July 2009 Archives

Fri Jul 31 12:01:44 EEST 2009

Microsoft buys Yahoo

I've just red on technews.bg the sad news. Microsoft buys out Yahoo. The full absorption of Yahoo would happen in the coming 10 years. The yahoo search engine platform is to be changed by Microsoft's Bing and the Microsoft AdCenter platform. It should be expected that this of course will have it's negative implication on FreeBSD considering the fact that Yahoo's web services are based heavily on FreeBSD. The FreeBSD project is probably about to loose many of it's testers in the face of the Yahoo developers ..

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Thu Jul 30 19:21:46 EEST 2009

Cool Ascii Games for Linux and BSD

I myself am a big gamer since my youth. Being a Linux evangelist for quite some time as well as a BSD geek I had my period of interest into how developed are the available games for Unix based operating systems. In that manner of thoughts I got interested into the ascii games available for Linux and BSD. It's really fun to play a bunch of games every now and then via SSH or simply to play on your TTY. Currently I have installed the following list of Ascii games on my FreeBSD box:
adventure       battlestar      cfscores        hack            nethack         primes          snake           wtf
alienwave       bb              cribbage        hangman         number          quiz            snscore         wump
arithmetic      bcd             dosbox          larn            phantasia       random          strfile         xrick
arkanoid.sed    bs              factor          mille           piano           robots          teachgammon
ascii_invaders  bsdtris         fish            moon-buggy      pig             rogue           trek
atc             caesar          fortune         morse           pom             rot13           unstr
backgammon      canfield        grdc            nInvaders       ppt             sail            worm

Install them and have a lot of fun :)

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Thu Jul 30 16:52:45 EEST 2009

Adding Comments & Google search plugins to nanoblogger

Ever wondered how you can add comments option to nanoblogger just like any normal blogging software like wordpress do support? Cause I did, Today I wandered around in google a bit until I can make it. In order to make all this workable I choose the nbcom nanoblogger plugin. Here's what led me to success. First prepare yourself to loose a couple of hours! It's more complicated or at least it was more complicated than I expected to add a simple plugin as this. Second, You'll need the following nbcom 1.1 archive .
Right after that you'll need to untar it and rename hdrs.tmpl and consts.tmpl to *.php, edit them and remove all the unneeded "/" back slashes. Copy the content of nbcom-1.1 dir to the document root of your nanoblogger. Make sure to edit blog.conf and have all the necessary like BLOG_URL, BLOG_ADMIN="session", DB_PASS="password_of_sql_user_session", yes I forgot to mention that you'll need to read the INSTALL file contained in the nbcom archive and follow the instructions for creation of user and database that nbcom would use in the future. There are described like 7+ files more you need to edit and if you're lucky like I was you'll have nanoblogger+comments support up and running! Hooray! Wish you Good luck.
Secondly probably you have wondered how to make nanoblogger has a normal search field just like any normal php based blogger software out there. It took me like an hour before I came to the enlightenment. First I had downloaded the google.sh script mirrored for you to make your life easier here .
Next copy the file to your nanoblogger plugins directory.
And last you have to edit the templates/main_index.htm file and add the content that is as commented in the google.sh file. If you're lucky again you'll have nanoblogger with this two valuable plugins working. Enjoy

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Thu Jul 30 15:35:35 EEST 2009

Internet Reklama i Marketing (Internet advertisement and Marketing)

An interesting place for articles related to Internet Reklama i Marketing (as stated in Bulgarian) is a blog if a friend of mine. Check Internet Reklama i Marketing arketing.atsense.com

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Wed Jul 29 19:40:50 EEST 2009

Popular SEO extensions for SEO masters

I've across a nice Article dedicated to assist SEO masters's daily life via some helpful Firefox extensions. The article is called "Popular SEO extensions for SEO masters" and can be red on the following address . Hope you enjoy it.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Wed Jul 29 19:32:15 EEST 2009

wordpress & awstats

I'm planning to bring up a website for remote system administration for quite some time 'till now. A couple of days before I've installed wordpress and used the monochrome theme in combination with a couple of plugins. I've used the Wordpress, "Contact Form 7" plugin. I struggled around for a day before I realize the way it's beeing embeded into the Page post. Amri (Marto) a friend of mine helped me up with the whole deal, it came to be as simple as simply adding [contact-form 1 "My feedback" to one of the pages I've created in wordpress. There were a bunch of things on my newly created wordpress blog that looked more like a blog than a page which was not my initial goal and therefore I had to remove some chunks of code from some of the php files that came with the monochrome theme. I've partially used a guide called
"How to create Websites using Wordpress" which probably would be of an interest to you if you're trying to make wordpress look more like a website than a blog, check it out here . Amri suggested few plugins that would add up to my current wordpress installation.
This are:
Cyr2Lat Slugs
Google XML Sitemaps Generates sitemap.xml. Gives an option to setup Google WebMaster Tools and in that manner of thoughts ads up for faster indexing of the blog
All In One SEO pack - SEO instrument that optimizes your wordpress
Belavir - Tracks the changes in files in wordpress.
In my case I couldn't make the Google XML Sitemap work correctly. Probably because I've removed bits of php code from some main php pages. Anyways I was able to make my wordpress look like a normal website and in general it might be said that it looks quite decent now if I have to compare it with my previous websites I've built like let's say my home page pc-freak.net . I've plans to deliver remote system administration services to the masses via my Yet Another Cheap System Administration Services.
I've also installed awstats on the pcfreak box currently running on
a nice foxy IBM machine. To properly install and run the Awstats I've used fractions from the article Install Awstats on FreeBSD . What was different in my case was:
1. I had to cd /usr/ports/www/awstats/work/awstats-6.9/tools/; run ./awstats_configure.pl. Answer a couple of questions. I've initially installed awstats configurations to /etc/awstats after which I've moved it to /usr/local/etc/awstats .
2. I had to create /var/lib/awstats where awstats stores it's database files: mkdir /var/lib/awstats
3. I had to link awstats to the location where my cgi-bin dir was set up by httpd.conf: ln -sf /usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/ /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/awstats
4. I had to create a link to make the awstats icons visualize: ln -sf /usr/local/www/awstats/icons /usr/local/www/data/awstatsicons
5. I had to edit my conf file and align it with my desires, most important to note is the requirement to change the location to my Apache log file in my case that was /var/log/httpd-access.log: Change LogFile value in /usr/local/etc/awstats/awstats.pc-freak.net.conf I've changed it to LogFile="/var/log/httpd-access.log"
6. Next I had to execute the following to generate statistics for my domain pc-freak.net: /usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -update -config=pc-freak.net
7. Edit the root user crontab (crontab -u root -e) and paste the following : 01 0 * * * /usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -update -config=pc-freak.net 2>&1 >/dev/null 8. Change the default Directory settings for /usr/local/www/cgi-bin. Had to changed them to the following
    Directory "/usr/local/www/cgi-bin"
    AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit Indexes
    Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

9. After that I've protected my awstats with a pass putting /usr/local/awstats/cgi-bin/.htaccess file containing the following
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Access"
AuthUserFile /usr/local/etc/apache2/myawstats.passwd
Require user admin

10. And last but not least, had to create the myawstats.passwd with the following command: htpasswd -c /usr/local/etc/apache2/myawstats.passwd admin

Right after I happily accessed my newly installed awstats via my domain http://pc-freak.net/cgi-bin/awstats/awstats.pl

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Sun Jul 26 16:11:00 EEST 2009

A movie worthy to see

Two days ago I've downloaded a movie really worthy to see. The movie is russian and is named Ostrov (An Island). It's a fictionary movie about a 20th century Eastern Orthodox monk whose warm prayer possesses miraculous powers and has a clairvoyance gift from God. Moreover the guy is living his all life with a guilt of a murder he was forced to commit in his early days during the WW2. I've watched the movie twice for the last 2 days I was so inspired. Yesterday Order (Ivo) a friend of mine from Varna was a guest of mine so I was quite happy. Today we first went for a holy Liturgy in the morning with Static and another friend of Static known under the name (Duf) into the temple Holy Trinity here in Dobrich. Right after the church service we've collected Ivo from home cause he was still sleeping and went for a drink Together with Amridikon. Quite a nice time. Now I'm back home blogging. I haven't used beryl for quite some time and I started using it since a couple of days and I have to say it's quite handy to use. Two days ago I've also watched the new Terminator movie (Salvation) to generalize it ain't a bad movie if you just want to watch something with blows and action but still nothing to compare against the golden Terminator 2 (Judgement Day). This is mostly how my days are passing by. Thanks be to God for everything!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Wed Jul 22 16:59:33 EEST 2009

A fix for problem with FreeBSD php pcre & qmail installation

Few weeks ago I came around a problem with the php installed on my FreeBSD box seems like a shitty error occured when I tried to install squirrelmail as well as joomla. The following Warning message showed up every time I tried to access some of the scripts of the aforementioned ones.
"[Thu Jun 11 20:39:15 2009] [error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] PHP Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Internal pcre_fullinfo() error -3 in somefile.php on line 169
[Thu Jun 11 20:39:15 2009] [error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] PHP Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-replace]: Internal pcre_fullinfo() error -3 in somefile.php on line 275

I looked for a solution and it seemed the solution was as simple as adding "-with-pcre-regex=yes" to the Makefile of /usr/ports/lang/php5 a recompile and hooray pcre works correctly! Another problem I faced was with a qmail+vpopmail installation which seemed not to recognize the existence of some email addresses in the vpopmail installation. The cause for that was that my /var/qmail/control/locals was containing the name contained also in /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains. Simply removing the domain from locals and restarting qmail did the trick. Apart from all that I remembered an interesting website which you might find interesting to visit, a video from it was suggested by Sha'nar (Hope he had a safe journey to God). Here is thewebsiteisdown itself. Yes this days I'm mostly bored and in a spiritual roaming ... Anyways thanks and glory be to God for his mercies on me.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Mon Jul 20 18:11:07 EEST 2009

A feast of saint martyr Marina

On friday I and a bus full of other brothers and sisters (most of them ladies above 60 yrs old) been to the monastery near Botevo. For the big feast and the district gathering many priests as well as the Varna mitropolit attended the liturgy. On my way in the Church I've met a nice gentle looking father who was anointing the insiders I even asked for his blessing later on I realized he is a monk for already 11 years if I recall correctly. In the Church service I was helping with the liturgy preparations unwittingly I spilled some of the oil one of the altar stick was handling one of the priests got really angry with me, it was ridiculous the reaction not really fitting his priesthood. But anyways ... the service was led by metropolit Kiril a metropolitan of the Varna and Velikopreslav districts. I was feeling spiritually not so well during the church service the same has happened to me to the previous liturgy with metropolit Kiril I've red online for some frauds he was involved in no idea if that is true anyways God would know best. After the liturgy there was some food for free fish soup even though it was friday a day for fasting fish is allowed on feasts. I've met two monks and a guy who was a novice preparing to be ordained as a monk on the next day as well as a nun who happened to be a Macedonian and couldn't speak Bulgarian. After the Church service I was shocked by the behaviour of the same monk who blessed me during I entered the church, now he screamed at me for the fact I was too slowly hauling up the stairs leading to the little church. I had a few interesting conversations with the priesthood and the clergy. In general the whole trip and what happened there disappointed me not to say shakened my faith for I've seen things like smoking monk, a priest whose looking appeared like he is demon infestedsome other minor things which I cannot remember anymore.. In the evening I met nomen who just came back from Sofia for the weekend. We was out for a beer with him Alex and Bino. On the day after I and my father and mother went to my village because somebody had to dig up the vineyeard to clean it up from the grown weed. It was quite fun to dig around with a hoe. It's a pity I couldn't shot some pictures for you to see how literate a sys admin could dig up with a mattock. Nomen came to my village to pick me up around 4 o'clock. We completed the vineyard clean up around 6 and was in Dobrich around 19:30. A bit later in the evening I went out to meet Nina in the central park. On Sunday I was to a Church service in the Holy Trinity temple afterwards I and Nina drinked coffee on the fountain. In the early afternoon I went to the church again cause friends mine was wedding (Katia and Vlado), may God bless them with long joint life together. In the late afternoon Bino came home and I him and Nina went out for a drink on the "fountain". Just to sum it up. I'm do thank my God for his aboundant everyday mercies.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Wed Jul 15 19:02:37 EEST 2009

Sha'Nar or Niki a beloved friend of mine is gone :((((((((((

It's still unreal to me. Anyways I have to cope with that somehow. Yesterday was one of my best friends burial (Nikolay Paskalev). His departure from this earth was something shocking both for me and for many close friends ... Last I went to his home on Saturday. We even played a bit of Teken on his Playstation 2 as well as we watched a movie of Angry Nintento Video game nerd. His health condition has worsened recently. I didn't really realize his condition was so severe. On Monday it seems his breathing problems and his general condition was critical so he and his mother went to the hospital to check his heart. The cardiology results were terrible, his doctor called an ambulance and he was hospitalized. In the ambulance the doctors decided to gave him some kind of pills to calm him down to help him breath more easily... As a result Niki slipped into a deep sleep a coma and then his heart dropped operation completely. Nomen called me in around 3:30 or 4 and informed me he is in the rehabilitation. 20 or 30 minutes later around 4 he called again and told me Niki is gone ... I couldn't believe I still really cannot believe and cannot get used to the fact that I'm not going to see him even more on earth. He is gone now. Niki has suffered with a terrible uncommon disease "spinal muscle atrophy". His life was far from perfect but anyways he never complained. Even in his last days he just said "I don't fell OK" the last time I saw him on Saturday and that was it. He even wouldn't share that he felt physically bad if I haven't asked about it. I know him since he was a child, I know him for maybe 10 years and now he is gone to the place that's the best as the Larry Norman sings in "Spirit in the Sky". Niki was a great fan of sci-fi, he posessed an extraordinary intellect for his age. His competence was in all spheres of knowledge. History as a subject was a matter of great interest for him. He also was believing Christian! Many times our goings out for a walk in his case for a drivewas a great joy for me and I hope him as well. His English fluency was much better than mine. He had just graduated 11th grade this year. Next year he was supposed to be complete his study. For a long period he was big fan of World of Warcraft and devoted gamer in general. He has completed most of the games I even know. I'll never forget him as a friend and a brother in Christ. Yesterday during the burial and even though I saw his body in a coffin I remained called, I'm sure Niki has prayed to the Lord for us the sinners who stayed on earth. I would say that a grace came out of his body. As an orthodox christian we believe that his soul is on a journey to God now. A journey to be completed on the 40th day after his departure from earth. I pray that Our God and Saviour Jesus Christ with the Father and the Son in one unite and holy trinity keep him and grant him eternal joy peace and rest in heaven! Amen A news is also available in Bergon's forum where he was quite active. Here is a link to it . A link to Niki's profile in facebook is here Some of the pictures we have together are here . His skype name was: "lunarstill". I know also Niki did had also a profile in youtube. However I don't have his profile yet. Asap as I have it I'll try to post it. Today I had a bit of work even though I haven't had much of it. I wrote two small shell scripts to help me with my routine administration tasks both of them are in Memoriam of Niki. The scripts 1st script lists all emails of a current vpopmail domain and can be seen here under the name list-domain-emails.sh . The 2nd one lists all the databases and there sizes in MBs within a MySQL server and can be seen here: check-databases-sizes.sh . Niki we miss you man ... And yes Niki you was a really good guy and a real blessing for us throughout the time we spend together. Again we won't forget you Niki!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Sat Jul 11 00:26:37 EEST 2009

Trip To Silistra

Today I was awaken by Nomen and we had a nice morning banichki :). A bit later I and Nomen went to Silistra for a nice trip. The go was Nomen's idea. If we do not count the fact that we did mistakenly taken a wrong route and had to use the GPS to lead us a bit to find the right way all went flawless. On our way we visited a village called (Vaznesenie Gospodne), the Ascension of Christ as it reads in English. In Silistra We walked around the Danube river and had a drink. Silistra isn't nothing special as a town in general. On our road back I used my ultra l337 skills and drived the way home. Afterwards we went out with Niki (lunarstill) and a had a coffee. Luckily I haven't experienced problems with servers or anything unusual today. A little while ago I went to see my grandma as I usually do in the evening. Yesterday my grandma was experiencing terrible pains in her legs a consequence of her diabetis disease. I felt so bad about it and prayed fervently to God to help her. Apperantly our merciful God (The Holy Trinity) heard my prayers. Today my grandma feels much better and her legs didn't hurt her so severely.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Thu Jul 9 01:56:38 EEST 2009

Rotary Steals a fountain in Dobrich

I've red an interesting post in a forum shedding some light on how rotary club in Dobrich is involved in stealing a fountain. As it says in Bulgarian "Rotari Krade Cheshma". The info is in Bulgarian. I've mirrored the story on pc-freak. Read it Rotari Krade Cheshma

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Wed Jul 8 14:23:17 EEST 2009

tavel to Sofia

Last week I was in Sofia for a full body diagnosis with a device called Oberon. Of course the device is a Russian development. Anyways the results received showed that my health condition ain't so bad even though it's probably necessery to start some physical exercises. I took a walk in Sofia around the National Assembly the City Library, The National Theater etc. The most exciting part of my journey was that I was able to attend the Russian Church located in blvd. Russia 3, I entered the Church crypt where Archibishop Seraphim Sobolev's body resides. I was able to venerate his holy body. It's quite possible that the holy father Seraphim would be canonized in the short future for I've red many reports about a miraculous healings and other miracles experienced by people who asked the holy father for intecessory prayer infront the Lord. More about the church itself could be red in Bulgarian language here . We traveled back to Dobrich with a friend of mine's car Nomen. The traveling persons with Mitko's car (Honda) was I, my father, Nasko and Nomen. On the way back I drived twice traveling like 150 km or a bit more. The Weekend was peaceful in overall. This days I don't have much work probably because most of the people this wonderful summer days are unto summer holidays. To sum up I do thank to our Holy Lord the Holy Trinity as well as to the Theotokos for her constant intercession in front God. To God be the Glory! Now and unto ages of ages. Amen!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link