I've just completed watching a movie I found on youtube
NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1
The movie is quite intriguing research on the topic of Secret Societies and connection of what happened in the world so far. The movie points at what is about to happen in the future and how there are certain groups of people who has interest for the New Wolrd Order to come.
The movie says how the Biblical Prophecies, we can read in the bible has clearly foretold many of the things that happened like the re-creation of Jewish Country (Israel). All this events to occur was foretold many hundred years ago in the Holy Bible (scriptures). The movie director is called Leonard Ulrich a person who graduated with double degree in Winnepig University and University of Minnetoba Caneda. This presentational material is as it the author points himself a 5 years of research on secret societies and the New Wolrd Order. The movie discuss the major secret societies (occult) organizations existing of today and claims there is a connection between the different secret societies. As Ulrich's point is there is a clear connection between the major globalism, secret societies and ancient occult teachings. The movie can be classified under a conspiracy theory and some of the facts might be considered by many sceptical people a wild imagination, however all those who took the time to research on the movie's stand points will assure the movie is based on hard truths. As the presentation wents through history and turns back to the modern days it exposes how connections between a numerous of FreeMasonry organizations, dictatorship regimes like Communism, Nazism, Hitler Stalin and the rest of the key figures in modern day history somehow had a connection with the occult / sorceries / magicians or secret societies. All the America Founders, communism, nazism and the world wars the author claims, were initiated by this same secret soecities. The movie reveals shocking facts about the United Nations anti-christian character as well as the facts that many of the modern day turns the major world leaders of this day are orchestrated based on ancient non-christian belief systems like Kabalah I will stop here with my review and let you alone watch it and discern if the facts in the movie can be considered trustable. For me personally as a Christian, I'm pretty much convinced what the movie retells is pure facts. Unfortunately nowdays, most people are so deluded, so they can't see the pure facts, but prefer to believe the lie that the world is governed towards its destination by money only. Well, I clearly see it myself how most people nowdays are blindly led to bow down in front of technology which is just a major tool for the building of this unrightous (unjustice) system proclaimed under the fuzzy name New World Order. I truly enjoyed the movie and I believe watching the movie will help many to realize that Christianity is not just some old tales but a religion based on facts and truths.
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Tags: Bible Prophecies, Biblical Prophecies, communism, connection, director, history, holy bible, movie, New Wolrd Order, nowdays, today, watching