Wed Sep 30 07:07:29 EEST 2009

Time Changer an interesting Christian Movie (In the Protestant tradition)

Today I've watched a nice American Christian movie in the protestant christians tradition. The movie is called Time changer
The story progresses with a couple of guys in an american bible seminary in the 19th century.
One of the professors is eager to publish a new book on morals, which doesn't stress
on our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ alone. One of his fellow colleagues is against,
stressing the importance of giving credit to Jesus Christ (the son of God and our Saviour),
for teaching us the true way of godliness. The two guys can't come into a mutual agreement
about the issue. The writer of the new book couldn't get the blessing of the seminary,
which would make the book inferior in the distant 19th century. Therefore the
author of the book strives to receive the acceptance of his colleagues. After failing
he is ready to do everything even if it contradicts the teachings presented in the bible.
The professor unwishful to endeavor the new book does explain to the professor author of the
book his motives for showing clear the relation between the Lord Jesus and the teaching of
morals presented in the Holy Bible. It seems this guy had the oportunity to travel in the
future through a gadgy machine invented by his father who has already departured.
This professor had the oportunity to witness what is the fruit of skipping to associate Christ as being the
one stressing on the importance of keeping God's moral standards in the 21st century.
The professor decides that the only way to convince his fellow colleague author of the new
book is to sent him right into the future and let him witness why teaching of morality
without Christ is pernicious. Finally after witnessing all the insanity and ungodliness created
in man's life as a consequence of not sticking to our lord's teaching, while traveling back
to his own time through the time machine the author of the new book rewrites his book to make
it be in accordance with the scriptures. The movie ends with one of the professors testing the machine
trying to send the holy bible as far as he could in the future. However he cannot send it to 2070,
then he tries a 2060, no luck as well etc.. A good end since it points how close we are to the Second Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!