Mon May 17 11:30:46 EEST 2010

What is the Orthodox Church? A Short Overview

I was scraping through youtube as usual, looking for some interesting videos and there it is.
I came across two really interesting videos which I believe could be an important eye opening ones to the protestant christian brothers.
This two videos are made by some young orthodox christian devotee to show up what is the Orthodox Church and to explain that actually Orthodox Church is chained back to the original faith in Christ handed by the Apostles.
I wish you a nice and saving watching of the videos:

1. What is the Orthodox Church? A Short Overview.

2. The Filoque in Roman Catholic Creed of Faith: An Orthodox Perspective
The below video explains how roman catholics historically changed the basis Creed of Christian faith The Nicene Creed of faith adding to it the (and the Son verse).
It's an interesting fact that the Church fathers has earlier prohibited any modifications to the Nicene Creed of Faith, though the prohibition the Roman Catholics broke the old church rules and changed the Nicene Creed of Faith.

3. Video about Mount Athos

There is pretty much to say on the topic of Orthodox Christian Faith but I'll stop here and let you research on your own.