Mon Sep 27 12:51:57 EEST 2010

Tux for Kids (Tux Math, Tux Paint, Tux Typing) 3 games to develop your children Intellect

Every now and then I have to install a new Windows computer that has to be good for children development.
When I do that I always strive to provide the notebook or desktop with something really worthy that will help up the children personal development.
In that thoughts direction I would have to share about Tux4Kids - High Quality Education Software Alternatives

This project is truly wonderful it includes a number of small games that generally develops thinking in children.

1. TuxMath is a project dedicate do develop children simple mathematic abilities.

2. TuxPaint is a project aimed to develop children painting abilities.

3. Tux Typing is a project that is dedicated to develop children's computer typing abilities.

Here are few shiny screenshot of the fun games for kids:

Tux Math of Command
Tux Math

Tux Typing
Tux Typing

Tux Paint
Tux Paint

The good things about the three games are that they're completely open source under the GPL license

This 3 are available for both Linux, Windows and Mac OS
The games are also quite fun even for adult, so I suggest if you yet haven't tried them check them out.