чт май 8 02:00:08 EEST 2008

German Test and Oral Exam

Yesterday we had a national celebration day, the so called "Georgiovden". It's an Orthodox celebration and we celebrate the day in which a great martyr has beaten the devil with his faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The martyr is called St. Georgi and he is officially a patron of our town. Because I'm named on him. We usually here in Bulgaria have the tradition that everybody which is has a name starting with the "G" letter have to celebrate. Today at 12:30 we had Oral and Written exam in German. Man, I'm so poor in German. I haven't studied again for the exam and prayed a bit yesterday night just before I go to bed. Of course The Lord answered my prayer. HalleluYah! :) I have the mark of 5 on the Oral Exam. I still don't know the result from the written part but I hope God would grant me at least 3! The afternoon I had to work and at 5:30 or so I went to Ina's (a colleague) flat and we worked on our Marketing Planning, Market Plan project. At night I went to see my grandma for few minutes and went out to see Mitko (nomen), who by the way is here in Dobrich just for few days. Well that's most of how my day passed. BTW Lately I'm playing a lot with Windows Vista which came preinstlaled with my Laptop :) I'll maybe write some Vista hints in some of the next bloggings. I can end this post with the words The Lord is my refugee and my stronghold. Nobody would fail who trusts in The Holy One! :)