Wed Sep 23 20:12:24 EEST 2009

A quick way to change picture background with the Gimp

I wanted to change the background of a picture of a Russian Orthodox Cross I've downloaded from the net. After some time spend experimenting and reading a couple of articles online I did it :).
Here is how:
1. Open an Image in Gimp through the File -> Open as Layers menu. 2. Use Fuzzy Select tool to select regions based on color of the image you'd like to change the background. 3. Open a new File in Gimp via New -> File menus. 4. Select again the window containing the image you selected with the Fuzzy Tool and press Ctrl+X. 5. Now go again to the newly opened picture and use the: Bucket Fill Tool with some selected color to select the new background for the future image. 6. Now after having a background color already selected use Ctrl+V to paste your previous selection Well congrats, you should now be having the good old image on a shiny new background.