Thu Oct 14 19:33:45 EEST 2010

How to add a secondary (slave) DNS bind server on FreeBSD

Here is how I achieved in configuring my BIND 9.4.3-P2 server to work aas a Slave DNS server for domain zones.

1. Copy your default Bind DNS configuration file to /var/named/etc/namedb

freebsd# cp -rpf /usr/src/etc/namedb/named.conf /var/named/etc/namedb

2. If /etc/namedb/named.conf symlink is not existing create one

Note: Follow this step only if the /etc/namedb/named.conf file is not there!
freebsd# ln -sf /var/named/etc/namedb /etc/namedb/named.conf

3. Open your /var/named/etc/namedb/named.conf file and add the following entries in options

Look for where options { starts in the file and add there the following bind configuration directives:

allow-query {; 127.0.0/8; };
allow-transfer {;; };
transfer-format many-answers;

Note: In the above code you will have to substitute the with your actual primary nameserver (master) nameserver IP address.

Edit the listen-on {} directive in named.conf

To do so search for listen-on { in named.conf with your text editor of choice.

The dafault named.conf file will actually include something like:

listen-on {; }

fter the you will have to add your actual external IP address to which your seconday DNS server is configured to point.
For instance mine is and the domain resolves to, therefore I included the right after the; so finally my listen-on configuration looked like the following:

listen-on {;; }

4. Now it comes to adding the actual domain names zone files to your secondary DNS

You will have to add something similar to:

zone "" {
type slave;
file "slave/";
masters {; }; };

In above code you will again have to exchange the with your actual domain name which is already served by the Primary NS.
Again the stands for the IP address of your Primary / (Master) DNS server and needs to be substituted as well with your correct IP.

Note: Something very important to warn you here! In the above zone configuration directives where it says:

file "slave/";

Don't ever think about changing the path file "slave/...", if you do so your Bind DNS server will either not start-up or if it starts will not be able to find your domain name!!!
It took me about 2 hours to realize this stupid mistake! So again BEWARE of making the same mistake!

5. Create an empty domain zone file and set the proper permissions to it

freebsd# mkdir /var/named/etc/namedb/slave/
freebsd# chown bind:wheel /var/named/etc/namedb/slave/

Once again substitute in the above command with your actual domain name previously set in the named.conf

6. Check that your named.conf configuration has been correct and restart your name server

The below command should execute without any warnings or errors, if you don't have mistakenly written something wrong in your named.conf.

freebsd# named-checkconf

Whenever you are sure no config errors are present you can happily restart your nameserver.

freebsd# /etc/rc.d/named restart

Now your domain names zone files which you just have configured in your FreeBSD powered seconday DNS server should start being transferred from the DNS master server.

In order to check that you can try to make some fictios subdomain name in some of your Master DNS zone files and change the version of the file.
After the restart the changes should end up also in your seconday DNS server.

Just to close the post I'll have to inform you that my Primary Master DNS server was BIND 9.5.1-P3 actually a newer release than the Seconday one running on my FreeBSD, anyhow this was not a problem at all.

The BIND 9.5.1-P3 was acutally running on a Debian Lenny GNU/Linux.