One of the reasons people are so caught with social …

Thursday, 25th April 2024

Comment on Why Open Social Networks like facebook and twitter are a big EVIL! by Zack.

One of the reasons people are so caught with social networking (Facebook esp.) is that social networks make them feel important. They share every little thing they do or think about, and they get instant gratification in the form of comments and ‘like’s. They don’t have any privacy concerns because they don’t think privacy matters. Ask your average FB user about identity theft, for instance, and they’ll probably answer something along the lines of, “lawl, that wud nevr happen 2 me!!”

As we become more and more dependent on computers, our “socializing” moves from offline to online too. It’s a sad truth, and most people won’t even realize they’re getting sucked into it until they’re old and graying and wondering where the hell their best years went. Not everybody is like that, though… and the fact that there are still people who think like you is a good sign. Love your blog, by the way, keep it up.

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