Thu Jul 30 19:21:46 EEST 2009

Cool Ascii Games for Linux and BSD

I myself am a big gamer since my youth. Being a Linux evangelist for quite some time as well as a BSD geek I had my period of interest into how developed are the available games for Unix based operating systems. In that manner of thoughts I got interested into the ascii games available for Linux and BSD. It's really fun to play a bunch of games every now and then via SSH or simply to play on your TTY. Currently I have installed the following list of Ascii games on my FreeBSD box:
adventure       battlestar      cfscores        hack            nethack         primes          snake           wtf
alienwave       bb              cribbage        hangman         number          quiz            snscore         wump
arithmetic      bcd             dosbox          larn            phantasia       random          strfile         xrick
arkanoid.sed    bs              factor          mille           piano           robots          teachgammon
ascii_invaders  bsdtris         fish            moon-buggy      pig             rogue           trek
atc             caesar          fortune         morse           pom             rot13           unstr
backgammon      canfield        grdc            nInvaders       ppt             sail            worm

Install them and have a lot of fun :)