Sun Apr 24 14:46:49 EEST 2011

Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Happy Easter!

Christ is Risen Icon

"Christ is risen from the dead,
trampling down death by death,
and on those in the tombs bestowing

Happy Easter to all my beloved readers. In relation to the Greatest feast of all times I wish to all my readers a lot of good health, a lot of success in all good, and a lot of love. Rejoice for the Lord and Saviour of mankind has been risen!

In Jerusalem the Holy Fire has descended from Heaven. For all Unorthodox Christians, it's important to note that the Holy Fire is the miracle confirming that the Christian Orthodox faith is the true ancient Christian faith in fulness!

Each year the Holy Fire descends from heaven and lights up the candle of the Patriarch of the Jerusalem Church. This only happens on the Orthodox Easter! This is without question a great miracle and a very graceful act by which God shows us he has not left us behind.

Here is a video you can watch, where you can see the miracle happening itself as well as some people testimonies who testified the miracle:

Holy Light (Holy Fire) in Jerusalem: Proofs & Testimonies