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Ὀρθόδοξος Ἐκκλησία κατέχει ἀκέραιη τὴν πρώτη παράδοση καὶ διδασκαλία καὶ πίστη Τῆς Μίας Καθολικῆς Ἐκκλησίας ποὺ Ὁ Κύριος ἔδωσε, Οἱ Ἀπόστολοι ἐκήρυξαν καὶ Οἱ Πατέρες ἐφύλαξαν.

Μέσα σὲ Αὐτὴν θεμελιώθηκε Ἡ Ἐκκλησία, καὶ ὅποιος ἀποκόπτεται ἀπὸ Αὐτήν, οὔτε θὰ ἦτο οὔτε θὰ ἐλέγετο Χριστιανός.

Μέγας Ἀθανάσιος

The Orthodox Church possesses and maintains whole and integral the first traditions and teachings and faith of The One Catholic Church which our Lord established, the Apostles preached and the Holy Fathers guarded.

Within Her is the foundation of The One Church, and whoever is separated from Her could neither be nor call himself a Christian.

 St. Athanasius the Great

"ORTHODOX HERITAGE" is a monthly Orthodox periodical published by the LAITY Brotherhood:


PO Box 38688

Phoenix, AZ 85069-8688, USA



To be instruments of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as He awakens the souls of believers into an awareness of the love, grace, peace and mercy realized when one lives the Word of God, kept and preserved through the ages by the Greek Orthodox Church and Her Holy Traditions.

To be a voice crying out for the return to sacrificial living in accordance with the Apostolic Traditions and through the Orthodox Faith.  Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8) and so is His Bride, the Holy, never-changing Orthodox Church.  Our support will be extended to anyone or any entity that guards the Holy Orthodox Traditions.

To exert efforts in alerting and awakening everyone to the fact that a life in Christ requires a strong personal commitment towards spiritual existence and avoidance of materialistic behavior.  We are but mere stewards of His earthly treasures, which includes our families, our income and our time.

To confront any movement whose message is heretical and whose impact is the schism of His Church or the protestantization of our Faith.

To become a helping guide for all who seek the full knowledge of our Lord and His Divine Will. To show them there exists The One, True Church that they have been unable to find in the ever-changing religions of this world.

Praise be to God and His Blessings on all of us, so that our efforts will be worthy of bearing fruit.  Amen.


Orthodox Heritage may, at times, bring up issues or present articles that some may deem controversial or

consider as non-conducive to the universal message of our Lord’s Salvation for all nations and all people. We

consider such material as necessary so as to ensure that a distinction be made between salvation and the 20th

century heresy of ecumenism. These are confusing times for all Orthodox faithful and political convenience

 must be sacrificed so that the message of His TRUTH be brought forth in the limelight.

Please note that all correspondence should be addressed to the Brotherhood

at the Phoenix address or the e-mail address above.
