Sat Sep 19 18:49:02 EEST 2009

Open Microsoft Office 2007 .docx files in amd64 Debian (Squeeze / Sid) Unstable with odf-converter-integrator

After my upgrade to Debian Unstable I experienced problems with opening the microsoft office 2007 .docx files.
The error message that poped up every time I tried opening a docx file was:
Read-Error. Data could not be read from the file
I wasted some time looking for people who experienced the same issue and possible solution to the situation.
Unfortunately I couldn't find any fix online until I found the fix on my own experimenting installing different versions of the odf-converter-integrator.
First I've tried updating my current installed odf-converter-integrator version, which was odf-converter-integrator 0.2.1.
I've upgraded to a version odf-converter-integrator_0.2.2_i386.deb.
Unluckily that the problem persisted, so I tried some other suggested possible work arounds, none of which worked.
I was sure there should be a way to make it work so I continued trying stuff until I FOUND THE SOLUTION.
The solution was as simple as downloading odf-converter-integrator_strawberry_0.2.3-2_i386.deb from the odf-converter-integrator download page
And next install it executing:
dpkg -i --force-all odf-converter-integrator_strawberry_0.2.3-2_i386.deb
Hooray opening docx works corretly on my Debian Unstable now! I bet it works for you as well :) Praise the Lord!