January 06, 2009 Archives

вт яну 6 22:55:35 EET 2009

Human Resource Accounting Exam (HRA)

Yesterday I had an HRA exam. I was completely unprepared from one side because of my laziness and another reason because I don't understand accounting at all. I went to the exam and felt terrible I was there standing like a complete idiot. This has happened to me a various times before in the other universities where I have studied as well. I have prayed to God to grant me to pass the accounting exam, on the exam I was able to copy a bit from Ina and I hope that would be enough and God would do the rest needed to make me pass if that's his will. Today I went for few hours to the university because of GRACE (A chineese girl colleague) asked me to help her a bit something with Microsoft Word! I hate this program but anyways I tried my best to help her with the best I could, a little bit later she helped to prepare ROI for my financial part of the Change Management individual part which I have to prepare until the deadline which is tomorrow Wednesday 5 o'clock. I'm in a big doubt almost everyday I doubt shall I go back to Bulgaria and what to do with my life but that's something that I live with for so many years. I'm scared to quit once more studying because this is the 3rd time for me where I would quit university and this is too much I want to have a diploma ... I hope on God for that as well. But as we use to say in Bulgaria we'll live and will see what will happen. Let the will of God be. By the way today it's the Russian Christmas, the russian orthodox Church celebrates the Birth of our savoiur Jesus. Most of the day I felt spiritually fine and didn't suffered badly from a depression thanks to the Lord God :)