October 09, 2009 Archives

Fri Oct 9 17:18:47 EEST 2009

Linux, SKype and Microphone issues again

After some of the upgrades I've installed in my Debian unstable. the command:
amixer set 'Input Source' 'Internal Mic

is not working anymore. After testing many things, I've
realized the problem consists in alsamixer's settings.
Here is the fix:
# alsamixer -Dhw

Raise up the microphone sound level to a higher state.
Then testing it in audacity it worked fine.

Fri Oct 9 16:01:54 EEST 2009

Changing the default perl CPAN mirror

I'm fighting a problem with one of the websites transferred from
one server to another not correctly uploading pictures.
After some extensive search I find the problem lays in a missing
perl CPAN Image::Magick. The server where the website is temporary
stored is an ancient Fedora Core 1, therefore installing that peace
of CPAN wasn't an easy task. It seems the default soted mirror for
CPAN modules is no longer hosting CPAN. To solve the issue, I had
to change the default CPAN mirror. Following the suggestion from
some online blogs in order to change the CPAN mirror I issued:
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> o conf init

To select the proper mirror I used the ones stored in CPAN mirror list
after that I issued commands:
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install "Image:Magick"

It was no strange the build failed considering the fact that fedora is pretty much ancient.
Eventuall I've downloaded the ImageMagick-perl-5.5.6-13.legacy.i386.rpm and manually installed it:
rpm -ivh ImageMagick-perl-5.5.6-13.legacy.i386.rpm

Done! Problem solved. Let's go on to the next server challenge.