Wed Jun 23 13:57:13 EEST 2010

Vpopmail Virtualdomain post installation config and tuning of quotas and domain aliases

Many qmail+vpopmail install tutorials online give a good insight on how to install vpopmail on top of a qmail mail server.
However very few of them explain on how to setup and configure the basic vpopmail policy concerning new user creations.
For instance have you ever wondered how can you configure your vpopmail to create all new users by default with a quota limitation of 500MB?
I bet you have.

In this small post I'll discuss on how to setup (configure) the default policy concerning user creation of new virtual domain users in vpopmail.

1. In order to configure the maximum amount of new created users quota and the maximum number of messages a user mailbox may hold in vpopmail you should edit ~vpopmail/etc/vlimits.default

debian-server:~# vim ~vpopmail/etc/vlimits.default
Then put in the vlimits.default file:

# 500MB
default_quota 524288000
# maximum number of messages in a mailbox
default_maxmsgcount 10000

The above two vpopmail vlimits.default configuration directives are to set your new usernames to default_quota of 500 MB, which I suppose in most cases would be enough for most users, it will also set the maximum numbers in a mailbox to be equal to 10000 mail messages

2. Furthermore it's necessary that we create .over-quota.msg and the .quotawarn.msg

debian-server:~# touch /var/vpopmail/domains/.quotawarn.msg
debian-server:~# touch /var/vpopmail/domains/.over-quota.msg

Put in .quotawarn.msg something similar to the text:

From: Postmaster <>
Organization: My Organization
To: User:;
Subject: Mail quota exceeding
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1251
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Dear User,

The size of your mailbox has exceeded a warning threshold,
that is set by the system administrator.

Please contact our IT Department:
Tel.: +359 (42) 601694

Thereafter, it's a necessity to put in the .ovar-quota.msg the text

Message rejected. Not enough storage space in user's mailbox to accept message.

Having done that we need to set the proper permissions for the newly created files:
debian-server:~# chown vpopmail.vchkpw /var/vpopmail/domains/.*msg

Note that if your vpopmail is installed in a different location than the default one /var/vpopmail it will be required that you set the proper location in the touch and chown commands foreshown above.

Then it's probably idea to add a mail alias if your mail server domain is and your primary mail vpopuser domain is issue the command:

debian-server:~# /var/vpopmail/bin/vaddaliasdomain

Tt's an interesting fact that I mistakenly did the domain alias the other way around with a command: debian-server:~# /var/vpopmail/bin/vaddaliasdomain

instead of

debian-server:~# /var/vpopmail/bin/vaddaliasdomain

I therefore wanted to reverse the alias in order to instruct vpopmail's virtualdomain alias to be from to point to
Fortunately I found out that actually the domain alias though my wrongly inverted syntax has added itself the domain alias in a correct way, I got that by checking the domain information with /var/vpopmail/bin/vdominfo