Sat Jun 30 13:57:49 EEST 2012

Life was easier when Blackberry and Apple were just fruits

Life was much easier when blackberry and Apple were just fruits

Sad but true fact Life was much easier when BlackBerry and Apple were just fruits!.

I don't know about others but I have difficulties to adjust my body to the fast pace life has taken. Life would was easy and more fun without all this technology. Now even going to a pub you can't escape the "doom" of technology. If the tech hype continues the way it does or something drastic doesn't happen I guess all people on earth will get completely crazy ...

I thougth about how this techno-mambo jumbo can be stopped on a wide scale and the only idea I have is a weapon that blocks all tech equipment world-wide. I hope someone will develop it soon and press the destory button SOON ! :)