
Fr Pavel Stefanov, Shoumen University, Bulgaria

(no subject)


Да възхвалим сега славните мъже и отците на нашия род: много славни дела Господ е явявал чрез тях със Своето величие отвека (Иис. Сир. 44:1-2)

Всеки от нас има свой имен ден, посветен на православен светец или празник. Втората неделя след Петдесетница е именният ден на цяла България – денят на всички български светии. Редица протестантски секти отхвърлят почитта към светиите и св. Богородица. Парадоксално е, че същевременно някои от тях като мормоните наричат себе си “светии”, което издава прекалена самоувереност и липса на смирение. Почитта към светиите е ярко изразена в Новия Завет на Библията и е твърде характерна за древната Църква, чиито приемници сме ние. Почитането на светиите (veneratio) нито замества, нито противоречи на преклонението (adoratio), което отдаваме само на Бога.

Най-характерният елемент в култа към светиите е подражанието във вярата и доброто. Христос е нашият съвършен пример. На Него подражават Христовите апостоли, които просвещават цялата земя със своята проповед. На свой ред на апостолите подражават равноапостолите на българската земя – първият наш мисионер св. Енравота, св. княз Борис, учениците на св. Кирил и Методий начело със св. Климент и Наум.

Те са били първенци в своите царства и прочути по сила мъже; те са давали разумни съвети, възвестявали са чрез пророчества (ст. 3)

След апостолската епоха за древната Църква започва времето на мъчениците. Повече от триста години римската власт с огън и меч се стреми да изтреби самото име “християнин”. На ранните мъченици подражават нашите многобройни мъченици от османското робство – както мъже, така и жени, както духовници, така и миряни. Сред тях блестят имената на трима млади мъже, свързани със Североизточна България – св. Райко Шуменски, св. Йоан Омуртагски и св. Прокопий Варненски. Древната църква се гордее с най-блестящите умове, най-извисените богослови, най-проникновените тълкуватели на Словото Божие. Техни следовници са българските епископи от Златния век на цар Симеон, включително патрона на Шуменския университет Константин Преславски, и духовните водачи на нашия народ като св. патриарх Евтимий и св. Софроний Врачански.

Те са били ръководители на народа в съвещания и книжно обучение; мъдри думи имало в тяхното учение (ст. 4-5)

Много от светците в календара са монаси и монахини, отдадени на молитва и аскеза. Те са пример и идеал за следване от българските иноци и инокини, като се започне от родоначалника на нашето монашество св. Иван Рилски и се стигне до преп. Паисий Хилендарски.
Ние сме дали православието и писмеността на другите славянски народи, които имат повече светци в календарите си от нас. Трябва сериозно да се помисли за канонизирането на великите и благочестиви наши царе като Иван Асен ІІ, Иван Александър, отказалия да приеме исляма Иван Шишман. Не заслужава ли ореола на светостта един титан със световни мащаби като Екзарх Йосиф, който отдаде живота си за обединението и напредъка на Българската църква и българския народ?

Между тях има такива, които са оставили след себе си име да разглася тяхната хвала (ст. 8)

От друга страна трябва много внимателно да се подходи към настойчивите призиви да бъдат канонизирани известни националреволюционери. Разколниците прибързано обявиха йеродякон Игнатий (Васил Левски) за светец. Следва да се прави разграничение между идеология и вяра, между политика и религия, между хората, борили се с оръжие в ръка за освобождение на страната и загинали в тази борба, и светците, следвали Христовия идеал на ненасилието и любовта дори към враговете. Неслучайно гърците наричат хората от първата категория „етномъченици”, а не православни мъченици. Освен това, евентуалната канонизация трябва да се опира не само на доказано свят и чист живот, но и други фактори като нетление на мощите, извършени посмъртно чудеса и др. Трябва най-сетне да се вземе решение за причисляване към сонма на светците на редица български духовници, зверски изтезавани и убити от комунистите преди и след 9 септември 1944 г.

Има и такива, за които не е останал спомен, които са изчезнали, като да не са съществували (ст. 8)

Нека в днешния ден, посветен на българските светци, да изпросим тяхното молитвено застъпничество пред Божия престол за многострадалния българския народ, който притежава много добродетели и заслужава по-добра съдба.

A. Le Boulluec
Alexandrie antique et chrétienne. Clément et Origène
Deuxième édition revue et augmentée
Turnhout, Brepols, 2012, XXVIII+516 p.
Series: Collection des Études Augustiniennes : Antiquité (EAA 178)
ISBN: 978-2-85121-259-7
Retail price: EUR 67,29


Alain Le Boulluec, Directeur d’études (« Patristique et histoire des dogmes ») à l’École Pratique des Hautes Études – Section des sciences religieuses, spécialiste internationalement reconnu de patristique grecque, a pris sa retraite en août 2006. À cette occasion, ses collègues et amis ont pris l’initiative de lui offrir un volume contenant un choix de ses opera minora qui reflète ses domaines de prédilection: Alexandrie antique et chrétienne, en particulier les œuvres et la pensée de Clément et d’Origène.

Table des matières

Avant-propos - Bibliographie d’Alain Le Boulluec - Introduction - Première partie: L’ « École » chrétienne d’Alexandrie. Entre légende et histoire - L’ « école » d’Alexandrie. De quelques aventures d’un concept historiographique - Aux origines, encore, de l’ « école » d’Alexandrie - Deuxième partie: Projet intellectuel et composition littéraire chez Clément - Clément d’Alexandrie et la conversion du « parler grec » - La rencontre de l’hellénisme et de la « philosophie barbare » selon Clément d’Alexandrie - Pour qui, pourquoi, comment ? Les Stromates de Clément d’Alexandrie - Extraits d’œuvres de Clément d’Alexandrie. La transmission et le sens de leurs titres - De l’usage de titres « néotestamentaires » chez Clément d’Alexandrie - Troisième partie: L’élaboration doctrinale chez Origène - Les réflexions de Clément sur la prière et le traité d’Origène - De la croissance selon les stoïciens à la résurrection selon Origène - De l’unité du couple à l’union du Christ et de l’Église chez les exégètes chrétiens antiques - Controverses au sujet de la doctrine d’Origène sur l’âme du Christ - Quatrième partie: Les méthodes de la polémique chez Clément et Origène - L’Écriture comme norme hérésiologique dans les controverses des IIe et IIIe siècles (domaine grec) - Exégèse et polémique antignostique chez Irénée et Clément d’Alexandrie. L’exemple du centon - La place de la polémique antignostique dans le Peri archôn - Y a-t-il des traces de la polémique antignostique d’Irénée dans le Peri archôn d’Origène ? - La réflexion d’Origène sur le discours hérésiologique - De l’Évangile des Égyptiens à l’Évangile selon Thomas en passant par Jules Cassien et Clément d’Alexandrie - Cinquième partie: Débats et recherches sur les œuvres de Clément et d’Origène - L’édition des Stromates de Clément d’Alexandrie en France aux XVIIe siècle et la controverse entre Fénelon et Bossuet - La lettre sur l’ « Evangile secret » de Marc et le Quis dives salvetur? de Clément d’Alexandrie - Vingt ans de recherches sur le Contre Celse: état des lieux - Sixième partie: L’interprétation des Écritures chez Clément et Origène - Héritages et innovations - L’allégorie chez les Stoïciens - Voile et ornement: le texte et l’addition des sens, selon Clément d’Alexandrie - Les représentations du texte chez les philosophes grecs et l’exégèse scriptuaire d’Origène. Influences et mutations - Les emplois figurés du livre dans la Septante et leur interprétation chez Origène et les Pères grecs - De Paul à Origène: continuité ou divergence ? - Addenda et corrigenda - Index nominum - Tabula gratulatoria

Byzanz in Europa. Europas östliches Erbe. Akten des Kolloquiums 'Byzanz in Europa' vom 11. bis 15. Dezember 2007 in Greifswald
Hg. von M. Altripp
Turnhout, Brepols, 2012, X+502 p., 79 b/w ill.
Series: Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization (SBHC 2)
ISBN: 978-2-503-54153-2
Retail price: EUR 90,00


The role of Byzantium in the Middle Ages is comparable to that of a modern political superpower such as the United States. The latter has a pervasive cultural impact on Europe and Asia, and similar cross-cultural relationships between East and West were also evident in medieval Europe, when Byzantine literature, music, art, and ritual were not only known but also studied and appropriated throughout the West. Scholarship on Byzantium and its relationship with Western Europe has yet to explore the full dynamics of this relationship or the extent to which the West was influenced by Byzantine culture. The papers presented in this volume offer a wide interdisciplinary perspective on the crucial importance of Byzantium for Western Europe, featuring articles on art and architectural history, social and religious history, musicology, literature, historiography, gender studies. The essays originate from an interdisciplinary conference, held in the Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald in December 2007, which brought together an international group of scholars. The proceedings of this gathering give a new and compelling testimony to the exceptionally high status of Byzantine culture in Western Europe and invite further studies on the exceptional and unique role of the Byzantine Empire, positioned at the crux between Europe and Asia.


The volume editor, Michael Altripp, received his PhD in Early Christian Archaeology and Byzantine Art from the University of Mainz, and currently holds an Associate Professorship at the University of Greifswald. His main fields of interests are at the crossroads of art and architecture with theology, and address in particular issues of exegesis, iconography and liturgy, as well as the dynamics of cross-cultural exchange between East and West.

Table of Contents:

Horst Schneider, Europa und Byzanz: Umberto Ecos Baudolino und die byzantinische Literatur

Alexander Riehle, Fremdsprachendidaktik zwischen Ost und West: Michaelos Apostoles und der Griechischunterricht im Quattrocento

Sebastian Ristow, St. Pantaleon in Köln. Ausgrabungen, Bau- und Forschungsgeschichte der Lieblingskirche von Kaiserin Theophanu

Ralph-Johannes Lilie, Kooperation und Konkurrenz zwischen Byzanz und dem lateinischen Europa im 9. und 10. Jahrhundert

Werner Seibt, Europäische Aristokraten auf byzantinischer Karriereleiter: Ein sigillographischer Beitrag zur Prosopographie des 11. Jahrhunderts

Benjamin Pohl, Schnittpunkt Süditalien: Päpste, Patriarchen und Normannen im späteren 11. Jahrhundert, 1054 und 1098

Ernst Christoph Suttner, Ökumenische Offenheit im Österreich des 20. Jahrhunderts: Eine Auswirkung insbesondere der Kirchengemeinden. Von byzantinischer Tradition in der Habsburgermonarchie

Igor Pochoshajew, Byzantinische Einflüsse auf antijüdische Polemik der Mozaraber

Drew Maxwell, Byzantine Southern Italy, Monte Cassino and the estrangement of East and West

Gabriele Winkler, Über die Basilius-Anaphora

Oliver Gerlach, About the import of the Byzantine intonation Aianeoeane in a 9th century tonary

Pavlos Tzermias, Die europäische Dimension von Byzanz

Fedor Schlimbach, Byzantinische Einflüsse auf den westgotenzeitlichen Kirchenbau in Hispanien? Bemerkungen zur Herleitung der Motive innerhalb der Baudekoration von Santa María de Quintanilla de Las Viñas (Burgos) im Streit zwischen Visigotistas und Mozarabistas

Jörg Drauschke, Diplomatie und Wahrnehmung im 6. und 7. Jahrhundert: Konstantinopel und die merowingischen Könige

Nino Zchomelidse, Der Lateransalvator und seine mittelalterlichen Repliken - Überlegungen zur Aneignung eines byzantinischen Bildtyps im Westen

Ulrike Koenen, Zur Rezeption byzantinischer Kunstwerke im mittelalterlichen Westen

Sabine-Maria Weitzel, Das romanische Ausmalungsprogramm der St. Marienkirche in Bergen auf Rügen - Überlegungen zu einer Bildkomposition der Weltgerichtsdarstellung

Michael Altripp, Anmerkungen zur sogenannten „Byzantinischen Frage“ - Oder: Byzantiner im Westen

Chryssa Ranoutsaki, Bildgenese und Bildwandel in spätbyzantinischer Zeit

Peter Schreiner, Byzanz und der Osten: Zur Frage politischer und kultureller Gewichtungen einer mittelalterlichen Grossmacht

Ihor Ševčenko, Byzantinists Old and New

Jacek Maj, Die „Byzantinische Frage“ und die polnische Kultur: Ein bibliographischer Bericht

Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan, Die Rezeption des Hymnos Akathistos in Armenien. Eine neuentdeckte Übersetzung des Akathistos Hymnos aus dem 12. Jahrhundert

Pablo Argárate, Pneumatologische Konzentration - Ein byzantinisches Erbe in der Orthodoxen Theologie

Tagungsablauf des Kolloquiums „Byzanz in Europa: Europas östliches Erbe“



J. Ries
L'Eglise gnostique de Mani
Turnout, Brepols, 2012, 550 p.
Series: Homo Religiosus (HR 11)
ISBN: 978-2-503-54095-5
Retail price: EUR 75,00

Table of Contents

Première partie : l’Église gnostique, le salut et les sauveurs

Chapitre I : La révélation dans la gnose de Mani
Chapitre II : Jésus la splendeur, Jesus patibilis, Jésus historique dans les textes manichéens occidentaux
Chapitre III : Le dialogue gnostique du salut dans les textes manichéens coptes
Chapitre IV : Économie du salut et rôle des sauveurs selon les textes manichéens occidentaux
Chapitre V : L’âme du monde et la rédemption de la lumière dans le manichéisme
Chapitre VI : Dieux cosmiques et Dieu biblique dans la religion de Mani
Chapitre VII : La doctrine de l’âme du monde et des trois sceaux dans la controverse de Mani avec les Elchasaïtes
Chapitre VIII : L’Église gnostique de Mani et son message universel de salut
Chapitre IX : Le manichéisme entre gnose et syncrétisme

Deuxième partie : La vie quotidienne dans l’Église de Mani

Chapitre I : Commandements de la justice et vie missionnaire
Chapitre II : L’enkrateia et les motivations dans les Kephalaia coptes de Médînet Mâdi
Chapitre III : Le rite baptismal elchasaïte et le symbolisme manichéen de l’eau
Chapitre IV : La fête du Bêma, solennité pascale de l’Église manichéenne
Chapitre V : Prière, liturgie et lieux de culte dans l’Église de Mani
Chapitre VI : Sagesse et gnose dans la tradition manichéenne copte

Troisième partie : L’eschatologie dans la gnose de Mani

Chapitre I: Neutestamentliche eschatologische Grundzüge in dem manichäischen koptischen Hymnenbuch von Médînêt Mâdi
Chapitre II : Mort et survie selon les doctrines de Mani
Chapitre III : L’eschatologie manichéenne selon les textes occidentaux et orientaux
Chapitre IV : Les Trois temps et la fin du Temps dans la gnose de Mani

Quatrième partie : L’Église de Mani parmi les religions

Chapitre I : Bouddhisme et manichéisme les étapes d’une recherche
Chapitre II : Théologie solaire manichéenne et culte de Mithra
Chapitre III : Sotériologie manichéenne et paganisme romain
Chapitre IV : La Bible chez saint Augustin et chez les manichéens
Chapitre V : Christianisme et manichéisme l’affrontement de deux religions universelles de salut

Cinquième partie : L’Église gnostique de Mani et l’Église de Jésus Christ. le combat de saint Augustin
Titre I. la conversion d’Augustin d’Hippone

Chapitre I : Augustin d’Hippone : du manichéisme au néoplatonisme
Chapitre II : La conversion de saint Augustin du manichéisme au catholicisme. Controverses anciennes et positions récentes

Titre II . Le jugement porté sur le manichéisme

Chapitre I : Saint Augustin et le manichéisme à la Lumière du livre III des Confessions
Chapitre II: Le jugement porté sur le manichéisme par saint Augustin à la lumière de son expérience relatée dans les confessions

Titre III . Saint Augustin contre l’epistola fundamenti de Mani

Chapitre I : Une version liturgique copte de l’Epistola Fundamenti de Mani réfutée par saint Augustin ?
Chapitre II : Notes de lecture du Contra Epistulam Fundamenti d’Augustin, à la lumière de quelques documents manichéens
Chapitre III : Le mal et ses origines dans le Contra Epistulam Fundamenti. Augustin d’Hippone répond à Mani

Titre IV . La création et le salut de l’homme

Chapitre I : La Création, l’Homme et l’histoire du salut dans le De Genesi Contra Manichaeos de saint Augustin
Chapitre II : Jésus sauveur dans la controverse anti-manichéenne de saint Augustin

Synthèse : Christianisme et manichéisme : l’affrontement de deux religions universelles de salut


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Kenneth Seeskin
Jewish Messianic Thoughts in an Age of Despair
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 232 pp.
Price: £55.00


Belief in the coming of a Messiah poses a genuine dilemma. From a Jewish perspective, the historical record is overwhelmingly against it. If, despite all the tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people, no legitimate Messiah has come forward, has the belief not been shown to be groundless? Yet for all the problems associated with messianism, the historical record also shows it is an idea with enormous staying power. The prayer book mentions it on page after page. The great Jewish philosophers all wrote about it. Secular thinkers in the twentieth century returned to it and reformulated it. And victims of the Holocaust invoked it in the last few minutes of their life. This book examines the staying power of messianism and formulates it in a way that retains its redemptive force without succumbing to mythology.


• Examines Messianism without succumbing to mythology
• Addresses big issues in a straightforward way
• Complete coverage of the history of the idea and the problems it raises

Table of contents:

1. Messianism and mythology
2. Maimonedes and the idea of a deflationary Messiah
3. Internalism: the Messiah within
4. Infinite deferral
5. History and rationality
6. History and irrationality
7. Redemption

Architecture of the Sacred: Space, Ritual, and Experience from Classical Greece to Byzantium
Edited by: Bonna D. Wescoat and Robert G. Ousterhout
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 416 pp., 151 b/w illus.
Price: £60.00


In this book, a distinguished team of authors explores the way space, place, architecture and ritual interact to construct sacred experience in the historical cultures of the eastern Mediterranean. Essays address fundamental issues and features that enable buildings to perform as spiritually transformative spaces in ancient Greek, Roman, Jewish, early Christian and Byzantine civilizations. Collectively they demonstrate the multiple ways in which works of architecture and their settings were active agents in the ritual process. Architecture did not merely host events; rather, it magnified and elevated them, interacting with rituals facilitating the construction of ceremony. This book examines comparatively the ways in which ideas and situations generated by the interaction of place, built environment, ritual action and memory contributed to the cultural formulation of the sacred experience in different religious faiths.


• Not geographically or culturally limited, but instead addresses Greek, Roman, Early Christian, Jewish and Byzantine constructions of sacred space
• The authors, chiefly archaeologists, are fundamentally grounded in the complex material remains; exploring constructions of sanctity from 'the ground up'
• Several essays introduce previously unpublished material

Table of Contents

Preface Robert G. Ousterhout and Bonna D. Wescoat
1. Material culture and ritual: state of the question Jaś Elsner
2. Monumental steps and the shaping of ceremony Mary B. Hollinshead
3. Coming and going in the sanctuary of the great gods, Samothrace Bonna D. Wescoat
4. Gateways to the mysteries: the Roman propylon and in the City Eleusinion Margaret M. Miles
5. Architecture and ritual in Ilion, Athens, and Rome C. Brian Rose
6. The same, but different: the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus through time Ellen Perry
7. Mapping sacrifice on bodies and spaces in ancient Judaism and early Christianity Joan Branham
8. The 'foundation deposit' from the Dura Europos synagogue reconsidered Jodi Magness
9. Sight lines of sanctity at Late Antique Martyria Ann Marie Yasin
10. The sanctity of place and the sanctity of buildings: Jerusalem vs. Constantinople Robert G. Ousterhout
11. Divine light: constructing the immaterial in Byzantine art and architecture Slobodan Ćurčić
12. Architecture as a definer of sanctity in the monastery tou Libos in Constantinople Vasileios Marinis
Afterword Bonna D. Wescoat and Robert G. Ousterhout.

John Goodrich
Paul as an Administrator of God in 1 Corinthians
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 262 pp., 1 table
(Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series, 152)
Price: £60.00


This book looks in detail at Paul's description of apostles in 1 Corinthians 4 and 9 as divinely appointed administrators (oikonomoi) and considers what this tells us about the nature of his own apostolic authority. John Goodrich investigates the origin of this metaphor in light of ancient regal, municipal and private administration, initially examining the numerous domains in which oikonomoi were appointed in the Graeco-Roman world, before situating the image in the private commercial context of Roman Corinth. Examining the social and structural connotations attached to private commercial administration, Goodrich contemplates what Paul's metaphor indicates about apostleship in general terms as well as how he uses the image to defend his apostolic rights. He also analyses the purpose and limits of Paul's authority – how it is constructed, asserted and contested – by examining when and how Paul uses and refuses to exercise the rights inherent in his position.


• Assesses the complicated and multifaceted nature of authority in Paul
• Interprets an often overlooked metaphor in frequently ignored New Testament passages
• Differentiates between words and concepts that have been confused in past research, while demonstrating the importance of doing so

Table of Contents:

1. Apostolic authority in 1 Corinthians
Part I. Oikonomoi as Administrators in Graeco-Roman Antiquity: 2. Oikonomoi as regal administrators
3. Oikonomoi as civic administrators
4. Oikonomoi as private administrators
Part II. Paul's Administrator Metaphor in 1 Corinthians: 5. Identifying Paul's metaphor in 1 Corinthians
6. Interpreting Paul's metaphor in 1 Corinthians 4.1–5
7. Interpreting Paul's metaphor in 1 Corinthians 9.16–23
8. Conclusion
Index of passages
Index of authors


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