

Lintian::Relation::Version - Comparison operators on Debian versions


    print "yes\n" if versions_equal('1.0', '1.00');
    print "yes\n" if versions_gte('1.1', '1.0');
    print "no\n" if versions_lte('1.1', '1.0');
    print "yes\n" if versions_gt('1.1', '1.0');
    print "no\n" if versions_lt('1.1', '1.1');
    print "yes\n" if versions_compare('1.1', '<=', '1.1');


This module provides five functions for comparing version numbers. The underlying implementation uses libapt-pkg-perl to ensure that the results match what dpkg will expect.


versions_equal(A, B)

Returns true if A is equal to B (=) and false otherwise.

versions_lte(A, B)

Returns true if A is less than or equal (<=) to B and false otherwise.

versions_gte(A, B)

Returns true if A is greater than or equal (>=) to B and false otherwise.

versions_lt(A, B)

Returns true if A is less than (<<) B and false otherwise.

versions_gt(A, B)

Returns true if A is greater than (>>) B and false otherwise.

versions_compare(A, OP, B)

Returns true if A OP B, where OP is one of =, <=, >=, <<, or >>, and false otherwise.

versions_comparator (A, B)

Returns -1, 0 or 1 if the version A is (respectively) less than, equal to or greater than B. This is useful for (e.g.) sorting a list of versions:

 foreach my $version (sort versions_comparator @versions) {


Originally written by Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> for Lintian and adapted to use libapt-pkg-perl by Adam D. Barratt <adam@adam-barratt-org.uk>.


