based on a novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?by Philip K. Dick.
Set in a dystopian Los Angeles in 2019, the film depicts a future in which synthetic humans known as replicants are bioengineered to work on off-world colonies. When a fugitive group of replicants led by Roy Batty (Hauer) escape back to Earth, burnt-out cop Rick Deckard (Ford) reluctantly agrees to hunt them down. During his investigations, Deckard meets Rachael (Young), an advanced replicant who causes him to question his mission.
Blade Runner underperformed in North American theaters and polarized critics; some praised its thematic complexity and visuals, while others were displeased with its unconventional pacing and plot. However, it subsequently became an acclaimed cult film, and is now regarded as one of the all-time best science fiction movies. Hailed for its production design depicting a "retrofitted" future, Blade Runner remains a leading example of neo-noir cinema, and has been highly influential on many science fiction films, video games, anime, and television series. The soundtrack, composed by Vangelis, was critically acclaimed, and was nominated in 1983 for a BAFTA and Golden Globe as best original score.
The film brought the work of Philip K. Dick to the attention of Hollywood, and several later films were based on his work. Scott regards Blade Runner as "probably" his most complete and personal film. In the year after its release, the film won the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, and in 1993 it was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
Seven versions of Blade Runner exist as a result of controversial changes made at the request of studio executives. A director's cut was released in 1992 after a strong response to test screenings of a workprint. This, in conjunction with the film's popularity as a video rental, made it one of the first movies to be released on DVD. In 2007, Warner Bros. released The Final Cut, a 25th-anniversary digitally remastered version, and the only version over which Scott retained artistic control. The Final Cut was shown in selected theaters and released on DVD, HD DVD, and Blu-ray. A sequel, Blade Runner 2049, was released in October 2017.
Blade Runner (1982) official trailer
Some of the movie plots names become an inspiration for later on launch of Mobile Phones such as Motolla Nexus 6. The soundtrack is a killer psychotropic music and the elements included in the movie of Japanese and Asian songs personage makes the movie quite an interesting one to see to Western people.
The overall feeling and atmosphere the movie creates is a dark and gloomy as it shows the inuition the people from the distant 1980s had for the dark technological future coming.
As the movie is older one many of the technologies used look to us in 2017 pretty much obsolete or irrelevant but the ideas behind the movie are actuate and important topis as the Heaven and Hell concepts in terms of replicant robots are pretty much actual even today.
My wife recently recommended a fantastic old times movie from the distant 1981 called Znachar (translated in English as Quack). The movie is directed by Polish director called Jerzy Goffman though made in 1982 the movie premierre happened in 1982, the story plot behind the movie is based on a book from polish writer and journalist Tadeusz Dołęga Mostowicz novel Znachor.
The movie is actually a remake of older movie called under the same name Знахарь (a naturally divine gifted herbal medicine doctor).
Movie Plot
The story goes in the middle of first and second World Wars with main actor being a famous surgeon a professor in medicine Rafal Vilchur. When back from a hard surgery operation in his county house just about to great his wife with a big bucket of flowers he finds out he is abandoned by his life, reading a letter in which she says she leaves him because she fall in love with another man, his wife takes his daughter with him and as a result of the shocking event the surgeon walks the streets hopeless still uncapable of realizing and properly evaluating his tragedy, he meets a beggar to whom he gives a lot of money and the beggar brings him in a pub and they do a heavily drinking together as a way to forget his great misfortune.
Being deadly drunk he walks out and a gang of drunkards seeing him paying with a big bucks and finding out his richness, they put him in a carret and smuggle all his money throughing him out of the city after robbing him to the last penny. Being throughn of the carret the professor hurts his head and loses his memory, and once he wakes up and finds himself in the middle of nowhere he realizes he did not remember anything including who is he. As the robbers steal all his money and documents and he is out of the town with no ability to remember he wonders in villages and seeks to find any kind of job that can win him his daily bread.
He lived in that noman manner a couple of years and the police has catched him trying to figure out who is he but failed to identify him and even put him in jail for few weeks on the occasion he is living illegal with on identity.
Having the experience of a kind of hermit life in the woods, in one of his next catch ups by police and their rude way to try to identify him he is able to steal a documents laying on the police table that belonged to an already dead person called Anthony Kosiby and from that moment on he starts identifying under Anthony Kosibiy's name.
Even though Anthony did not remember his real identity he feels his ability to help sick people. He starts working in another village he wanders to in a family of a small wheat orthodox christian producer called Prokop. The only left living son of Prokop Vasiliy is since a couple of months has become a disabled due to accident and the failure of the uncaring local doctor Pavlickogo who has improperly joined his leg bones, after Vasiliy's broke his legs.
Anthony has realized the doctors failure as he still holds his subconcsious ability for surgeon and a professor. Kasiba convinces Anthony's father to agree on a improvised operation with another breaking of legs. As Vasiliy's legs gets healed, rumors all around the village spread about the natural healer and self learned doctor.
As a mean to payback Prokop wants to reply a huge sum of gold money to Kasiba but as Casiba is already unattached to money and he only needs a play to work and stay he asks his master Prokop to keep him in his home as a part of family to whose offer Prokop happily agrees.
A mobs of sick people start coming to the newly found herbalist and a "witch doctor" for healing and all finds confort and healing this makes the quack even more famous and known all around the region.
Nearby in the village there is a small grocery store where Kasiba buys the basic goods necessery for his healing and improvised operations. Kasiba finds himself attacted with unexplained symphathy to the young orphanned sells lady named Marusya. Marusya's beauty impresses all the young villages. In one of his visits Kasiba hears from Marusya a known melody he heard but he can't recall where he heard it but it deeply affects his soul and slowly this songs starts cherishing some memories.
The local village and nearby region state doctor Pavlickij happens to meet Anthony and because of jealousy for Anthony's success he makes prank and threatens him to expose his fraudulent medicine practices believing truly that Anthony is one of those self proclaimed doctors earlier prohibited by Polish government for the many harm these which doctors did to conventional medicine. Pavlickijy requires Anthony to immediately cancels his medicine practices or otherwise he will be exposed to police authorities.
Anthony uncareful about the prisoning threatens replies the doctor with words such as "People live in priso too". But even as the talk between two goes Vasiliy the healed lepper boy from Anthony the ex-disabled comes along and shows in front of Pavlickijy walking and even dancing and the doctor cancels his bullying instantly telling how Anthony managed to heal him.
In mean time Marusya the grocery store sells lady is being visited by a local royal count young person who falls in love with her and gives his best to attract Marusya, another local waiter guy is also in love with Marusya and a hidden competion emerges between the two.
Marusya is doubtful about the love relatio with the royal count named Leshek Chinsky. Chinsky is dressed impressingly has a good manners and all in village is amazed with his strange affair with the village orphan Marusya.
Chinsky fells in love so strongly that he makes even an offer to Marusya to which of course Marusya is doubtful. The family of count Chinsky is against the relation and does its best to cancel the untrustful and unequal relations between his royal song and the village girl.
In mean time the waiter guy named Zanek who is also after Marusya and wants her hand. Marusya dates Zanek 2 times and partly she things this relation could end up even with a marriage but her heart is still with the county.
Because the the improsed shop datings between count Chinsky and Marusya are continuing publicly among his friends Zanek led by his envy for not having Marusya's heart publicly insults her and accuses her of her secret sexual relation with the count as Chinsky becomes accidently witness of the mockery he stands on Marusya's side and rejects the badfull lies of Zanek ending up beating him publicly because of his blatant and improer behavior and shortly after he makes official marriage offer to Marusya in the small grocery store. The two them ride on Chinsky's motorcycle (noone in village has a motorcycle as all are poor), as they ride near a small lake and share their feelings for each other Zanek is drunk and in want for revenge, so he puts a chunk of tree on a bridge hoping to kill Chinsky.
For his amusement and misfortune Chinsky is riding with Marusya on the back of the cycle and because of the three both fall in a crash and both are in a state near death.
Zanek understanding his fault and scared for his soul being endangered to have been worthy for eternal hell because of the killing quickly takes the two injured and unconscious lovers to the quack Anthony as a last hope for help.
Anthony seeing the two patients and understanding his ability to fully manage the dying persons and scared about possibility to be responsible for the death of the lovers quickly calls for a conventional doctor for help. Doctor Pavlickij comes but again consumed for his arrogance and the unequal state in society of the two gives his best to heal Chinsky and is not too willful to heal the poor village girl Marusya.
In the mean time Anthony manage to help the count and for the luck of the count his state is much better and he is about to recover, where on the countrary Marusya is in a state of dying with a bone being stuck in her brain.
Anthony asks the doctor for an a help and all Pavlickij does is to give her a heart support injection and he leaves. Anthony seeing the surgeon instruments in Pavlickij and with no hope for a surgery intervention from the coventional doctor, remembers his professor surgeon skills and decides steals the doctors instruments and makes a perfect operation removing the bone out of the brain of the young lady.
In morning the operation makes clear it is perfectly made and the Marusya comes to a conscious perfectly normal in mind. As she is now jobless for leaving the shop for her offer for marriage she stays to live with Propop's family.
Soon Pavlickij finds out his surgeon instruments are gone and comes hearing about the successful operation to Marusya suspects about the steal by Anthony and comes with a police. The quack is an honest man so he confesses about the steal but he explains the steal with the need for the immediate operation.
The police catch the stealer and there is a quick court session to whom he is judged to stay 3 years in prison. In mean time count Chinsky managed to recover completely being sent in Switzerland and is travelling back with train back to Poland hopeless because told by his family that Marusya is dead and convinced that life is meaningless without the love of Marusya. The count decides for a love suicide and writes a suicide letter to his family asking one of the servents to hand it in to his family and preparing to kill himself with a gun.
By the providence he leads a small talk with the servent person by whom he finds out that Marusya did not die but live in Prokops family.
Being shocked he takes a carret going out of the train and hurries to Prokops family with a large bucket of roses.
The two lovers bind together and they soon marry. As a way to thank Anthony Cassiba, count Chinsky and his family (which finds out about the suicidal intentions of their son and finally agree for the marriage), hire a bunch of experts to inspect the professional surgeon lead by Anthony and to defend him in court once again trying to release him.
Again by providence the expert which does evaluated Anthony's operation who has to confirm the success of the operation over Marusya, happens to be one one of professor Rafal Vilchur (now living under the namy of Anthony) and in the middle of trial he hears by Marusya's testimony the family name of Marusya which is also Vilchur.
At that moment the surgeon expert and ex-colleague recognizes his missing for 15+ years professor and colleague Rafal and identifies him. professor Rafal Vilchur finds out the young lady he just operated is his lost daughter and he is crying out of joy.
The movie is a touching one and shows a lot of how people used to live in the age before technology and electricity took over human life. It has a deep meaning and a charge of good and the happy end in the movie makes it so different from a lot of the modern especially American movies, which nowadays end up with a messy and unclear ends without any moral to get out of it.
Watch the 2 series movie below and enjoy I promise you will not regret you watch it I promise ! 🙂
Here is a link to Quack in IMDB the IMDB movie rating is quite high 7.9.
The Emarketing assignment’s aim was to make a comparison of two websites which are operating in the same or very similar business field
The report’s goal was to present to the E-marketing teacher which in my case was Peter Stemers that the student has been acquainted with the basic theories of Emarketing. The project was actually rather easy and the main issue to build up a project like this is the start up to complete it you just need to put a start and persist in expanding the document.
As the topic was very interesting to myself I started quite early in preparing my assignment (just a few weeks after it was assigned).
I’ve considered my profound interest into Information and Computer Technology (ICT) and decided to create a report which evaluates two websites which are into the IT sphere. After a examination over a few possible domain names like for example: Verizon – and AT&T – 1& and Godaddy etc.
I’ve finally set my websites to compare choice on: and
The criterias for selection of Godaddy and Enom as a target companies to compare their online business was as follows::
1. Both Godaddy and Enom are into the same business online industry, ( e.g. domain selling, reselling, blog hosting, webhosting, SSL certificates, online presence Search Engine optimization etc.) Some other selection factor that convinced me to choose exactly and Godaddy were that this are the biggest companies in the domain names selling IT sector and even better the Domain Selling industry has a tight relation to the History of how the Internet emerged.
The report became really thoroughful, the Godaddy vs Enom emarketing report has the size of 59 pages. Officially the study criterias has been that normally the usual student emarketing reports contains about 15 to 20 pages, however as the business products and services that this huge internet domain reseller companies has, I was forced to exceed the set teacher limitation of 20 pages and do it in 59 pages.
I’ve handed in my emarketing report and Peter Stemers graded it with 8.5 points from 10 possible (which by the way is quite a high mark for Arnhem Business School)
By the wat the E-marketing course was quite a silly one though for people that are not have an avarage computer knowledge and interest into Internet Commerce it was okay.
To read the table of contents of the Report comparison Enom compared to Godaddy click over here Here is also my Emarketing Final Report vs ( compared to in both PDF and DOC, I hope this reports will be helpful to some marketing researchers out there to get an estimate on how the two companies are performing in the domain selling and reselling business:
Compiling this Emarketing report costed me a lot of effort and time, the overall completion of the report has took me about a two weeks time, whether each day I worked a couple of hours on it. I express also my big thanks to Alex Petrov (a friend of mine) for helping me read and review the report and fix some minor errors in sentence structures and my language of expression.
The Godaddy VS Enom Emarketing report outlines, numerous pitfalls that both Enom Company and Go Daddy has done in terms of SEO, Emarketing, user friendliness and usability
I believe this report could be really helpful for the these two competitive companies and could help them improve both their user image, their accessibility and Search Engine indexing. On the other hand the report could be a good example for (HAN – Arnhem Business School E-Marketing) students on how to write a good looking Emarketing report to give themselves a pass.
An interesting fact is that before I decide to publish the report online and make it available to everyone I tried a known selling marketing report, I tried to offer to both Godaddy.Com and Enom.Com to sell them this report by sending the offer to their marketing and sales guys. has returned me an email, that they will look forward to my request, whether with Godaddy I have received an email by Go Daddy founder and CEO Bob Parons and the COO Warren Adelman
I will present you here the reply just to show you how impodent this mans are! My offer to sell them this great report for the symbolic sum of 200 EUR which will help their companies grow was considered I quote: “Unsolicated Report”. Below I present you my offer email plus the impudent reply email by GoDaddy’s CEO and CEO:
SNAP – My Email to Godaddy Hi Bob,
My name is Georgi Georgiev and I’m currently completing my bachelor in Business Administration in HAN University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands).
Currently I’m developing an E-marketing report which is comparing the 2 largest internet domian registrars and
The report is a in depth SEO and E-marketing analysis of current positioning in major search engines of and as well as an overall analysis of user user friendliness, screen resolution readiness of the two websites. In the report I also analyse the behaviour of the and as tested with different major Internet web browsers, general user experience. External statistical websites etc. etc.
This research document does also concludes what are the strengths & weaknesses of both your company and The aim of the report is to show, what Godaddy advantages and pitfalls if compared to
It also includes a number of suggestion for improvements which will be beneficial for your company to drive more internet traffic to you as well as increase your number of customers.
The report is 60 pages long document and includes many things that might be beneficial for your business.
If you’re interested into the report and you’d like to buy it for me for a very cheap price of 200 EUR, please contact me on my mail or
Best Regards, Georgi
— Georgi Georgiev
—— END of SNAP
SNAP – Godaddy’s Bob Parson and Warren Adelman Reply Email:
Office of the President Response Dear Georgi Georgiev,
Thank you for contacting the Office of the President. Our CEO, Bob Parsons, and President and COO, Warren Adelman, have asked me to respond on their behalf.
We value your time and appreciate the information you have provided regarding this request. Please understand that we are not seeking to acquire any unsolicited reports of this nature at this time.
Thank you for your understanding.
Jordan McAlister
Hope this post is helpful to some students stucked with writting their E-marketing report I also hope it shows how proficient, I’m in building reports and might be a good exapmle on how qualitative my work is and enhearten somebody to hire me as an E-marketing consultant 😉
The day started a bit normal. I did my morning excercise, then I prayed. I spoke with Dzemil (A macedonian colleague of mine) and we set up a meeting for 12:30, I ate. I received few calls from the office with requests to do few little things. At 12:30 I met Dzemil at the College restaurant. We spend some time talking with him and another turkish colleague. Then we went to speak with Bozhidar Bozhkov about the applications for Holland, what is the procedure of transfering from the college here to Arnhem Business School etc. Laters I went home and did some work on the servers and red and did my fourth cisco test. I went to my cousin and after that went to Javor, we went out with Ina and Javor for a coffee to Kukla. Afterwards I went home and played with Dynamips. For all that wonder what the hack Dynamips is. Well Dynamics is a Cisco emulator just like VMWare is an OS emulator with the exception that Dynamics is builded to run only Cisco’s IOS. I found that nice Video tutorial Cisco Router Emulation Software Dynamips Video Tutorial, check it out here Here . Since I needed a Cisco IOS image and I’m not a Cisco customer I used torrents to download a collection of Cisco ISO’s and used one of the isos to make it work on my Windows Vista. I have problems running it because of lack of permissions, caused by the famous UAC ( User Access Control ). The solution for me was to use a privileged command prompt and start, both the Dynamips sever and my custom configured which connected to the server and loaded the cisco image. There is also a very nice and extended tutorial on the topic of Dynamips it’s located Here . Alto today tested the previously installed Wireshark. Wireshark is a very nice substitute for iptraf for windows it has a nice and easy to use graphical interface, supports capturing and has lot of traffic analysis possibilities I strongly recommend it to anyone coming from a Linux/BSD background like me and searching for a nice Windows substitute for iptraf. Check out wireshark on the following URL . Now I’m going to change the topic and say a few words for my spiritual state. Today it was a hard day. I was tempted by the devil to think bad thoughts and did sinned for which I search forgiveness. Life it so hard I realize it more and more day by day. Very often old spirits which tormented me for a long time are trying to come back. I haven’t smoked today also and again thanks for that should fly to God who delived me from this terrible vice. As a conclusion I should say that for everything I should thanks to God and pray for him to forgive my unfaithfulness. END—–
At Saturday I had my first driving license. The instructor let me drive on the road for Balchik. Happily the driving went smoothly of course I made a lot of mistakes which is pretty normal for a first time driving. In the afternoon we went out for a walk with Niki. We just went out when Vlado (Hellpain) called, he came back to Dobrich for a day, we met for a coffee after which we stayed for 2 hours in the central park. Today as usual I attended the liturgy at the orthodox Church. Today it’s a big Christian Orthodox holiday, it’s the day in which the Our Lord Jesus Christ send the Holy Spirit to the early Church fathers (the apostles). The apostles heard a great noise and they see the Holy Spirit descending from heaven in a form of burning tongues, each tongue coming above the head of each of the apostles and the rest of the first believers in our Lord and Saviour Jesus. I’m still in doubt should I decide to go or not to the Netherlands. I applied for a room there through yesterday. But still haven’t received a confirmation for approval and I haven’t send a deposit for a room. I made research about the Arnhem Business School (ABS) and talked and I’m talking with a friend who went to study in Holland the last year. In the afternoon I watched an old russian movie which is marked as a SCI-FI genre (Kin Dza Dza), I got the title from the top 20 in IMDB. Yeah I can say that the movie was pretty freaky :). Vladi did call me again and said one of the servers in the office had crashed I spoke with of my colleagues with a request to go to the office and restart the box but it seems the box isn’t booting. Tomorrow I’ll catch an early bus for Varna and went to the office to see what’s wrong with the machine (hope it’s not a serious hardware problem). That’s most of it. To be honest although God grants me a lot of his divine grace I still feel a bit of lost and pathless and struggle to fight my lack of faith, and bad habits. I’m praying everyday for a physical healing but I still haven’t completely recovered from my sickness. I have sinned badly in my past and I deserve to have that sickness but still I honestly I’m repenting day after day for my bad life in the past and the near present … Another think I should say is that a friend of mine has died I saw his obituary hanging on a tree 🙁 , His name was Alexander (Sashe) known among us by the nickname (Saketo), he was a drug addict and that killed him I hope he is with God know peace be upon him. END—–
The previous semester in Arnhem Business School, I’ve followed a module called Strategic Human Resources Management as a part of the so called G-cluster (Grand Cluster) (the 3rd year second semester).
The Stragic HR subject (module) is a completely meaningless one and the best short way to describe it is with the word (an insanity!). In reality there is no aim of this module, and it’s content is vague and irrelevant.
If you’re a student in Arnhem Business School (ABS) and you have as oligitory to follow this course you’re seriously in trouble.
The whole subject is a lot of bla, bla, the teachers attitude towards you is like they’re invincible and you’re a victim and you have to always obey the teacher or you’re out (fear based)
Anyways I would skip to describe how the Strategic HRM went through as it was a complete nightmare ..
As a part of the Strategic HRM course It was necessery to write the so called Strategic Paper, the paper was required as a proof to the teachers that the student has realized what Strategic HRM is.
I believe my paper became quite good and thus I decided to share it here on my blog in hope that some other students might benefit from my Strategic Human Resources and Management research paper.
Here is the strategic paper assignment document and the paper itself:
As I passed the Strategic HRM and it was one of the weighting factors for the subject end mark, it appears my research paper was found to be a good one by the teachers and therefore I assume other students from HAN might like to read it as a sample if they have to write something similar.
Yesterday about 14:08, my beloved cousin Stanislav Valentinov Velikov has passed a way silently in a motorcycle accident. It’s really terrible, I’ve been told today by my relatives and it was quite hard to believe it. My impressions from Stanislav was that he was a very kind good and shiny boy. Like most of us the sinners he had a deadly passion Motorcycles I haven’t seen Stanislav for already about 2.5 years, which was my personal fault not to keep a close contact with such a close relative. Last time I saw him, he was almost a child and now just few years later he is gone. I’ve just came by from his home, where all the relatives friends, grandfathers, grandmathers and all that loved him and know him when he was still among the living were gathered to say a last goodbye
What is even more painful is the ridiculous way he has passed away. Stani as we used to call him was driving his new Honda motorcycle and was driving nearby a traffic lights on a street “San Stefano” here in Dobrich, a taxi driver was trying to do a manoeuvre right after he had left his last customers. Of course as it often happens in Bulgaria the taxi driver was doing the manouver against the set driving rules, (he was doing a backward maneuver) on a street crossroad (located nearby the big supermarket Billa).
Stanislav was coming through the traffic lights in a high speed (it’s not clearly known what speed).He was driving the professional motorcycle without a a proper driving license, as he was 17 he only had a driving license for moped vehicle.
It appears the stupid taxi driver was doing his irresponsible law breaking maneuver right in the moment when Stanislav was riding on the road before the traffic lights. As my cousin saw the taxi driver he got probably scared (presumably) tried to use the breaks to prevent crashing the taxi driver possibly loose the motorcycle holders. He jumped over the motorcycle and hit and broke his neck 😐 It’s a terrible story really. What is even more terrible that the taxi driver was an ex-policeman and was one of the responsible sides for the deadly accident which costed the life of my cousin.
What can I say Bulgaria is really an insane country, even though I’m not a big wester fan I should say such an accidents are not that common in the Western World as the law is more observed there.
I’ve heard from my grandfather and grandmother that Stanislav was really gifted in technics especially in repairing motorcycles, moped vehicles etc.
Stanislav is still a pupil in the nearby Mathematics High School “Ivan Vazov”. Before his unexpected death my cousin was planning to get her girlfriend and get a ride to Varna where he was supposedly going to spend the school break and see my other cousin Desislav … I’ve been to Stani’s home and saw his lifeless body and it’s really striking, he is so young his death is causing an enormous trace and pain in me and my family.
Now my family is lessing itself with a one more good and decent person. Stanislav is a victim of this cruel age. I remember since his childhood that he was very pationate about computer games with motorcycles and cars. His deadly passion then went on into the real world, he first got a moped, then a professional motorcycle. He violated the law taking the bad example of the many computer games which preach uncontrolled high speed, adrenalin and living on the edge.
But my beloved cousin Stanislav as he was still a teen was not the one to be blamed, the real responsible ones are our parents who doesn’t educate is in the tradition and spirit of the faith of our fathers Orthodox Christianity
I’ve heard from my relatives that now the taxi driver probably want even be hold responsible, as he is an ex-cop and he has many friends still working in the police. Friends who would proof the taxi driver innocent!
We had a small talk with my sister today about the direct influence of the movies and the computer games on the computer psyche. I believe my cousin is not responsibe for his tragedic death as he was just following an implanted route in his mind by the multiple games and violent movies he has been a fan of. Stani is just another victim of this cruel age … As I saw him laying in the coffin I was thinking how short our live is. We work we bye we sell but we never know when our time will come.
What makes my cousin’s death even bigger trady is my uncle’s death (his father) who died just a few years ago after a severe sickness …
It’s a sad day today, it’s, also a clear example that we who are still living should come again to the mindset that we’re here for a short time. We should day by day think of what we have done wrongly (our sins), we should try to live better and love more as our saviour Christ has instructed us “If you’re my pupils, love each other”. It’s sad that we’re so hard-hearted that we don’t realize that what happened is a God’s warning not only to my family but to everybody out there.
If we don’t repent our sins and start living as God instructed us, our pains would multiple and our days will be living in sorrows … I pray that our merciful God the Holy Trinity has mercy on Stanislav’s (newly presented) soul and be merciful on him and receive him in paradise …
I was examinining my Desktop machine which I haven’t played with for a year and I found a nice dir “from_jivkoâ€. Jivko is a friend of mine who played in a nice old school band in Dobrich. The band is called Alegoria. That was awesome times, probably because this was the times of my youth, I would hardly forget all the nice Rock concerts organized in the “Mladezhki Dom†(Young’s House), a place left from communism dedicated to be a center of development in the spheres of art, music, dance etc. for the teenagers and developing youth. Alegoria was a band who played actively in music genre of Punk/Rock in the period (1997 – 1999), it’s possible that there latest concert was in 2000. Even though the band does existed for so little time. It was quite productive and their sound I would call unique :). In the same period there was another interesting band playing in Dobrich, their genre was mostly similar to Nu metal (Coal Chamber and alike), as well they played sort of mix of Coal Chamber and Rage Against the Machine , the letter band was named BFD. Last year a friend of mine Jivko who was a member of Alegoria playing the drums. Sent me an Archive which included some of the Alegoria songs as well as if I recall correctly one of the tracks baked by BFD, the archive also included also an old school bulgarian in the punk tradition called Abort. Anyways Download the Alegoria songs here , the rest of the Abort songs could be found in here . I enjoyed a lot listening to this nice old crap! 🙂 Hope somebody out there would enjoy it too.END—–
I came along a nice Linux Related magazine called Ubunchu It’s a short story about few kids membering in a pc geek club. The 3 kids start installing ubuntu and getinto the ordinary quarrels on the topic of “which linux distribution is better?” and is Linux alreadydesktop ready. Download and read the mirrored copy of Ubunchu Magazine here