January 17, 2009 Archives

Sat Jan 17 03:28:01 EET 2009

FS Amilo Li 2735 Debian GNU Linux Wireless

A friend of mine has recently had struggles on his Fujitsu Amilo Li 2735 with making the wifi card working. After 3 hours of experiments I figured it out.
Here is a step by step small tutorial on how to make it work as well:
1. Installed and working iwl3945 module
2. firmware-iwlwifi debian package
3. Install acerhk-source
4. Execute module-assistant auto-install acerhk
5. put in /etc/rc.local modprobe acerhk autowlan=1; echo on > /proc/driver/acerhk/wirelessled
If you want to disable led echo off > /proc/driver/acerhk/wirelessled
You can use: iwlist scanning afterwards to scan for networks
6. ifconfig wlan0 up (brings up the wlan0 iface)

7. Enjoy !

In the meantime let me say few words for the week. Thanksfully it's over, I still haven't had my defense in International Labour Law. It's going to be on 20th of Jan. Zlati a friend I just recently made who lives in Vlissingen (a Dutch town) next to the sea, has been my guest for the day. The previous 3 days I was busy partly with helping Ina to move her stuff from the dorm since she is moving to an apartment. We had to to roll a shopping carret loaded with a table and a drawer and then to discarge it out of the shop. car. bring the luggage in the apartment on the 3rd floor :) I had a great time with Zlati. I prayed the Lord that he grant me an easy and fun day and somehow make that the servers and everything is running smoothly and to prevent me from having an extra work because I had to be away from the pc for a while and he heard me! Blessed be our merciful Lord and saviour Jesus Christ ! And the Father of All and the Holy Spirit! E.G. The Holy Trinity! Soon I'll pray a bit and probably go to bed. But 1st I'm going upstairs to check what's going on on the Bulgarian party that the Bulgarians are organizing tonight.