Mon Jun 29 22:13:55 EEST 2009


Today I went early in the morning to our Church (The Holy Trinity). With uncle Kolio who happens to be an orthodox Christian poems writer and is quite a literate person in general. On this church service I took the sacraments and bringed the holy cross in front of the priest :) and spend some time observing the priest serving in front of the Crucifix in the altar. Tisho a friend of mine was also with me and after the church service we walked together with uncle Koicho to his home. Afterwards Tisho was my guest at home and I transfered him some of my sis mp3s, before that we had a great dinner (my mother had prepared some fried potatoes and fried pan meet, just great!). I ate much more than I can swallow and now I have a bit of stomach aches, probably a consequence of my over ating, not to mention that earlier I bought and devored a pizza. In the afternoon I went to a underware retailer (a friend of my dad), to fix his computer I had to replace his power supply, the fan of the CPS was stalled. I bought a CPS from bergon where it happened that the salesman was an old friend of mine, we had a small chat, etc. Then I went to the retailer shop and fixed the machine it took me like 4 and a half hours. Now I have to meet Nomen infront of the Young House for a fast coffee. Thanks to the Lord the day was peaceful in general. P.S. Today we celebrate the orthodox feast of St. Paul and St. Peter. Greetings to everybody out named after Paul and Peter.