Sun Dec 27 17:41:50 EET 2009

Importance for a website to be w3c compliant (validated)

Since some time, I'm working on an old small websites I've created to make
them w3 compliant, the websites were coded quite a long time ago and the code
was completele crippled. It took me a lot of efforts to rewrite this shitty code
to something a bit more compliant. I've used mostly W3C's online markup validation services to check for errors .
Another thing I heavily used was Mozilla Firefox's Html Validator Firefox add-on
. Here is a list of the websites I checked for w3c compliancy:
Pc-Freak.Net (hip0's personal websites on everything)
PcFreak Security's website
The website of the small Linux Seminar that took place in Dobrich
Bylgarskata Pravoslavna Bibliq v PDF i DOC
The Cool FreeBSD ascii games online
Prorochestva na Pravoslavnite Svetii za Svyrsheka na Sveta .
After validating this websites for w3c compliancy, many of them that won't index
in Google started indexing. So my advice to everybody online who haven't validated
his websites code yet is to do so immediately! :)