Wed Apr 21 19:27:54 EEST 2010

Installing qmailanalog-web on Debian Lenny, Access Qmail server statistics from the Web with qmailanalog front end (qmailanalog-web)

As I've mentioned in one of my previous posts isoqlog is not generating statistics therefore I needed something else with which I can see statistics online.
Qmailanalog's statistics provide with quite a good and accurate data, however it's text based and therefore it's not really flexible. In the meantime when I was browsing I stumbled on a program called qmailanalog-web .
This piece os software is pretty simple, though really usable. It's just a web interface through a cgi which can be used to get the various statistics provided from the qmailanalog qmail log analysis software.
The software seems abandoned for many years, I even couldn't find an archive of it online.
After playing some time with it I was able to bring it up and I succesfully configured qmailanalog-web to be accessed as a cgi script.
It took me quite a lot of time, the Software includes two basic documentation files one is called INSTALL and the other FGA (Frequently Given Answers) :).
Since the software is quite handy after installed on the server and provides with many useful qmail statistics, I decided to write a small installer that will automate the install process a bit and will make the life of people who desire to install it further on a way easier.
For some clarity I also decided to archive the qmailanalog-web package and mirror it here
In the archive you will also find a 4 liner script called
The qmailanalog-web could be considered a substitute for isoqlog and qmailalizer functionality, though it's not so pretty, it's still really useful!
But please don't expect too much from qmailanalog-web. Just in case if you wonder how does it looks like, here is a screenshot of the software.
qmailanalog web

Actually qmailanalog web is a frontend to the 20 qmailanalog console tools. After you select the qmailanalog tool the qmailanalog web interface provides you with an option to see the statistics generated from the corresponding qmailanalog console tool.
Though it lacks the eye candy of Isoqlog and Qmail Scanner Statistics, it's not a bad substitute to Isoqlog and Qmail Scanner Statistics! :)