Posts Tagged ‘Unstable’

Debian (Unstable) Squeeze / Sid /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/ linked to missing libraries

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

While playing with my installed programs on my recently updated Debian I stepped into a problem with /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/ It seems the library was linked to two non-existing libraries: /emul/ia32-linux/lib/ as well as /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/ A temporary solution to the issue is pointed out in Debian of the Debian Bug reports . As the report reads to solve that it’s required to:

1. Download libwrap0_7.6.q-18_i386.deb and libgdbm3_1.8.3-6+b1_i386.deb.

2. Extract the packages:dpkg -X libwrap0_7.6.q-18_i386.deb /emul/ia32-linux/dpkg -X libgdbm3_1.8.3-6+b1_i386.deb /emul/ia32-linux/

3. echo /emul/ia32-linux/lib >> /etc/

4. Execute /sbin/ldconfig

5. Check if all is properly linkedExecute ldd /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/|grep -i “not found”Hopefully all should be fixed now.

Quake3 Arena on Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze / Sid Unstable

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

quake 3 arena logo
I wanted to have running Quake3 on my Debian GNU/Linux just like I have it running on my FreeBSD system thus.
1. I’ve downloaded .
2. I executed :# chmod +x; linux32 ./
Note: make sure you have installed linux32 and ia32-libs packages!I tested directly executing #, but that was a failure, since the self extracting binary could not recognize the amd64 system architecture
After installing it via linux32, all went smoothly. Next I needed to copy all my game pak files into
/usr/local/games/quake3/baseq3. Remember that here it’s absolutely vital to have q3config.cfg file to your baseq3 directory.To make your life easier I’ve tarred the Quake Arena pak files, so you can freely fetch them via this baseq3 link
Now untar the newly fetched baseq3.tar.gz to /usr/local/games/quake3/Last step in the installation is to link the game binary to your /usr/games, I did this via
ln -sf /usr/local/games/quake3/quake3-smp /usr/games/
In your case it might be not necessary to link quake3-smp if you’re not running 2 Core CPU.
Hopefully, Now with God’s grace you should be having a fully functional Quake 3 Arena installation on your Debian Unstable GNU/Linux.

Debian Squeeze/Sid Unstable Compiz fix Gnome Run Application Alt+F2 problem

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

I’ve happily installed and use compiz-gnome. In order to succesfully run compiz I was required to execute itvia the command
1. # compiz –replace &
Compiz broke the default behaviour of some of my assigned keys like for example the nice handy Alt+F2 Run Application dialog box.That made me irritated and therefore I wanted to have the handy feature working as before. The suggested solution to the situation was proposedby user kiprit on the following post in ubuntuforums . I will quote here what the valueable post reads:
Start Compiz Config Settings ManagerGo to General Options, under Commands tabunder the commands fold, command line 0, type: gnome-rungo to “key bindings” fold, Run command 0, assign Alt+F2
It seems gnome for some reasons does not include application that invokes the Gnome Application Run menu. To fix that somebody out there has written a small program in C language that refers to the Run Application dialog.
Download the program gnome-run.c here . To properly compile the program use:
2. gcc -o gnome-run gnome-run.c -L/usr/lib/X11 -lX11
If you’re lucky gnome-run should be now poping up the Run Application dialog.
Afterwards please follow the instructions inabove’s forum post . I wasn’t completely happy with the solution because gnome-run doesn’t execute the Run Application dialog front focused. I’ve googled for other swift way to execute commands through a command and I came upon gmrun . Happily for me gmrun was already included in a packaged deb binary so all I had to do is install it via apt-get install gmrun and set it for execution on alt+f2 key press again as explained above.END—–

QuakeForge on Debian Unstable

Monday, September 7th, 2009

I wanted to have running Quake on my Debian GNU/Linux. Thus I looked as usual in google for the possible solutions.There were a couple of options I could approach. One of them was to use QuakeForge’s (QF)’s Quake engine. I tried to compileQuake Forge from it’s latest version 0.5.5, however that didn’t worked out. Therefore I needed another solution. I wantedto make installation of quakeforge as quick as possible. After some googling I found The Following Quake Debian Repository . Next I’ve downloaded all the necessery deb files on the Apache and installed them. File by file. I have to install the files with debian package manager file options –force-all because I’m running a Debian amd64 release. I did the deb binaries installation using the command:
. dpkg -i –force-all quakeforge*.deb. It might be a wise idea before executing the above binary to install either quakeforge-oss or quakeforge-alsa binary file otherwise while dpkg executes dpkg-reconfigure to quakeforge-common the package configuration will fail. There is one more thing to be done before you’re having a runnign version of Quake on your Linux. Be sure to download Quake’s original binary pak0.file and place it into the /usr/share/games/quake/id1 directory.Of course as you could expect in Linux things almost never work perfectly. I was unpleasently suprised when I started quakeforge and I realized I can not run the good old Quake with sound effects :(.END—–

Jalbum on Debian Squeeze / Sid (Unstable)

Friday, September 11th, 2009

I wanted to install Jalbum on Debian GNU/Linux and as usual with GNU/Linux there weresome complications. This time the Java installer won’t run reporting error:
No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH debian .
I really wanted it badly to work on Debian and after some time I happily managed to make it work.
Here is how:

1. Execute:# apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-fonts sun-java6-source sun-java6-demo2. Execute:# update-alternatives –config javaThere are 5 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java). Selection Path Priority Status————————————————————* 0 /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java 1043 auto mode 1 /usr/bin/gij-4.3 43 manual mode 2 /usr/bin/jamvm 10 manual mode 3 /usr/lib/jvm/ia32-java-6-sun/jre/bin/java 63 manual mode 4 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java 63 manual mode 5 /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java 1043 manual modeSelect 4 as default.
Now go and Execute
sh Jalbuminstall.binEND—–

No sound via pulseaudio in gnome 2.28 Debian unstable after upgrade and a simple fix

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

I’ve upgraded to gnome 2.28 on my Debian unstable. I was not surprised
to find out that sound is not working again. After some general debugging and testing :).
I’ve found the solution. The solution is to simply delete .pulse and .pulse-cookie
rm -rf ~/.pulserm -rf ~./.pulse-cookieNow restart pulseaudio:
killall -HUP pulseaudio
Hopefully sound now should be flowing right through your speakers.

New version of skype for Linux (Not working on Debian Unstable)

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

There seems to be a new version of Skype for Linux.
This would be a joy for every linux enthusiast … if only it had worked.
I’ve tested skype_static- on Debian unstable and it prooved to crash
the same way the previous skype release was crashing. What ugly proprietary
software skype is! I truely hope some software as a good substitute for skype
will come along to free us from this evil proprietary software!

Debian Squeeze / Sid ( Unstable ), Skype and pulseaudio fix microphone and sound issues

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

After I’ve recently upgraded to the latest current Debian Unstable release I stumbled upon many problems, many of which are discussed and fixes provided on the prevoius posts. One of the many terrible things I had to fix MANUALLY (I’m starting to hate that word), are the issues with sound and microphone in Skype. I’m using Skype, because skype_static- gives me worries, crashing every now and then. To fix my problems with sound and microphone while Googling I found this nice Aryn’s Blog post .
Here is what worked for me to fix the issues.
Execute1. apt-get install libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2debian-alsa libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio2. apt-get install libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio3. apt-get install paprefs pavucontrol padevchooserNext 4. open gnome-alsamixer and make sure your “Mic” is not muted (in some cases it might be some capture field muted ain’t sure?)5. Start pavucontrol and make sure in the Input Devices the mute button is not selected6. Go to the gnome panel System -> Preferences -> Sound and make sure in the Input menu Microphone is not muted7. start aumix and Make sure your Microphone is “Mic” and “Igain” is not set to low volume8. Execute: alsactl store to make sure that alsa settings are not lost on system restart9. In your home directory edit ~/.asoundrcAnd add— SNIP —pcm.card0 { type hw card 0}ctl.card0 { type hw card 0} —–10. Edit /etc/libao.conf and make sure it contains default_driver=pulse11. Edit ~/.profile and add: export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulse to it12. Open Skype go to “Sound Devices” and set sound in, sound out and ringing options to:HDA Intel (hw:intel,0)
If you’re lucky with God’s help and grace your skype’s sound output and input via mic should be working just fine :)END—–