Mon Dec 13 13:37:09 EET 2010

Robocopyright ACTA / Or how important decisions about world's future are taken in management meetings

I was pointed by Dave to this nice fun video. It's a remake of the very famous Robocop movie scene. Where a new way of police robocot is being introduced in a management meeting.

Some crazy guy substituted the original replicas with stuff related on the sad reality of the restrictions constantly being imposed on the Internet users.
I also find this movie to be a good representation on how important management meetings within enterprises works.
It's a bit sad, but in reality business works in a similar way, so this video is a good representation on the unethical way business is constantly conducted nowdays.
Here is the funny video itself:

Sadly enough the video has also a lot of hidden wistom in the background if you think deeply on how stuff works in our modern societies.

I hope accidently some top managers would stumble on it and take some moral from it.