Today 9th of May in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan still celebrate the day of Victory over Nazism in World War II. In relation to that in those country the day is official holiday. And everyone celebrates for great heroism of Soviet Soldiers who beat up Germany and Hitler's Nazism regime. Unfortunately in Bulgaria and many of ex-countries part of Soviet Union does not celebrate it anymore. Today in Bulgaria we mark up the Artificial Holiday of Creation of European Union.
Лев Лещенко и хор МВД России – День Победы [HD] – The day of Victory
Вставай страна огромная. / Rise up Big Country
Парад Победы на Красной площади 9 мая 2012 (полное видео)/ Day Parade of the Red Square 9-th of May 2012
Some might be puzzled to know about 300 million of inhabitants of the world are Slavonic and speak some kind of Slavonic language. This is almost 6% of the population. Slavonic languages are easy to comprehend. It is curious fact that until 10 years ago about half of the books in the world were in Slavonic or some kind of variation of Slavonic. Russians, Macedonians, Serbians, Slovenians, Czechs, Bulgarians, Belaruse, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Ukraine, Slovakia, Monte Negro, Poland, Khazakstan. It plenty of people. Obviously it is most likely that the better integration between nations happens based on cultural and language criterias. As all Slavonics more or less share certain similar cultural heritage (at least more closer between each other than to Western Culture), it is good and logical Slavonic nations to unite and be in economic union. Today I had the opportunity to be unexpectedly guest in Macedonian family. It was quite interesting to find out the food they eat, the language and the people habits and manners are mostly the same as Bulgarians. It was clear that we're one nation, so we had to act like this. I've been once in Slovenia and I had similar observations, it seems Slovenian language is a mixture of ancient Bulgarian, little latin, Serbian and some Germanic. My observations on meeting with different cultures shows it is much easier to understand each other with other Slavians, than with Western People. Probably it is similar if not the same between French, Belgium, German and Dutch. If the European Union want to survive therefore obviously it should concentrate on unification of two blocks pretty much like the Roman Empire. Instead of trying to create one united megapolis under the flag of some unreal unrealistic slogans.
We are 300 million. We are Slavonic! – Нас 300 миллионов! Мы Славяне!!!
Bessarabian Bulgarians in Moldova ex-Romania – documentary movie
Very few Bulgarians nowadays know well their history. Bulgaria has glorious and rich history. After the liberation of Bulgaria many Bulgarians migrated to Russia and Moldova, to escape the fierce wars and mass killingins from Ottoman Turkish. Nowdays most of people who live in Bulgaria has negative attitude towards our homeland. Few are those that know that 1000 kilometers from Bulgaria there are more Bulgarians, who are trying hard to preserve their nationality. It is very curious, that most of Bulgarians nowadays want to emigrate in Western countries, where Besarabian Bulgarians think and dream of going back to Bulgaria. I think we Bulgarians should re-think well before we think about emigration and try to do more for our country instead of having the post-communist and still rooted by communist negativism and pessimism that is ruling us.
Bulgarian Traditions of Bessarabian Bulgarians
(Note to make here is a lot of the commentaries on the video are junk especially concerning religion). Below is interesting statistics about Bulgarians who live on the lands of Besarabia. It was curious for me in Besarabia there is also Bulgarian schools and even Bulgarian universiy! There is also a city named BOLGRAD (BOLGAR GRAD – city of Bulgarians),
The general count of Besarabian Bulgarians in Republic of Moldova and Ukraine are about 230 000 There are also 151 596 who are Turkish speaking Bulgarians (Gagauzi). The complete number of Bulgarians Living in Besarabia is about 380 000!
In Ukraine, the number of Bessarabian Bulgarians is estimated at over 129,000 in Budjak (in the Odessa Oblast in the southern part of the country), and 75,000 elsewhere (mostly in other parts of Southern Ukraine), according to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, which counted a total of 204,600 Bulgarians in Ukraine. Bulgarians are a majority in Bolhrad District (45,600 of its 75,000 inhabitants), but they also inhabit other districts of Budjak: Arciz – 20,200 of the 51,700, Tarutino – 17,000 of the 45,200, Izmail – 14,100 of the 54,700, and Sarata – 10,000 of the 49,900. There are also 8,600 Bulgarians in the city of Izmayil (85,100 total population). Outside Budjak, Odessa has many Bulgarians that have moved there in recent years. The city of Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky is about 4% Bulgarian, making them the third-largest ethnicity there. The results of the census held in October 2004, there are 65,072 Bessarabian Bulgarians (1.95% of the population) in Moldova (excluding the region of Transnistria), concentrated mostly in the southern parts — chiefly in Taraclia district. In the census held in November 2004 in Transnistria, 3,164 (3.16%) Bulgarians have been counted in Tighina and surroundings and further 10,515 (2.39%) on the Eastern bank of the river Dnestr. 29,447 Bulgarians live in the cities (and represent 2.26% of the urban dwellers), and 36,215 live in the countryside (1.74% of the rural inhabitants). 90.60% of ethnic Bulgarians were born in Moldova (the national average is 94.6%), 5,968 (9.09%) in other countries that were once in the Soviet Union (the national average is 5.16%), and 199 (0.30%) were born elsewhere. In Moldova (and likely Ukraine too, although statistics are not available here), the Bulgarians tend to use their native Bulgarian in rural areas, and Russian (instead of the majority language Romanian) in cities and towns. 53,178 or 80.99% of ethnic Bulgarians declared Bulgarian language as native (69.23% in urban areas, and 90.55% in rural ones), 2,766 or 4.21% of them declared Romanian language as native (4.91% in urban areas, and 3.64% in rural ones), 9,134 or 13.91% of them declared Russian language as native (25.08% in urban areas, and 4.83% in rural ones), and 584 or 0.89% of them declared another language as native (0.78% in urban areas, and 0.98% in rural ones). 35,808 or 54.53% of ethnic Bulgarians declared Bulgarian language as first language in daily use (36.81% in urban areas, and 68.95% in rural ones), 5,698 or 8.68% of them declared Moldovan language/Romanian language as first (7.93% in urban areas, and 9.29% in rural ones), 23,259 or 35.42% of them declared Russian language as first (54.45% in urban areas, and 19.95% in rural ones), and 897 or 1.37% of them declared another first language (0.81% in urban areas, and 1.81% in rural ones). Bessarabian Bulgarians represent 28,293, or 65.56% of the population of the Taraclia district. There are also Bulgarians in Chişinău (8,868, or 1.2%), Găgăuzia (8,013, or 5.1%), Cahul district (5,816, or 4.9%), Leova district (3,804, or 7.4%), and Cantemir district (3,736, or 6.2%). The share of ethnic Bulgarians in Transnistria is 10,515 (2.39%), of which 2,450 (1.55%) in Tiraspol, and 7,323 (8.44%) in Slobozia sub-district (which contains the village of Parcani). There are also 3,001 (3.09%) Bulgarians in the city of Tighina, and 342 in 3 suburbs. In total, there are 79,520 (2.02%) Bulgarians in Moldova, including Transnistria. Bessarabian Bulgarians represent a majority in one city of Moldova, Taraclia (10,732 Bulgarians, or 78%) and in 8 communes in the country:
I've been following what is happening in Ukraine over the last 6 months and I see with pain this poor brotherly Slavonic country is being literally destroyed by Radicals. It is obvious that the Revolution in Ukraine looks very similar to Revolution in Egypt, the War in Syria and obviously doesn't happen by itself but was financed by foreign forces to serve someone's interests. I known that in Ukraine people live poor, but even after the change in power it is less likely that they will start living better.
In my view Ukraine's people got infected by European Union's external appearance for prosperity and freedom. Such an outlook is just on the surface and everyone who lives in EU knows that well. It is my understanding that the European Union is based on fairy tales for freedom, friendship of nations based on economy. EU sets itself on rules and regulations and vague words combined with economic factors. With the crisis appearing one after another in country members of EU (Greece, Slovenia, Cyprus, Spain etc.) it is obvious that the EU is artificial union and not working well. Many country who belong to EU for some years already have seen that and even some like England want out of the European Union. With this in mind it is fully unclear to me why Ukrainians want and think that membership in EU will solve there economic problems … on the contrary once they join the EU, they will have to fulfill thousands of rules and regulations which will destroy there local country economy and will make them put out all country money out of the country into the pockets of Western Nations. Same nation genocide scenario was executed in Bulgaria and give "good satisfactory fruits". By the rules and regulations on Bulgaria our local economy was destroyed making our contry market completely dependent on other Western country market for daily products and external Western business investments. The failure of Bulgaria as a concurent on EU marketrun the wheel of EU economy, opening a new space for new investments and trade. Same happened with Romania and most likely will happen also with EU's newest member Croatia very soon.
Ukraine is a brotherly nation to Russia and even historically this two nations share very similar faith. Of course the two nations differ but the similarities and even the language makes them brotherly nations. Ukraine was part of Russian Empire and is called Ukraine (from the word end part of Russia). Historically Ukrainian were known as "MaloRus", Russians were known as "Rus" and Belarusian as (White Rus). Currently in Ukraine live 8,334,100 Ethical Russians (17% of Ukraine's population), the highest density of Russians is in Crimea with 58 % of Ethnic Russians.
Of course the economic crisis in Ukraine as every Crisis is not only a Crisis of material goods but a Crisis of spirituality. Big part of Ukrainian Church separated from Russian Orthodox Church and are not in canonical unity with rest of Orthodox Churches. Besides that the number of Uniats (Orthodox Christian who are under the rule of the Roman Pope) seem to be growing over the last years there. After the fall of USSR, the number of protestants and other Christian sects in Ukraine also has grown. The decay of Russian Orthodox Church diocese in Ukraine set a space for more and more religious spiritual divisions which affected the material country realm. Talking about religion it is worthy to mention a very curious and not much known fact is that current Prime Minister Oleksandr Turchynov (who took place of Viktor Yanukovych) is protestant pastor. The other key actor of the Ukrainian Revolution isArseniy Yatsenyuk who is not even Urainian but Ethic Ukrainian Jew.
Concerning Crimea historically give birth to Kievan Rus (and so to say is like mother land of all Russians as we known them), from year 1783 to 1917 was a territory part of Russian Empire, then from 1922 to 1991 it was part of Soviet Union, from 1991 to 1998, Crimea was autonomous Republic. Crimea is well known from history where Russian Empire fought with French Empire in Crimean War (1853-1856). It is no strange why Russia wants Crimea so hard as they have historically fought for this land and over the last few centuries it was Russian teritory. It will be no strange either if Crimea becomes a reason for another war …
So Who is right Russia or the Western World (European Union / United States)? For me from the facts it is more than clear that neither the Euroepan Union nor United States share a close history / language / culture with Crimea, neither ever this was their territory. Meaning Westerners doesn't have the right to escalate the situation by putting oil in the fire, but should better keep silent and let Ukraine Russia and Crimea solve their problem alone (in a peaceful way). But why Europeans and Americans try to intervene? Well simple economically European Union has more interest to have a new Member country membering ~ 45 millions and a nice tourist destination Crimea than to have a member with 3 million less, and US's influence on world by having a western oriented Ukraine will raise. This is the reason why they make so much noise and don't want to accept the referendum in Crimea for unification with Russia, because they have politic interests there.
Ukrainians was mislead to believe the fight for Ukraine is a nation heroism, where in reality what is happening in Ukraine is just serving biggest countries interests. The bad thing is what is happening there is a good reason for emerge of national war and we know from history such a small conflicts combined with a world economic crisis led to World War I and World War II. I don't say that such a war will emerge but I think Western World should be careful to not provoke a war in Europe through recognizing Crimea's people decision to become part of Russia.