Fri Feb 19 13:24:56 EET 2010

Running VirtualHosts under separate user ids (uid) and group ids (gid) on Debian Lenny (Apache 2.2.x) - A substitute alternative to suphp with Apache MPM-itk

Before we start it might be a good idea to check out apache-mpm-itk's official homepage to get a general idea of what apache mpm-itk is.
So please visit Apache2-mpm-itk's homepage here
Now let's continue with the installation;

1. Install Apache2-mpm-itk

# apt-get install apache2-mpm-itk

2. Configure Apache2-mpm-itk
In order to configure Apache-MPM-ITK we have to do it for each of the configured VirtualHosts, e.g. no global options are required.
There is only one configuration Directive that has to be included in each and every Virtualhost configured in your Apache.
This is the AssignUserId and takes two parameter, (user name and group name), this are the user name and group name that the files on the specified virtualhosts will be executed as.

3. Here is an example on how to configure it for the default Apache virtualhost and the "example" user and group id.
AssignUserId web1_admin web1

So for instance edit vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/default and place there;

AssignUserId web1_admin web1

4. Last step is to restart Apache for the new VirtualHost configuration to be preloaded.

# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

The End :)