Wed Aug 31 21:34:26 EEST 2011

Graphical representation of history of OpenSource in terms of SVN and GIT commits with Gource (Software version control visualization) ;)

A friend of mine has sent me a link to awesome videos produced with an open source tool called Gource

The tool is really awesome as its capable of producing amazing graphical visualizations from source tree repositories obtained from software SVN or GIT repositories

Someone used it to create a wonderful videos and relate the graphical visualization with wondeful music to show graphically the Software development for the main Free Software Projects, below I include the nice videos, enjoy! ;)
The points which move around in the videos is a graphical representation of the repository source, the nodes which are moving around are the users who commit source in the project repositories. The whole graphical representation is being generated based on all the source inside the software repository, the videos also show off on top, the date of each of the source commits.
Below are the nice videos, enjoy! ;)

OpenOffice Development - Graphical representation

PHP Development - Graphical representation

History of Python development since 1990 with Gource Development of MySQL 2000-2010 - Graphical representation