вт дек 25 00:41:01 EET 2007


This christmas is again a failure. I'm not really happy from what my life is nor my friends are. I think nobody respects me. I'm convinced nobody loves nobody. I don't see answer to a particular prayer so i'm stucked. I fucked up my freebsd system. I observe a lot of problems when dealing with usbs under FreeBSD. Actually I want to lay and not to wake up in the morning. I don't have the love of my life something I've badly wanted all my life. The bible tells us that we pray to our Heavenly Father he will give us what we want just read that I wonder when this is going to happen ... I'm so tired of waiting. I've spoke a lot of uncensored words today ... hell this world is going down. Does God save or not. If God saves I'll let you know on my next posts (if there are such ..)