ср май 28 16:48:44 EEST 2008

Ubuntu Upgrade

The last two days I helped to Erty or(Ilmert) an albanian guy from the Hotel Management stream to first be able to read text on pictures made with a telephone. The bad thing was that the photos were made under an angle which made them almost unreadable. I first tried using some Gimp filters unsuccesfully, later I tried Irfan View's Swap Colors function. After a few tries with Color Swapping the pictures became more clear and easy to read. The day before yesterday Plamenko came home and as usual bringed with him a lot of nice videos and pictures of places in the mountains, rivers and waterfalls. Yesterday I took the laptop of my cousin Zlatina and upgraded the running there Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 the upgrade was pretty straight forward. It seems nowheredays Linux management becomes more and more easy for the user. All that I have to do in order to upgrade was to follow literally this tutorial . I should say this is a first time I upgrade from a major Linux distribution to a newer one without having to fix a mess after the upgrade. Although I don't like Ubuntu I should say that the Ubuntu guys are doing a good job in making the Ubuntu Upgrade a piece of cake.