October 16, 2009 Archives

Fri Oct 16 23:12:40 EEST 2009

How to "Enabling your blog posts posted to nanoblogger to be also imported to your wordpress"

I wanted to simulatenously have all my nanoblogger posts imported as well to my wordpress on pc-freak.net/blog .
To achieve that I've came with a small shell script.
Here is the script itself import_to_wordpress.sh .
The script depends on the nb_2_wordpress.py script.
To make my import_to_wordpress.sh script execute every I have a new entry in nanoblogger I've edited my nb
bash script which is part of nanoblogger and I've inserted the line:
/usr/local/sbin/import_to_wordpress.sh, right before the last "exit 0" command statement.
So now everytime I use nb -a entry to blog a new entry the content of my entry goes to my wordpress as well,
quite cool :D

Fri Oct 16 12:48:50 EEST 2009

Installing hardware RAID monitor on IBM xseries 345 model 8670, IBM Server RAID monitoring via IBM's RAID software RaidMan on 32 bit (i386) Debian Etch

Following my prescriptions the company where I work for has bought two hard drives for one of the
servers we use for website hosting. The two drives are with capacity of 80GB. Yesterday I spend
part of the day communicating with the tech support in the colocation center in (Evolink) Sofia
Thanks God the hardware raid building has been succesfully managed by one of my colleagues working in Evolink.
However he mentioned that some kind of warnings were present in the previous existing RAID 1 array.
To be honest I've never thought before about monitoring the RAID array, before the tech support
guy suggested. To build the hardware array during boot, (Kalin), that's how the technical support in Evolink
is called, he had to download the cd with software for our IBM xseries 8670, and then boot up from the cd
following the instructions in the Server manual to build the array. Anyways that obviously went smoothly
as I've already said. Taking in consideration his suggestions of monitoring the drives in the RAID array.
I did some research in Google and came across the following Ubuntu's forums thread Monitoring utility for IBM ServerRAID .
The thread dealt with converting the original RPM package bundled on the IBM software original CD to
a deb package in order to make it properly installable and integrated into debian based systems (debian, ubuntu).
Since our current OS of choice on the IBM server is Debian Etch linux, I had the follow the part in the Article
from the post dealing with 32 bit rpm package conversion. Everything explained in the forum worked out-of-the-box
happily, no settle backs occured. Thus I'll present the steps here literally required to be partaked to achieve
the proper install:

1. Download the IBM ServerRAID application CD from IBM Support's Website
Link to the ISO at the time of writting this post can be obtained from IBM ServerRAID application CD ,

just make sure you use a browser and accept the license agreement before the download proceeds
2. Install the following 3 packages,
# apt-get install alien fakeroot libstdc++5

3. link sort required, cause in Redhat sort is located on a different place
# ln -s /usr/bin/sort /bin/sort

4.Mount the downloaded iso
# mount -o loop ibm_sw_srapp_9.00-16973_anyos_32-64.iso /media/cdrom

5. Copy rpm to /some/directory and convert it to .deb package
# cp /media/cdrom/linux/manager/RaidMan-9.00.i386.rpm /some/directory
# cd /some/directory
# fakeroot alien -c RaidMan-9.00.i386.rpm
Next tweak some scripts to make it Debian/Ubuntu native

# mkdir -p raidman_9.00-1_i386/DEBIAN

# dpkg -x raidman_9.00-1_i386.deb raidman_9.00-1_i386/

# dpkg -e raidman_9.00-1_i386.deb raidman_9.00-1_i386/DEBIAN

# vim raidman_9.00-1_i386/DEBIAN/postinst

# (remove the line containing "chkconfig --add raid_agent"
Next open:
# vim raidman_9.00-1_i386/DEBIAN/postrm
# chkconfig --del raid_agent

# dpkg -b raidman_9.00-1_i386/ raidman_9.00-1_i386.deb
12. Now install the new .deb raidman package
# dpkg -i raidman_9.00-1_i386.deb

13. With God's help everything should go smoothly and now you should have
a working raid monitoring software on your Debian Server
To start the raid agent issue the command:

# /etc/init.d/raid_agent start

Here is also a download link to raidman_9.00-1_i386.deb