Nice russian (rock) music playlist - Most famous Rock Russian bands Rock Scene is relatively new in Russia, because in Soviet times. Rock was considered music that has negative influence on human being. After the fall of Soviet Union the amount of great rock / hard rock music increased tremendously. Russian rock is very unique and very different from Western rock in that, the scene behavior of musicians do very closely resemble the real life and understanding of life of the musician. In other words Russian Rock is usually made of people who truly believe in Rock. Though there were (bands) people in America and Western Europe that also played rock for the rock itself the main motivator in West was money. In USSR Times rock stimulus was not money as most people in Soviet society were earning almost the same no-matter on their job position . So enought blabbering here is some of probably the best Russian Rock / Hard rock bands of all times. My simple Russian Rock Playlist includes legendary groups like: ?????????? ??????? / Alexander Gradsky - - ? ????? ??? ?????? ? ?????? HQ High Quality - Was the first Russian rock singer performer musician (his first performance was when he was 13 years old in 1963) - DDT / ??? - Metal - - DDT is An Orthodox Christian hard rock band BI-2 / ??-2 - (A Belarusian rock band formed in Minsk in 1980s) ????? / Splin - - (Group name means melancholoy group formed in 1994) Kino / ???? (Viktor Tsoy vocals) - Viktor Tsoy - Is a rock-legendary Russian musician among the first who really played rock / dark wave in Communist Russia Sektor Gaza / ?????? ???? - - Life (Who become famous for their explicit uncensored swearing lyrics, sadly as it always happens the vocalist of the band commited suicide) Lube / ???? - - ?????? - Lube is the favourite band of Vladimir Putin :) Petlura / ??????? - - ?????? ???? ????????? ?????? / Moralnij Kodeks (9 ????) - Nautilus Pompilius Ya hochu byt' s toboy (? ????? ???? ? ?????) -