Posts Tagged ‘Western European’

The American Dream Film – How American Economy works

Thursday, March 7th, 2013


All of us Americans strive for the American Dream,and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away.

Do you know how your money is created?

Or how banking works?

Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge?Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day?

The movie is pretty much similar in spirit to Money as Debt and to American Debt Explained for Dummies. Just like every movie there is a high element of manipulation in the movie. But anyways the general things explained are sadly very true. The trend of Borrowing to generate new money was embraced by Western European civilization and now is slowly starting to be adopted by Eastern Civilization and Ex-communist countries and newest members of EU like Bulgaria, Romania etc. A whole bunch of nations are pursueing after the "American Dream", non realizing they're destroying there national country and sovereignty and selling their citizens to Private Banking self-issuing structures like America's Federal Reserve. By taking the loans, in case of dying or unabling to pay the loan this loan is transferred to relatives and by taking loans those who do so leave a bad heritage to future generations. Hopefully those watching this little video will take moral and keep their ass away from credits. Enjoy 🙂


The American Dream Film-Full Length

The Treasures of Hermitage, Saint Peterburg Russia and its imitation Hermitage in Amsterdam

Thursday, January 17th, 2013


Since some time, I'm very interested in Russia culture as it is so inter-related to our culture in Bulgaria. .It is sad that nowadays Bulgaria is not with Russia, we share much more cultural and heritage roots with Russia than any Western European county or even generally Europe. Thus I believe for every Bulgarian and generally for anyone interested in art, maybe the most remarkable place to visit if you're in Russia is the city of Saint Peterburg. There is found the Russian National State museum. The Hermitage is a museum which historically used to be Winster Palace (Residency) for the Russian Tsar / King. What is unique about this museum is it is one of the oldest and largest museums in the world. The musem was founded in 1764 and since 1852 is in open for public visits. The museum consists of 3 000 000 unique items. Only a small number of those 3 million are exposed for public visitors. The museum contains artifacts from all around the world including very rare things like Mummy sarcophagus. The amount of gold in mostly everywhere is remarkable the ornaments and everything is amazing. For people who value art it is a must see. I still did not have the opportunity to see it with my own eyes. But even seeing it on a video is very  worthy.


The Treasures of Hermitage, Saint Petersburg, Russia (State Hermitage Musem of Russia)

As I'm currently in Holland, it was very interesting to find out one of the worthy things to see in Holland is an imitation of st. Peterburg's Hermitage in Amsterdam. There is plenty of beautiful and unique works in it too, as you can check in below video.


Hermitage Museum Amsterdam Tour an imitation of Hermitage State Museum of Russia

Enjoy ! 🙂