Wed Jun 11 16:28:52 EEST 2008

The herbalist

Some time ago I think I had a post about a herbalist called Bai Dimitar. He lives in the village of Kamenarci and is well known natural healer hear in Bulgaria. He has a gift to find out what kind of disease you suffer from only through looking at your eyes and yes he definitely guesses a right disease. The last time I went to him he had no idea about my disease he just looked into my eyes and tell me what kind of disease do I have he then has prescribed me and gave me herbs and I had to drink them for a 2 months. Here I am 2 months later and I can I feel better although I don't feel completely recovered. Of course my complete healing depends on the God :) We started the journey to the village at 4:45 a.m.. My driver was a driver and we the passengers were Niki e.g. Sha'nar my and my grandma who suffers from diabetis already in advanced stage and all time is having serious pains in the legs. The Herbalist Dimitar Kucerov told her she would get better. To me he said that I'm healed and if I haven't went to him before I would be probably disabled until know. I don't know if what he says is truth but I definetely has to mention that although he is a good herbalist he have bad manners he speaks directly to the people and doesn't much of a care what he says. The herbalist told to Niki (who is currently disabled), "he is going to be better", he said "you're going to even run in the future". At monday I was in Varna and worked in the office. A colleague of mine has told me about a very nice firefox plugin called YSlow. YSlow is a little tool who uses firebug on the first hand. Firebug is a firefox debugging console it shows you the Net, DOM components, CSS Scripts etc it's a nice proggie to look at if you're an advanced user, administrator or programmer. So let's come back to the point Yslow shows gathers infromation on a specified site you're currently browsing and provides you with hints of how to better optimize your website in order to increase performance. I should note that I personally have forgot to include mod_deflate (Apache 2.x) module which gzippes specified files and send them to the browser in that way saving you a lot of bandwidth. I red that little howto to get impression on mod_deflate and check if there are differences with (mod_gzip) which is the same module for apache 1.3.x and enabled the module. Yslow showed that that using cache could als� vastly increase the speed of browsing for our clients so in order to get familiar with caching I red this interesting cache tutorial. What I did after that was to enable the so called Etags, for all those who are not familiar what is Etag then read here . The news around me is that I'm goint to start a driver license course which eventually would teach me how to drive and I hope with God's blessingin a month and a half if I'm able to pass the driving exam and the written exam I should have a valid driver license and be officially a driver.