October 06, 2009 Archives

Tue Oct 6 23:07:31 EEST 2009

Translation into Bulgarian of the Prophecies for the End Times of Sveti Anatoli (St. Anthony) && St. Nil

I've made translation in Bulgarian of God's revelation for the End Times of St. Anathony (Sveti Anatoli) and St. Nil (Sveti Nil)
for what to expect in the End Times of the world, prophecised by St. Anthony.
Here is a link to the prophecies of Sveti Anatoli in open office document format and in microsoft office doc format .
Here as well are links to st. Nil's (Mounth Athos monk) prophecies made in the 1651:
in odt format or in doc format . Another translation of prophecies I've completed today are the prophecies of St. Ambrosius, here are links for downloads:
of St. Ambrosius prophecies in odf text format in Bulgarian or the same ones in doc format