Fri Apr 9 17:42:41 EEST 2010

Generate Awstats Statistics from multiple Apache logs / Generate Awstats statistics for multiple domain names / Automatically configure awstats to show reports for multiple domain names

Awstats Picture

I've created a small shellscript that allows the administrator to build log statistics for multiple domain names.
You can download the script to generate statistics from multiple log files from here .
The usage of the script is quite self explanatory. You have to follow the instructions in the commented head of the script.
After you have properly configured the script all you have to do is set it to be executed via crontab.
Again in the script head I've included information with an example on how to add it to a crontab. The script takes all subdirectories from /var/log/apache2 assuming that each of the subdirectories contains access.log and error.log file names.
It generates a number of configuration files to be later red by awstats and after finishing, invokes awstats to generate the statistics from the previously generated awstats domain configuration files.
Finally the script generates an html files with links to each of the domains for whom awstats has generated statistics.
The idea for the script hit me, before a week time, after I've red an article which explains how to achieve something similar to what the script does manually.
You can read the article configuring multiple awstats for multiple domain on dreamhost here . I believe the script can be quite useful to the administrators out there who are looking for a quick way to generate awstats statistics from their many domain log files.
Cheers! :)