Sat Oct 2 11:57:49 EEST 2010

How to use a Nokia 9300i as a Torch at Night time or at dark places with DiscoLight

I do own a Nokia Communicator 9300i for some time I've been looking for a while for an application for my mobile phone enabling me to transform the normal Nokia 9300i phone capabilities into a torch (flash light)

Many telephones come with an embedded software or hardware light led, that gives the option for the phone user to use his / her phone as a torch in the dark.
However with Nokia 9300i by default there is no such led to be able to emit bright light neither through a feature integrated with the mobile's hardware nor through it's embedded pre-installed software.

The phones torch I see as a very essential and handy feature for every mobile phone, so I have to say that it was rather strange why the flash light wasn't decided to be made an integral part of the Nokia 9300i Communicator

It took me a while until I finally found an application able to show a brigh light on my phone Nokia 9300i internal screen and therefore allow the mobile to be used as a torch in the dark.

Anyhow the effort of spending an hour of Googling around was awarding :)
The software that allowed my Nokia 9300i to have the Torch capabilities is called DiscoLight / (Disco Light)

Here is a download link to discolight I've found online
I also made a mirror of the discolight app that can be downloaded here
Discolight is actually not actually planned to operate as a Torch for the Nokia 9300i, it is just a program able to either fill your mobile phone screen with a colors you might choose from (e.g. white light, flash sequence, auto color, standard flash) or do a sequence of colors (like in the discoteques I guess that's where the name of the application comes from).

To use the DiscoLight program as a torch, right after the program is launched press the 5 key on your Nokia communicator keyboard.

Another very simple program that is able to transform your Nokia Business class phone to a Torch is FlashLight

Both DiscoLight and FlashLight are written in Java and works perfectly fine with the 9300i mobile.

The only disadvantage about using my Nokia 9300i as a torch is my Nokia communicator inside panel has to be opened, e.g. I had to walk with the phone cover opened to use the torch.
Anyways still I find this feature very handy for me, hopefully it will be of an use to somebody else who is looking for the same functionality on his mobile.