Tue May 18 14:45:51 EEST 2010

Rebuilding source rpm (redhat package manager) files to binary rpms / Update clamav toaster installation on CentOS 5

Every now and then I have to build a binary rpm from a source rpm (src.rpm) file.

Last time I had to rebuild clamav-toaster-0.96.0-1.3.35.src.rpm because a the clamav toaster installation on one of the CentOS servers I maintin has reached an end of the supported maintance period for the previous clamav 0.94.

Of course I first had to download clamav-toaster-0.96.0-1.3.35.src.rpm .

[root@centos-server:~ ]# wget http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.net/clamav-toaster-0.96.0-1.3.35.src.rpm

Consequently I used the following command to rebuild the source rpm file into rpm binary

[root@centos-server:~ ]# rpmbuild --rebuild clamav-toaster-0.96.0-1.3.35.src.rpm

The aforementioned command will take a while it took like 5 minutes on my server.

As soon as the rpm build is completed your binary rpm installation file for clamav-toaster will be located in:


To install or update the recently built clamav-toaster rpm binary issue:

[root@centos-server:~ ]# rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/clamav-toaster-0.96.0-1.3.35.x86_64.rpm

That's all now your outdated clamav-toaster installation should be once more up to date.
If you want to further list the content of the newly installed/updated rpm binary you will have to issue the command in your terminal:

[root@centos-server:~ ]# rpm -ql clamav-toaster