December 2010 Archives

Fri Dec 31 07:57:54 EET 2010

Is there a chosen God people today / What is God's Chosen Nation / What is the Promised land in the Old Testament?

Many of you certainly remember the Holy Bible's old testament. There God chooses the Jewish (Israel) nation to be the nation to inherit the promised land.

If we read the Holy Scriptpures in a spiritual manner, all the things written in are clearly referring to the teachings of the new testament and the other way around.

God has promised to Moses and the Old Testament patriarchs to give them the land, where a milk and honey will be and they wouldn't need to work for it. etc. etc.

But if we really read this kind of promises from a jewish perspective (following the word of the law), this makes no sense?
How is it possible that somebody gets food and drink if he didn't work?
It's not possible!

This verses were clearly referring to the Kingdom of Heaven , where a man doesn't have to work or do thing but lives through God's grace in peace and love eternally, something our limited minds cannot really grasp and thus by trying to explain it we profane what Heaven really is.

So it's that simple the promise land that the Holy trinity has promised us is simply his eternal kingdom which is in heaven.
Thus we as Orthodox Christians should perceive after the looking always of the Heavenly gift and not care too much for the present world.
I'm closely observing myself and sadly enough the world power is too much attractive and I'm always about to be seduced to completely get out of our rock of Salvation which (Christ) is.

It's a very hard times for a true Christians, internationalization makes it even worser for a man to keep even the minimal amount of faith and hope in God.

That's why our Orthodox Churches has long ago been warning us about the internationalization and it's position right now is against the mixture of nations.

The mixture of nations and beliefs is a spiritual babylon in practice.

Back to the topic, thus read from our Orthodox Christian perspective this chosen people which Israel were is actually today God's true servants the devoted Orthodox Christians.

You might argue, why the Orthodox Christians and protestants or Roman Catholics. Well it's very simple Catholics and Protestants has broken too much of the ancient traditions already and had adopted the spirit of rationalism which has been ruling the world for too much.

We in the Orthodox Church as we have kept the traditions as much intact as possible up-to today are still struggling and mostly keeping the ancient Christian spirit, though very sadly this is changing nowdays.
The faith nowdays even in Orthodox Christians has been on a line to completely fade-away, with Roman Catholics and Protestants situation is even worser I believe.

So is there actually nowdays a chosen God people?

The Monks, layman and all Orthodox Church people who try to keep Christ's commandments of love brotherhood and keeping God as a head in our lives

We have that benefit that the path that leads to the Blessed promised land for which the Old Testament teaches us about is already set in, the promised land is existent even while we still live here in the body on this earth.

God's promised land and island of salvation is actually our Holy Orthodox Church, the dovoted God lovers within the realm of the Church is God's chosen people!

We as an Orthodox Christians has been granted by God a big grace and a big blessing, but with the big blessing always comes bigs responsibilities.

When I look in my life and try to weighten how much I do live a life like an Orthodox Christian I do really want to cry hard.

I know many other Orthodox Christians can also recognize this in our lives, we're living in a terrible times truely.

Further on on the question Are there a chosen God People in modern times ?, are the Israel chosen people yet like in the Old Days?

Definitely not, Jewish were chosen because The Messiah our saviour Jesus Christ (The Son of God) and God himself had to be incarnated in flesh die and suffer for all of the humanity.

But since the Jewish had crucified our Saviour, all that Jewish that haven't repented earnestly and turned to Christ by entering the Orthodox Church are not a chosen people any more.

Whoever is against the Son of God and Jewish are definitely against is actually against God. Whoever doesn't recognize God's eternal love, a love that has made God turn into man and suffer for our sins couldn't inherit the promised land neither be chosen anymore.

I've heard some of the prophecies made by some of Our Orthodox Christian Saints (Holy Fathers) says that Slavonic Orthodox Christian Nations would have an union when the Anti-Christ appears in the World.

According to this ancient prophecies by St. Nile/ st.Nil - a Athonite Monk the Slavonic Nations will have a king presumably (The King of Russia) and he will lead all the Slavonic nations to wage a war against the Anti-Christ.

I don't know if this prophecies are credible, but as far as I've read they're if it's really true this means that maybe someday my country Bulgaria Along with Russia and the other Slavonic Nations will really unite in faith and will fight the ungodly kingdom of the AntiChrist.

It's really I can't find any resources which had an exact translation about this prophecies.
Anyways back to the topic What are the God's chosen people nowdays (today)? , just in case if the Prophecies about the Chosen Slavonic Nations by God who will oppose the kingdom of the AntiChrist are true, then certainly, we the Slavonic (Bulgarians, Serbians, Macedonians, Russians, Ukrainians etc. etc.) and presumably other Orthodox Christians will unite and will march against the tyranny of the AntiChrist.
In that sense it could be that we The Orthodox Slavonics are also today's God chosen people.
I truly hope so! Only time will tell if this is true or not. And time and future is in God's hands for sure!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Thu Dec 30 15:41:53 EET 2010

How to remove the meta generator Content (Joomla! - Copyright) in Joomla 1.5

Do you wonder How to change <meta name="Generator" content="Joomla! - Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." /> in Joomla 1.5?

If yes, Here is how I've just found to remove the:

in my Joomla installation.

I need to remove that as a part of making my website not to leak out that it runs on top of Joomla.

So here is how:

1. Go to your Joomla website main root directory
2. Edit /libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php
Look for line: 83 in the /libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php
There you will notice the code:

$strHtml .= $tab.'<meta name="generator" content="'.$document->getGenerator().'" />'.$lnEnd;

In order to remove the <meta name="generator" content="Joomla ...." /> change the above code to something like:

$strHtml .= $tab.'<meta name="generator" content="My Custom Web site Generator name" />'.$lnEnd;

That's all now next time you refresh your website the content="Joomla! - Copyright (C) 2005 - 2009 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." will be no more.
Cheers! :)

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Wed Dec 29 18:32:52 EET 2010

How to add visitor/visitors counter in Joomla based website using the VINAORA joomla plugin

One of the websites based on Joomla, that I'm managing, had to have the option to show a Visitors Counter on the page bottom.

I did some research online to check for some Joomla plugins that are capable of aiming my Joomla installation with the Visitor Counter feature.

There are a couple of plugins available out there that are able to provide a Joomla installation with a Web Counter, however I'll just mention the few which I have tested myself.
The ones I've tested myself are;

2. Count your Visitors
3. Cool Hits Counter
and finally the one that I really liked the most:


All the prior 3 aforementioned VCNT, Count your Visitors and Cool Hits Counter, are actually working right after installation. I haven't had the time to test them thoroughfully but from a first look they appear to be counting the visitors.

The Count your visitors - joomla plugin's download main page was in German with no option to revert to English, so that wasn't nice.

Though the plugin seems to work fine after just downloaded and installed and configured from

Extensions -> Module Manager

The configuration options for Count your visitors are quite obscure but if you're a looking for a really simple way to count your Joomla based website visitors it might be a good choice. The plugin is based on the initial Joomla module called Statistics.

By the way I've read some reports online that actually Joomla 1.5 also includes some kind of minimal integrated web counter embedded in itself throughout the Joomla Statistics module .
However I personally couldn't really follow the methods describe to take advantage of the Joomla install integrated Statistics module, however if somebody has already succeeded in using the Statistics default joomla module I'll be glad, if he shares with me.

I've found the VCNT visitor statistics plugin a handy one, but this module had this major problem that the VCNT 1.5 text which was appearing as a heading before the statistics was hard to wipe out of my web page, so eventually I got pissed of and thought and tested the Cool Hits Counter.

The Cool Hits Counter is actually a simplistic module which presents a counter about visitors on the web site in numeric digit numbers.
These module uses the integrated Joomla 1.5 module mod_stats the only difference is the support for numeric digit numbers.

As I've said none of the above modules wasn't flexible enough and therefore wasn't what I was looking for, thus I decided to use my installed VINAORA Joomla web(users) counter plugin.

The VINAORA is actually quite straight foward to configure, right after installation to start with the configuration I had to navigate to:

Extension -> Module Manager -> Vinaora Visitors Counter -> Module Parameters

Extension -> Module Manager -> Vinaora Visitors Counter -> Module Parameters

Sine I wanted just a simple counter without any external statistics I personally prefered using Vinaora's counter with the optionsDisplay Mode: Simple as well as the Zero-Statistics turned on to (Yes)

Some of the other options I found to be best matching my desires for the Visitors Counter was:

Show Title: No and Position: Left

Now I had this shiny visitors statistics in my Joomla installation but there was the annoying Link in my Visitors Counter appearing on the page, thus in order to remove the default link Visitors Counter which was pointing to the VINAORA's web page, I had to edit the file:
modules/mod_vvisit_counter/tmpl/default.php located in my Joomla Document Root directory.

First I've edited the code on line 21 where I've removed out the Vinaora string since I didn't wanted any reference to Vinaora to occur in my Joomla HTML code.

In line 162 in the code:

$html .= '<div>';
$html .= '<a href="" target="_self" title="Vinaora Visit'>;
$html .= 'Vinaora Visitors Counter '.VERSION_MODULE.' for Joomla!" </a>';
$html .= 'Vinaora Visitors Counter
$html .= '</div>';
I've substituted with:

$html .= '<div>';
$html .= 'Visitors Counter
$html .= '</div>';

By doing so I've completed scraped out the annoying references to VINAORA and their link to website and thus made the Visitors counter a look a bit more professional.

Now the counter is working with a graphical numeric digits and everything is just fine with my Web counter Joomla counter thanks to VINAORA :)

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Tue Dec 28 21:08:36 EET 2010

Ghost in the Shell I & II - A nice Cyberpunk Manga, Anime movie (must seecyberpunk)

img src="" alt="Ghost in the Shell I && II, Manga Anime Batou and his dog" />

I've heard about Ghost in a Shell a couple of days ago from a website which reviewed some cyberpunk movies, I found it as a recommended one for people who are interested into a Cyberpunk movie genre.
As an IT guy for quite some time I have this interest into electronics and therefore my interest into futuristic ideas of a merge between Technology and Bio-organisms.
I just watched the second part of the Ghost in the Shell so I thought it will be nice to blog about it and try to make like a short review on the movie:)

Ghost in the Shell is a Japan movie and as such, always a bit hard to grind by an Europeans.

Thanksfully the movie plot and the acts in were a bit more sane than Serial Experiments Lain

I should say that Ghost in the Shell had a good Futuristic charge, the only thing I disliked about it that there were too many killings and sometimes it was a bit hard to grasp what is happening in the movie.

The movie is actually a composition of Anime. The exact genre of the animation is actually a cybepunk thriller
The movie has some quite a good fighting scenes, but sometimes is a bit too slow and too much strained but if you have watched another Japanese movies, you will already know that this also part of the charm of the Japanese animation cinema :)

Something I didn't completely liked about the movie was some of the movie characters (Cyborgs and robots etc.) were a bit too rigid, but I guess since they're an AI, I can assume this is Okay.

The Ghost in a Shell movie tells a story about a futuristic police dealing with electronic security breaches. The main actors in the movie are The Major / Kusanagi,A bio-Cyborg and a pure human, who are equipped and trained to fight technology-related crimes (murders etc.). and consntantly battle in a real world and simulated neural networks, servers, Operating systems, hack into etc.

The referrence for "The Major" consntatly commented in the movie comes due to the movie actor Kusinagi's past rank in Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

Kusinagi is capable of superhuman feats, and bionically specialized for her job — her body is almost completely mechanized, only her brain and a segment of her spinal cord remain organic.

There are influence of William Gibson probably to the movie especially from Gibson's Sprawl trilogy

The cyberpunk mangas under the name Ghost in the Shell were adapter after the movie from the 1995 again named Ghost in the Shell
There are two parts of the Manga films:

1. Ghost in the Shell (also known as Ghost in the Shell I) directed by Mamoru Oshii
and 2. Ghost in the Shell II: Innocense (came out in 2004).

In Ghost of the Shell II includes the character Batou which is actually a bio-cyborg or something and is quite a major actor and a guy that enpowers the movie.

Further on I've read that there are also Anime Series of Ghost in the Shell but I still haven't checked them so I can't say much about it.

The Japanese movie probably has turned quite a lot of interest in the realm of Cyberpunk fans, since even a novel and video games sprawned inspired by the film.

Even a notable best sellers and top modern movies as the Matrix - by the Wachowski brothers have shared about the influence of Ghost in the Shell I in making the Matrix movie.
I believe this info will be enough for you to get interested into Ghost in the Shell and either buy it or download it from thepiratebay :)
The notion of the Cyberpunk presented in the movie is really, really high! So I warmly recommend you the movie if you're into Cyberpunk!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Mon Dec 27 19:22:45 EET 2010

Fixing/(Work Around) periodically occuring TrackPoint Thinkpad R61 issues on Debian GNU/Linux

My notebook had problems every now and then, my notebook TrackPoint to which I'm firmly accustomed and I use it instead of the integrated touch point to the notebook

I personally find the trackpoint to be a way more handier and convenient than the normal embeded notebook mouse.

Thus I found it quite a hell, that every now and then suddenly my trackpoint went dead (e.g. my mouse pointer completely stopped responding when it is navigated with the TrackPoint device).

This freezing of my trackpoint were really irritating, there were two ways to fix the issues actually:

1. Restart the XServer (Xorg) && GNOME respectively

Change the current Trackpoint configured Speed and Sentivitity, with the commands as shown below:

# Configure Thinkpad
echo -n 120 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/speed
echo -n 250 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/sensitivity

Thus just recently an I was enlighted with an idea on how to work around the trackpoint hanging issues;

I thought if the above two lines of code are aligning the trackpoint speed and sentitivity and thus restoring back my trackpoint functionality, why I don't just put the two lines into a tiny bash shell script and set it to routinely execute on crontab.

Well guess what my idea seems to work like a charm! just till now!

It's been almost a week since I have put the above two lines in a script in /usr/sbin/

The script executes via cron on every 30 minutes, like so:

0,30 * * * * /usr/sbin/ >/dev/null 2>&1

The /usr/sbin/ script contents are as follows:

#!/bin/sh echo -n 120 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/speed
echo -n 250 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/sensitivity

You can download my thinkpad trackpoint hanging issues work-around script here

Place the script whenever you like or create it from scratch by copy pasting the code into a file into a certain destination set it on a cron and your issues should be fixed up.

Feedbacks if the problem is solved on other thinkpads is very welcome!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Sun Dec 26 20:23:15 EET 2010

Happy Christ Birth - Merry Christmas! It's Christmas Rejoice for the Saviour of the world is born!

our of the world is born! It's again Christmas! One of the brightest times in the year for all the humanity humanity. Happy Christ Birth! - Merry Christmas! - Chestito Rozhdetvo Hristovo! Hristos se Rodi!

Nativity of Christ Orthodox Icon with Merry Christmas greeting!, Happy Christ Birth

It's really sad that least of the people do understand the deep meaning behind Christmas or at least have any insight on what has happened on Christmas.

This bright celebration has slowly turned into a tradition that many families keep, Christmas tree has substituted the burning light of Christ living in many of the Christian families throughout the world.

From a time for repentance and realization of the great God's mercy in his worldly embodiment of himself and begging God for mercy it has changed into a celebration in which people gather to eat and drink a lot, listen to ungodly music, watch TV, concentrate on the Christmas tree, the Christmas gifts or Santa Claus.

Slowly the world has been deceived by the enemy of mankind that Christmas is a celebration that a man has to please himself instead of please God.
< In one of the best cases some people relate Christmas to a time, to do few good deeds or put some money in Charity.
Oh how much we have fallen from God's eternal grace and mercy! Woe to us for we think about good deeds and charity mostly in that period of the year.
Sadly enough most of us are good only on Christmas and few days after the salt of the Christ's birth and the grace coming with it disappears even to us the Orthodox Christians and worries does penetrate our hearts.
Instead of engraving this light celebration in our hearts and keep the great grace givin to us by God by enabling us to celebrate the feast for one more year, we focus on garments and the cold and meaningless greeting Merry Christmas
In the past when our fathers and mothers were greeting themselves with Merry Christmas they really knew what Merry Christmas means.
This is no more, the time of the year associated with Merry Christmas is by most of us associated with a time of the year where, we have a holiday without work, a time for fashion, shopping and entertainment.

Thus I found it necessary here in this post that I dig a bit into the meaning of Christmas and concentrate on the great importance this feast has in the True Christ Church which nowdays is the Orthodox Church

Let me start with the Etymology of the the word Christmas with whic we the modern "Christian" people greet ourselves on the Nativity of Christ with the known by everybody (even non-christians) Merry Christmas! greeting.

Originally the word Christmas has been a shortening word for the ancient latin word Christmessa / Christmesse / Christmaesse which literally translated means Christ's festival / Christmas day. The definition can be further investigated in The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology: The Origins of American English Words

Further on let me proceed with the importance of Christmas as they call it on the west or (Rozhdestvo Hristovo - The Birth of Christ) or similar words in the Slavonic world).

Christmas is the second feast by importance in the Orthodox Church year, right after the Orthodox Easter (The feast when we celebrate the Glorious Resurrection from the death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
In fact today is the third day of Christmas. The biggest part of the world already celebrates Christmas time starts after 24:00 o'clock on 24th against 25-th of December.
In the Bulgarian Orthodox Church the Nativity of Christ or (Rojdestvo Hristovo), is currently also celebrated on the the eve of 25th of December.

The Roman Catholics, Anglicans and most of the Protestant Denominations, Calvinists and Protestants reformed churches also celebrate the Christmas even on the night of 24th against 25 of December.

Originally the Christmas in the Eastern Orthodox World has been celebrated for many ages on the eve of 6th against 7th of January.

However for not too much clear reasons (to me) the Christmas date has been changed also to the 25th of December in many Orthodox Churches throughout the world.

Generally speaking each of the local Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas either on 25th of December or the 7th of January.

The celebration of Christmas feast or (Rojdestvo) is not a problem actually for the unity of the Orthodox Church, since it was decided that each of the Orthodox Churches could celebrate Christmas in a set date either to the New Calendar or the Old one (Nov Stil / Star Stil).

The Old style of celebrating the feast is historically the more ancient one and many Orthodox Christians especially monks believe it's more appropriate, however from a purely rational point of view it is proven by the Gregorian Roman catholic calendar that the way calendar dates are being counted in the Orthodox Church creates a lag of days in for instance 1000 years of time.
I wouldn't get into details about the difference between the Old Style and the New Style and I'll let you further investigate if you're interested.
Nevertheless it's an absolute rule in our Orthodox Church that Eastern is always on the same date for in all the local Orthodox Churches.
In general the Churches which celebrate the Christmas eve on 25th of Decemberand therefore follow the New feast date Calendar are:

most Greek Orthodox Churches, Romanian Orthodox Church, Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

The orthodox churches which celebrate Christmas eve on the 7th of January are:

Russian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church, Armenian Orthodox Church (here to be noted that Armenians are considered close to orthodox but in reality there is no Church Communion recognized between Armenians and the rest of the Canonical Orthodox Churches worldwide), many monasteries and recluses also have their Nativity of Christ feast on 7th of January including the Orthodox monk's republic Holy Mount Athos

Since nowadays it's quite of a discussion is it really right to celebrate the feast of Christmas with Roman Catholics and other Christians, which eventually lead many Orthodox local Churches in mini-schizms and many sects has been started like the "old style's zealots orthodox Christian zealots"
Extremes has ruled out the hearts and the minds of particular Orthodox Christian groups and they consider the acceptance of the New Style of feast celebration as ungodly etc.

Time and reality has proven that this kind of attitudes are not in the spiritu of moderation that we orthodox christians should possess and try to foster and thus many Orthodox Church fathers has openly criticized the extreme of not accepting the new style of feast dates if the local Orthodox Church of the layman has established it already.
I'll try to say few words on that as far as my understanding goes, as well as I'm gonna put my own personal perspective.

Officially the New Calendar or the New Style of feast dates in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church has been officially established in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in 18.06.1968 by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Holy Synod.

This has come a few years (I believe) after the same kind of new calendar of some particular church feasts has been introduced by the Greek Orthodox Church.

Some of the firm supporters of the Old Style (Star Stil), claim that this kind of change of the calnedar in the Greek Orthodox Church has happened during the Meletius IV has been a patriarch in the Orthdox Greek Church as his name is claimed to be found on a famous Masonry website listing the names of famous members that belonged to their lodge.
I have no clue if this is a mirror or not and to be honest I don't really believe it's because of that.
We shouldn't forget that Christ is the navigator of our Orthodox Church and therefore it's in his power to decide what kind of direction the Church will, even if the story with the patriarch Masonry is true.
If it wasn't God's will for the Greek, Bulgarian and consequently Romanian Orthodox Church to adopt the new style of feast celebration sooner or later God will put a righteous people at the Church's headship and by his inspiration will make the dates to be reversed!

So I believe this kind of thinking concerning the date of Christmas change to 25th of December and it's relation with a global conspiracy theories is quite destructive for us as Christians and my personal spiritual life has shown me that this kind of thinking could of masonry conspiracies etc. and the constant attempting to link spiritual and material realm can only bring bipolar disorders, fears, sleepless nights paranoia etc.
So if some orthodox Christian has been very interested into this kind of things I warn you to beware and step back from digging into this kind of information and consult with your spiritual father immediately for an advise and blessing for what is suitable for reading and what not!

The Starostilci (Or Old Stylers Orthodox Christians) unfortunately are one of the Christian sects also in Bulgaria, their supporters and "Church Leaders" does support the insane idea described below and are more and more getting out of their minds. Again beware of this kind of thinking and try to flee away from extremes, concentrate on your personal spiritual life instead of concentrating on legends and rumors!

Apart from that I should confess that the New Style or the new Church calendar adopted in many orthodox churches in practice is creating a lot of problems.
Let me give you a real life example, as of now I'm in Holland and the nearest canonical Orthodox Church is located in Nijmegen is a Russian Orthodox Church. I was not sure just until recently how to proceed with the lent (the Christmas fasting time), should I follow the New Calendar Style festival Church Style (Nov Stil) or do adhere to the (Old One).
As I'm here and attending the Russian Orthodox Church in Nijmegen and as a Russian Orthodox Chrch they're adhering as the rest of the Russian Church to the Old Church Calendar, it was quite strange for me when should I fast.

In our Bulgarian Orthodox Church where I had been a regularly attending the lent starts a week earlier compared to the Orthodox Churches which adhere to the Star Stil.

Therefore I started following the fasting according to the Bulgarian Church feast days calendar, and according to this calendar the Christmas day or the (Rozhdestvo Hristovo) is on 25th of December.
I followed completely this kind of Nov Stil and apparently found out that according to some Church rules I should in reality adhere to church calendar of the Orthodox Church parish where I'm currently in this situation (to the Russian Orthodox Church.

It was a bit late and it was completely confusing for me as I've tried to fast as much as I can to the Bulgarian orthodox Calendar and now after I've talked with a hieromonk a friend of mine and he explained me that I should stick to the Russian Church rules and Celebrate Christmas on 7th of January.
I've never in my life to be honest celebrated Christmas on 7th of January and actually I tried to celebrate it already on 25th and this makes it this whole situation even more stranger and confusing, not to mention that I've already stpoped fasting (olazhih se) as we say in Bulgarian.

Now after Father Sergii's consultation I've been given the advise to continue without fasting until Christmas and after Christmas to fast for a week and Celebrate Christmas on 7th of January so I'll try my best to follow this advise.
Still I believe this literal example shows up some of the difficulties and division that this calendar differences within some Orthodox Churches actually seperates the Orthodox Church local life and distracts the Church unity.

Anyways enough complatining, back to the topic It's Christmas time! Our Lord has been born from the Holy Theotokos (Virgin Mary)! We're blessed to celebrate one more Christmas!
I wish all my readers to rediscover the meaning of the feast Nativity of Christ to focus on their prayer life and the spiritual instead of being deceived and look on the material expression and shiness of Christmas which distracts the soul from being able to absorb God's abundant grace given on us in this graceful times to us the Orthodox Christians.

I also wish you have a good health, joy, peace and a moderate New-Year time!
I hope God will open my heart and mind to understand the real meaning of this sacred celebration and to really value it and rejoice!

Sadly enough I haven't been enough vigilant to rejoice in this Christmas time and allowed personal worries to distract the joy of our Saviour Birth.

Do not let the same happen to you, rejoice in God and put aware the worldly worries!
For conclusion I end up by giving glory to the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit now and Forever and ever! Amen!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Sat Dec 25 15:06:16 EET 2010

How to fix is this you on this pic virus on Windows Vista

Is your pc infected with a annoying virus/spyware (worm) which constantly tries to distribute itself over Skype or the other messangers you're using?

The virus spreads around the message similar to the message is this you on this pic?
The second part of is this you on this pic? consists of an URL which is actually randomly generated
The virus behaviour is that it sends a link to a random hostname which does contain the spyware itself and gets infected the Windows PC of the person who is naive enough to open the link.

What is really annoying about this virus is that it sends around to random people in the skype contact list advertisement the virus like shown in the paste below directly from my Skype program:
[Sun Dec 19 2010 12:18:55] salinuriev: is this you on pic? etc.

The virus uses an old cracker's trick "provoking the people's curiosity by initiating personal message with the link to a picture".

I should say the Virus creators has done a good job since the first time I saw the virus I was stupid enough to open the link, as it was naturally part of one of my conversations in Skype.
Luckily I'm using GNU/Linux and an old skype version and therefore my PC couldn't get infected by the malware.

Recently the family which lives in the same house as me herem, had their notebook infected with the virus and since they're not too much computer literated asked me to help them in fixing their Windows Vista from this sticky virus.

It took me a while to find out the solution, but eventually I cleared it up!

In this article I'll describe step by step what I did to clean up the virus:

1. Make sure you have some kind of Antivirus software installed;

If you do not have an antivirus software installed on your PC you should get one:

I personally prefer Avira as it's a freeware for personal use, other Antivirus softwares you might use is AVG or if you can afford to buy one, then I would advise you to pick up NOD32.
Another option of yours is to use one of the NOD32 cracked versions with the FixIt crack file applied.
The cracked NOD32 can easily be find in or some other major torrent racker, however be aware that using a cracked version of NOD32 might endanger your PC. Many of the available distributed NOD32 said to a cracked ones are actually contains viruses or spyware attached to either the crack or the NOD32 main executable or ldd (libraries).

2. Install MalwareBytes and check your PC for spyware/malware software

Check out my previous post about the Malwarebytes

3. Download and run Oldtimer's TFC.exe

TFC will close ALL open programs including browser etc. It's necessary that the file is run with Administrator in Windows Vista.

After the program starts up press the Start button to begin the cleaning process and let the program complete.
The moment TFC prompts you for a reboot you will have to agree.

What TFC does is it does check all the Temporary Files folders in your Windows and deletes all the junk and old files.
This is very nice actually since many of today's viruses, spyware and malware keep themselves copies in the Temporary Files folders and execute themselves from there during boot.
One more thing to know some antivirus softwares including TrendMicro's Housecall will consider the TFC to contain a Trojan, however you can safely ignore this warning since the detection is incorrect.
4. Use trendmicro's housecall Online Virus Scan

HouseCall - Free Online Virus Scan

This is quite handy tool, the disadvantage is that you leave an external program over the internet to mess up with your files, however if you really want to get rid of the Skype spamming worm virus , you have no other choice.

Download either the Housecall for a 32bit or for 64bit in accordance to your Windows platform and the program will scan your system for you and hopefully clean up the trojan.

Following this 4 steps cleaned up the PC from the is this you on the pic? infection!

I hope that all has been cleared but with closed proprietary systems like Windows you never know ... If there are some further problems I'll try to post about them in the comments here.
Users feedback on how well this article helped is also mostly welcome!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Fri Dec 24 15:02:42 EET 2010

Windows XP Service Pack 2 and 3 Win XP SP2, SP3 + Bulgarian Language Pack for Download

Recently I had to fix up an old Compaq PC, 800Mhz CPU speed, 20GB hdd, 256 MBytes of memory.
Since the PC wasn't used for a long time and already had Windows Installed it was necessary that I update the PC's default Installed Windows installation to prevent the OS from getting infected immediately after it's connected to the net.

The Windows XP installed on the desktop PC had only Service Pack 1 and thus the Windows was quite obsolete.
It took me a while of googling and downloading to Download XP Service 1 and XP's Service pack 3 and install them on the PC.

Moreover the PC needed to have installed a Bulgarian Language pack, because by default the Windows's environment was already configured with a Dutch language pack.

I needed the XP's Bulgarian Language pack cause the PC was about to be sent to Bulgaria and used by some Bulgarian guy who doesn't have knowledge in either Dutch nor English.

Since it took me a while to find and download and install the XP SP 2,XP SP 3, and the Bulgarian language pack I thought it will be handy to put the three softs together here on my webserver and possibly easify the life of someone who needs to have the 3 pieces of soft installed.

Here are the Win XP SP2, SP3 and the Bulgarian Language pack:

Download WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe / Windows XP Service Pack 2
Download WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe / Windows XP Service Pack 3
Download Bulgarian.Language.Pack.For.Windows.XP.SP2.rar
Downloda Bulgarian Interface Pack for Windows XP.msi

I have to say that it was rather strange but I found two files which actually were about to do the trick of adding cyrillizing the Windows XP install (changing the OS locale to Bulgarian by default).

I've personally used the Bulgarian Interface Pack for Windows XP.msi which is a smaller piece of file (3.5MB), The other Language pack - the archive (Bulgarian.Language.Pack.For.Windows.XP.SP2.rar) is actually (5.0M) and I have no clue if it correctly changes the Windows XP default outlook to bulgarian, so if somebody tests it and can confirm it works fine let me know in the comments please :)
The two files SP2 and SP3 checksums are:
WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe size is (266M) 59a98f181fe383907e520a391d75b5a7

WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe's size is (317M) bb25707c919dd835a9d9706b5725af58

The Service Packs I've mirrored directly from Microsoft's website and the Language Packs, were downloaded from a bulgarian website and one of them was sent to me by a friend who is in Bulgaria. It was quite a struggle to actually find the Language Packs since most of the websites where the Language Packs were available were filtered for outside of the Bulgarian Internet space.

I hope this files will be of use to somebody.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Thu Dec 23 16:38:42 EET 2010

Enemy at the Gates a film about the World War II movie review

Enemy at the Gates second world war 2 movie cover

Yesterday I watched Enemy at the Gates movie. The movie is quite good I really enjoyed.
The story behind the movie is circling around the battle of Stalingrad in the Second World War.

The movie presents the harsh reality of the WWII, the Nazis city occupation and the Russian's desperate attempts to save the city.
The movie was produced in 2001 and is directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, starring Jude Law, Joseph Fiennes and Ed Harris.
The movie title comes after a book written in 1973 with the name Enemy at the Gates: Battle of Stalingrad which describes the events that happened in that dark times of human history.

The two key actors are the Soviet sniper Vasily (Vasilii) Grigoryevich Zaitsev and his German counterpart Major Erwin Konig.
The movie entwine's the story of Zaitsev who used to a shepherd from the Ural Mountains and has become a soldier for the Red Army in attempt to save his motherland from the Nazis invasion.

In one of the film movies Vasily has remarkably killed a number of soldiers by stalking pretending to be dead among the heaps of dead Russians.
One other soldier by a lucky accident (Commisar Danilov) who also survives through the pogrom and watches the heroism of Vasilii Zaicev and as he is assigned in the Red Army publishing he writes a lot of Articles about Zaitsev's heroism and quickly turns him into a National hero.
As Zaitsev becomes loved by Russian people and Germans recognize him as a obstacle to their invasion they send the Major Erwin Konig (a notable and honorable sniper to kill Zaitsev) and thus disrupt the Russian Army hero and hence morale.

Zaitsev and Danilov meets Tania (a beautiful young woman) serving for the red Army. They both fall in love the beautiful Tania.
It's not a long time and Tania is also in love with Vasily.
As the movie progresses Tania and Vasily start a love affair. Tania is seriously injured in one of the further scenes and is sent with a boat to a nearby town hospital.
As General Konig kills a number of Zaitsev's army fellows, and throughout the movie the battle between two becomes more and more personal.
As Tania is thought to be dead by Commisar Danilov and he cannot bear the loss because he is love with her, he sacrificies himself by showing up in a battle scene where General Konig and Vasily are staling at each other.
Danilov gets a head shot from Herr Konig's rifle and thus the general prepares himself to get from his sniper hiding, thinking he has killed Vasily.
As he wents out of his hiding-place he sees Vasily waiting for him and Vasily shots him right in the head.

It's been a while and the Russians had been victorious over the Germans and the Stalingrad battle is won. Zaitsev visits the hospital where Tania is being recovering from her serious injuries. The movie ends with the happy scene of Tania and Vasily being together again! Quite a Romance.

The movie's main actors are not russians unfortunately but still I find the movie to be quite a good one and I recommend it for wathching to anybody willing to spend some good 2 hours time in watching the love drama.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Wed Dec 22 14:46:38 EET 2010

How to fix wordpress blog sudden redirection to present post problem

y blog's index has suddenly started redirecting to my last post. That was rather strange, since I haven't done anything special, all I did before the problem occured was a change in wordpress wp-admin to my latest post.

There in I changed the post Visibility from Public to Private

Right after this my blog's home started redirecting to the blog post where the changes was made.

This was really strange, so I reverted back the changes in Post's Publish Visibility to the default setting.
Though the change the redirect to the latest post by accessing my was still there.

I tried completely wiping out the post by sending it to Trash and issuing the same post again, but now things became even worser.

Accessing my blog was opening 404 not found error message . Everything seemed fine in wordpress admin and therefore I suspected the redirect is being applied from info read in my wordpress database in MySQL.

A bit of investigation prooved my guess was correct, for some reason a record was made to the MySQL blog database in table wp_redirection_items.

The incorrect redirection wihtin the database looked like so:

| 4 | /blog/ | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 2 | enabled | url | 301 | /blog/how-to-change-from-default-main-menu-to-other-text-in-joomla/ | url | NULL |

Removing the incorrect redirect was kind of easy and came to simply issuing:

mysql> delete from wp_redirection_items where id='3';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

This fixed the redirection issue and opening my blog main page started correctly opening the main page again! :)

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Tue Dec 21 22:05:38 EET 2010

Emarketing & E-commerce study materials (Emarketing Reader, Search Engine Marketing, SEO Guide) for download

I'm preparing myself for my E-marketig & E-commerce exam part of the EMarketing & E-commerce module I follow in Arnhem Business School.

The study materials for the Emarketing exam are very basic and give some very basic information related to E-marketing & E-Commerce, however the readings has some good points. The electronic documents related to the E-marketing were available for a download from HAN Scholar (The University electronic documents study resource).

Since the documents lacked any copyrighting I thought it's a good idea to share the documents for the public here in my blog, that some other followers of the Emarketing discipline either in Arnhem Business School, can benefit from them or any other students following the same course.

Here are the Emarketing related resources:

1. Emarketing Reader - The basic study documents for the E-marketing course in doc file and EMAR_Reader in pdf
2. SEO Guide doc file - a very basic guide for Search Engine Optimization
3. Basic concepts behind Search Engine Marketing - CPC, CPP, Site search engine submit, meta tags, web directories, Optimizations etc.
4. Powerpoint (PPT) Presentations archive for E-marketing, E-business, E-procurement, E-business Strategy
5. Emarketing & E-commerce comparison assignment student reports for 2 websites

the files I have gathered throughout the study of E-marketing course are avialable here.

I hope this study resources will be of use to some future students in Arnnehm Business School or other university students following the same course.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Tue Dec 21 13:50:07 EET 2010

How to change from default main menu to other text in Joomla

To change the Main Menu link menu entry in Joomla, from Joomla administ rator I tried to:

Menus -> Main Menu -> Menus

I've changed the title but the change didn't appeared in my Joomla based website .

I tried to change it directly in the source code of the website by looking for 'Main Menu' string with:

debian:/home/mysite/www# grep -rli 'Main Menu' *

but it appeared too complicated and after trying few string changes in few files I decided to drop this kind of approach.

A bit of investigation online led me to how to achieve what I was trying to dire ctly from Joomla.

Here is how. In Joomla administrator move to:

Extensions -> Module Manager

In the list you will the Module Manager appear under the list Module Name , therein you have to click over Main Menu text and change it to whatever you like to.

The new text you entered will appear on the joomla website immediately, enjoy.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Mon Dec 20 12:51:54 EET 2010

How to build website sitemap (sitemap.xml) in Joomla

A joomla installation I'm managing needed to have created a sitemap.xml

From a SEO perspective sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz are absolutely necessary for a website to be well indexed in google.

After some investigation I've found out a perfect program that makes generation of sitemap.xml in joomla a piece of cake.

All necessary to be done for the sitemap.xml to be created comes to download and install of JCrawler

What makes JCrawler even better is that it's open source program.

To install Jcrawler go in the joomla administrator panel:

Extensiosn -> Install/Uninstall

You will see the Install from URL on the bottom, there place the link to the installation archive, for instance you can place the link of the downloaded copy of I've mirrored on,by placing

The installation will be done in a few seconds and you will hopefully be greated with a Installation Success message.

Last thing to do in order to have the sitemap.xml in your joomla based website generated is to navigate to:

Content -> JCrawler

There a screen will appear where you can customize certain things related to the sitemap.xml generation, I myself used the default options and continued straight to the Save and Generate button.

That's all now your joomla website will be equipped with sitemap.xml, enjoy!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Sun Dec 19 13:29:57 EET 2010

How to make passive FTP server connections working on Debian

If you're setting a new server based Linux server and you want to have an FTP server which is located behind a firewall or some kind of router I've myself experienced this on Debian Lenny powered server.

The exact kernel of the server is as follow:

Linux debian 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Sep 16 15:56:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Until some time ago, everytime I experienced this kind of problem on a Linux router the fix was done through loading the kernel module ip_c However this kind of fix is no longer working for some reasons I'm not completely aware.
The Linux kernel has adopted a new kernel module:
Which until some time apparently takes care for the connection tracking of passive FTP connections.

Therefore to currently to enable the passive FTP connections to your FTP daemon on Linux you need to load and enable the nf_conntrack debian:~# echo nf_conntrack_ftp >> /etc/modules

debian:~# modprobe nf_conntrack_ftp

Now your FTP passive connections should work fine.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Sat Dec 18 13:41:11 EET 2010

Inception (2010) moview review (religious elements in the movie)

Inception 2010 movie cover I've watched the Inception movie after it was recommended to me by a number of university colleagues.
I was said the movie is great and really worthy to be seen. Thus I had a big expectations about it.
Inception is claimed to be a SCI-FI, though I hardly doubt if it really can be qualified as a sci-fi.
The movie's main actor is Leonardo Dicaprio and probably this is one of the reasons the movie so highly praised.
I should say that starring Dicaprio is one of the only good things about the movie.

Inception includes a number of elements which earlier were introduced by the Matrix, so at times some scene feels a bit like the Matrix.

The concept behind the movie is so complicated that you can hardly grasp the idea.
Anyways probably the main idea is that a world has come to a point where a technology has been evaluated giving the possibility when attached to a person to enter his mind.
That's how people from real life can enter the mind of a person who is attached to a tech device and can by actions within the mind alter scenes and thoughts of the intruded mind.
There is a lot of Mambo Jambo in the movie,computer graphics and scene montages are to be seen in many of its scenes.

Whenever a man's mind is intruded through an inception, the only way for someboto wake up is to kill themselve.

The movie further shows a scenes where people are in various dreams and by killing themselves they can enter another dream where the cycle of inceptions is so complicated that maybe there is no exit anymore

The religious background of the movie is heavily influenced by Buddhism and buddhist ideas like "I create my own reality"
This is shown for instance in the movie scenes where people can built up their own reality.
As with many modern movies the Inception movie contains a reference to spiritual elements which are completely incompatible with Christianity and I would say under covered openly unchristian.
Some of the other elements the movie includes is mostly elements of modern psychology beliefs and practices.

The idea about killing oneself in order to wake up I found to be very bad and even promoting Suicide, since the movie presents suicide as an escape to another world.

Furthermore by reading some reviews in Wikipiedia I found the way movie was promoted was mostly through viral marketing, which also sounds quite bad.

To conclude I find the movie as a very bad one, from religious, philosophical and personal perspective.
The ideas presented in the movie are not that special. The Inception movie is really a bad movie in my view maybe one of the worst made ever so I wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
It's really amazing that the movie still have positive reviews on a shit movie like this.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Fri Dec 17 20:56:57 EET 2010

How to fix Cannot open local disk drive C in My Computer on Windows XP

A friend of mine who is running a Microsoft Windows XP contacted me in Skype and asked me how can he fix a problem with his My Computer and Windows Explorer not able to open his C and D drives

Below is the screenshot illustrating the problem of Windows File Explorer unable to open the C:\ drive:

cannot open local disk drive c, choose the program to use to open this file:

After some quick search in Google I've found out that the problem is caused by some kind of silly usb stick (flash drive) autorun.inf virus.

This virus alters the way the Windows Internet Explorer works by adding some autorun.inf into the hard drive partitions, e.g. C:\, D:\, E:\ etc.

Solution to the problem actually appears to be quite easy and can be done in two general directions;

1. Using a specific cleanup autorun.inf program for instance Flash_Disinfector.exe

This method is quite easier especially for people who don't know how Win XP command prompt and basic Windows terminal commands works:

To fix the Cannot open local drive C XP issue this way all you have to do is Download Flash Disinfector.exe and run it on your PC

If you don't want to bother with binary .exe software which you had no clue what contains (e.g. the preferred method in my view to solve the cannot open drive C is done via cmd.exe

2. Through using Win XP's command prompt atrib and autorun

- Here run the cmd.exe through:
Windows -> Run
type in cmd.exe inside the Run box, the Windows Terminal will popup:
Inside the terminal type in:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator> cd C:\
C:\> attrib -h -a -r -s autorun.inf
C:\> del autorun.inf
C:\> cd D:\
D:\> attrib -h -a -r -s autorun.inf
D:\> del autorun.inf

Your problem should be solved.
Now make sure to secure your XP PC with some good antivirus software like NOD32 in order to prevent it from getting infected again with some kind of autorun.inf worm or some other terrible type of malicious soft.

Hope that helps.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Wed Dec 15 11:54:39 EET 2010

Disable Eaccelerator logging to httpd-error.log on FreeBSD

For a couple of weeks I have the eaccelerator on FreeBSD.
The installation was quite easy actually, all I had to do is install the /usr/ports/www/eaccelerator port and restart Apache.

Now few weeks after I've realized my file system is full

There was a couple of reasons for the overfilling of my filesystem but one of the major ones was because my /var/log/httpd-error.log was growing too quickly because eaccelerator was writting debug messages in the log.

I've nulled off the httpd-error.log which has already grown to 1G just for about 3 weeks time and also cleaned up some old logs which I haven't for a year and a half already and now my file system full problem is gone.

However I decided to disable the eaccelerator debug log in order to save some space on my FreeBSD and prevent future file system full problems.

To disable the eaccelerator debugging on FreeBSD I had to do the following:

1. Add to my /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini just one line of code

freebsd# echo "eaccelerator.debug = 0" >> /usr/local/php5/lib/php.ini

2. Restart the Apache server

freebsd# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache2 restart

That's it now the annoying eaccelerator debug log is disabled and a lot of space which was lost on nothing is saved.

I wonder why the port developed (Ale) has left the default installation port installation to have the debugging enabled. If I have some time I'll drop him an email to tell him about the issue.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Tue Dec 14 20:36:59 EET 2010

My PHP developed Restaurant Reservatoin Form

Two months ago, I've developed a contact reservation form in PHP. The form is really easily customizable and is straight forward to integrate.
I've developed the form for a small restaurant which was missing the feature on it's joomla based website to send table reservations.

Here is how my restaurant reservation form looks like:

hip0's plain php restaurant reservation form

Later on I found there are plenty of possibilities to easily make a reservation form in Joomla but at that time I had no idea that custom contact forms can be prepared with Joomla, so I developed my own one from scratch in plain PHP and MySQL.

The form's fields are in Dutch, because the form I've developed for a Dutch restaurant.
However changing the form text is really easy,to do so open the php file and modify it, according to your needs.
I decided to share here the reservation form in hope that it might be helpful to somebody out there.
The Reservation form is licensed under GPLv2 so you're very welcome to distribute and modify it for free.

The form installation is described in the README file you will find bundled with the reservation form archive.

You can d Download my PHP restaurant reservation form here

Feedback on the form is very welcome!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Mon Dec 13 13:37:09 EET 2010

Robocopyright ACTA / Or how important decisions about world's future are taken in management meetings

I was pointed by Dave to this nice fun video. It's a remake of the very famous Robocop movie scene. Where a new way of police robocot is being introduced in a management meeting.

Some crazy guy substituted the original replicas with stuff related on the sad reality of the restrictions constantly being imposed on the Internet users.
I also find this movie to be a good representation on how important management meetings within enterprises works.
It's a bit sad, but in reality business works in a similar way, so this video is a good representation on the unethical way business is constantly conducted nowdays.
Here is the funny video itself:

Sadly enough the video has also a lot of hidden wistom in the background if you think deeply on how stuff works in our modern societies.

I hope accidently some top managers would stumble on it and take some moral from it.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Sun Dec 12 20:44:15 EET 2010

Install shellinabox web SSH shell service on FreeBSD

Ever wondered how you can have a pretty web ssh shell on your FreeBSD?
I hope so, just until recently I was using the python script /usr/local/web-shell/ which allowed me to have a webshell to access my machine via SSH from a web broser.

The bad thing about the was that it was especially prepared for Iphones and it appeared in my browser just in a small part of the browser window.
Another problem with the script was that it doesn't support work Internet Explorer.

So I heard from David about this ShellinaBox . Basicly shellinabox is another web shell software you can put into your server and access your server via HTTPS protocol directly through a browser.
This is pretty cool, what is even nicer is that there is already a port existing for FreeBSD, as I'm using FreeBSD in my home router that was exactly what I needed.

So here is how I installed the ShellinaBox nice small piece of soft to my FreeBSD system:

freebsd# cd /usr/ports/www/shellinabox
freebsd# make install clean

Now it is installed next step for me was to set up the shellinabox to start up when my FreeBSD box boots in through the /etc/rc.conf bsd booting system:

To do so I added the following two lines in my rc.conf:

freebsd# echo >> shellinaboxd_enable="YES"
freebsd# echo >> shellinaboxd_port="8022"

Now as a last step before you have it up is to launch the shellinabox rc script:

freebsd# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/shellinaboxd start

In order to access the running shellinaboxd daemon on port 8022 you have to point with your browser to http://yourdomain:8022

That's it login with your credentials and have fun accessing your shell via a browser.

This is very handy thing to use especially if your outbound SSH (22) port access is filtered from some ISPS or private networks.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Sat Dec 11 18:43:25 EET 2010

Malwarebytes a good Anti-Spyware anti-malware Windows program

Dave just recommended me a nice software which is able to easily extinguish most of the nowdays terrible spyware soft.
I had previously installed a cracked version of Spyware Doctor on this Windows machine and it was interesting that even though it's so seriously praised the Spyware Doctor wasn't able to find a bunch of stupid spyware.
Talking about Spyware what is a Spyware? Why is not a spyware a virus?

Anyways, I guess they just came up with a hype word to just market some more software as an anti-spyware soft.

To clean up your windows pc with go straigh to Malwarebytes download it and install it.
The full version of malwarebytes is paid but the good news is that the free version available for download lacks only the service of an integrated windows agent to constantly track your pc if a spyware is trying to enter from a website.

Just until recently I used to use the good old Spybot but this program is not anymore finding most of the malicious stuff, so I guess this malwarebytes is something I should install more often on Windows pcs I had to fix up.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Fri Dec 10 13:38:30 EET 2010

How to invoke virtual keyboard through a command in Windows 7,XP and Vista

I just learned something useful from a friend that I found worthy to share here with my readers.

There is a Windows command that can be used straight to bring up the virtual keyboard.

The simple command is called osk which abbreviate stands for On Screen Keyboard

Here is how the On Screen Keyboard looks like in Windows XP.

Windows XP Virtual Keyboard, On Screen Keyboard

This type of keyboard is especially handy for some security reasons sometimes. For instance let's say you're sitting on a Windows XP that might be trojanned or could have some kind of keyboard logger / sniffer.
If you have to login via ssh or even simply to your web email interface, facebook, twitter or any other web frontend that requires your credentials. Then your passwords could be easily stolen, this is especially true with the spyware.
Probably the bigger parts of Windows powered computers that are connected to the internet has some kind of Viruses or spyware which basicly does some keyboard logging and send data about your usernames and logins, bank accounts privacy details to crackers.

This could be very easily omitted if you simply use the On Screen Keyboard since you don't physically type on the keyboard but use the virtual keyboard malicious people cannot get over your privacy and passwords :)

Again if you want to quickly visualize the OSK all you need to do is:


Now the virtual kbd app will open. Enjoy :)

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Fri Dec 10 12:55:50 EET 2010

How to list all files and directories in Windows XP drive and save it to a file

Yesterday I had this thing, by accident because of some misconfiguration of the domain controller here in the university. I can read some files and folders which were belonging to students and teachers here in the university. We had some great fun with my good old friend David. In checking up some trashy stuff. It was rather interesting that one of the directory listings actually contained all the teachers computer usernames with it, therefore I needed a quick way to make all the files listing stored in a file in order to be able to later have this usernames listing stored in an MySQL or some other kind of database, after consulting few websites I came to the command to list all files and directories in the mapped sharing.

We first used the net use //workgroup/ J: to map the sharing in the workgroup and later we used the dir command as shown below to list all files and directories and store the data in a file.
So here is how you can also come with all your files and directories in your Windows drive stored in a file:

dir J:\ /s > c:\somepath\j_file.txt

Now if the files and directory is not too long you will have everything stored in j_file.txt in a couple of minutes time, however in our case the directory listing was huge so we had to wait for an hour and still the file was filling in :)

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Wed Dec 8 14:21:27 EET 2010

Jewish concept of Messiah (Christ) is identical to our Christian concept of Anti-Messiah (Anti-Christ), brief comparison of Orthodox Judaism and Orthodox Christianity

I'm reading for quite some time a Jewish website which explains thoroughfully the basic beliefs in Judaism.
The website was quite an interesting one to read just to get a bit closer look to Jewish religion and rituals attached to it.
You might want to take a look at the website

From this website I've extracted the Jewish definition for Messiah or as we know it also in Christianity the title Christ which our saviour and Lord Jesus Christ is wearing.

It was very interesting fact to know that the Jewish definition to the Christ the jewish people expect is identical to our Christian definition of the AntiChrist

Below is definition of the "Messiah" or "Mashiach" as they call their still expected saviour to come:

"Anglicization of the Hebrew, "mashiach" (anointed). A man who will be chosen by G-d to put an end to all evil in the world, rebuild the Temple, bring the exiles back to Israel and usher in the world to come. It is better to use the Hebrew term "mashiach" when speaking of the Jewish messiah, because the Jewish concept is very different from the Christian one."

Moreover I found it interesting to show you here few more things that the Jewish belief about their eventual Messiah, the info is again extracted from;

* The idea of mashiach (messiah) is an ancient one in Judaism
* The Jewish idea of mashiach is a great human leader like King David, not a savior
And now the most funny one:

* Jews do not believe in Jesus because he did not accomplish these tasks

The belief of the coming Jewish Christ and therefore in reality the Anti-Christ is a basic belief of the Jewish faith and is one of the 13 P rinciples of Jewish Faith

It's absolutely striking for me and I guess for each Christian out there that the Jewish people plainly tell that they're looking forward for t he coming of the Anti-Christ, that we tremble at and are constantly warned about in our Orthodox Christian Churches.

Of course getting to know Jewish tradition and faith is a good thing especially in order to complain and see how much similar Orthodox Judaism is in many aspects to Orthodox Christianity.

For instance they also hold their holy book the Torah and walk with it through their Synagogue, they kiss the Torah. They also have a sort of o ur Holy Liturgy, they have an early cycle of book readings assigned Jews read in the synagogue throughout the year.

However there I can find so many differences. For instance in some cases Orthodox Judaism allows abortion, whether our Orthodox Christian Churc h strictly prohibits it as one of the biggest sins one can commit.

Another similarity between Orthodox Judaism and Orthodox Christianity was the daily (morning and evening prayers), prayers before eating, thank sful prayers after eating etc.

It's apparent from that short comparison that the Orthodox Church that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has established has continued the jewish ancient traditions and passed it over to us the Orthodox Christians.

In so many things I've red on that Jewish website I've found clearly the references to the Holy Trinity - The Father, The Son and the Ho ly Spirit to whom glory to be now and for ever and ever! Amen!.

It's so strange that Jewish people cannot see their fallacy in non-believing in the Son of God and the rejection of the tri-unite nature of God .

One clear very ancient symbol that testifies about the Tre Holy Trinity is the Jewish Hamesh Hand

Here is the picture of the Hamesh Hand:

Hamesh Hand
The hand as you can see in the picture presents a hand with three primary fingers each one of each holds three identical rings and the all seeing eye that, we also have as a Christian symbol within a pyramid (symbolizing the the tri-unite nature of God).

The rabbin's dressing as shown in some pictures I've checked on jewfaq is also quite similar to our Orthodox Priest's dressing.

Another interesting moment from me from exploring the Jewish culture was the 613 (Mitzvot) commandments which one should follow and which are actually impossible not to break throughout a life time.

As an Orthodox Christians we believe that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has fulfilled and kept all the 613 Jewish commandment in order to be able to become a sinless sacrifice for our sins.

Some things concerning the daily speaking that I found as a Jewish beliefs I liked a lot and I should say some chunks of things about what is allowed to talk and what is prohibited is really something that seems right.
However we don't have it in a such strict and clearly divided way in the Orthodox Church. Even though we know that we're told in the New Testament that we who believe in Christ as a saviour should speak only good and bad word shouldn't get out of our mouths.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Tue Dec 7 19:36:09 EET 2010

How to Add sub-menus to Joomla main navigation buttons (Making dropdown menus) in Joomla

I'm using a template youbizz just recently for a website. The website is already configured to use Joomla as a CMS.
This is a website related to the university so joomla was the perfect choice for a quick and easy to configure Content Management System

The youbizz template really makes difference and make the website layout look & feel quite a business looking.

However I needed a way to make my general configured menu buttons on the website to have a dropdown sub-menus in it

I even didn't know if Joomla is supporting this, but by a chance I've made a submenu to the website Home buttom menu and thus I learned it how I can make submenus.

It actually appears creating the submenus to a menu in Joomla is a piece of cake, all you have to do in joomla administrator is go to to:

Menus -> Main Menu

From there you can configure as website buttons and link them to the ones already prepared in Article Manager

Just in case if you don't know to add a buttons to a new joomla installation it's necessary from admin to first go to:

Content -> Article Manager

Next press the New button (a green button with an image of a plus sign)

Thereon put a Title , Alias and in the input box put on everything you want this button pressed to show up in ur website.

Completing that simply press the Apply button and it should be done.
Next step to make the article appear in Menus -> Main Menu is to go this section and respectively from there use the green button with the plus sign to add up a new element to the main menu.

Right after you will have the Menu Item: [ New ] to appear it looks like in the pic below:

Joomla menu add new element screenshot

From the list of items to select you need to select the Article menu element. A submenu will appear in your browser to the Articles reading:

Article Layout
Article Submission Layout

From this menu you will have to select the Article Layout

The next screen to appear will look like the pic below:

Joomla main menu add new button through article, ar ticle layout

Here in article layout few things needs to be adjusted, again you will need to place the Title and the Alias, further after from the Parameters (Basic) located on the right you will have to select an article to link the new menu you're just creating in Joomla's new menu.

Here it's important to note the existence of Parent Item scrolldown field. This field will have all the created menu buttons in Main Menu . In case if this is the first one to create in main menu then it could be also empty.

The Parent Item field is really an important field and through it the menu's submenus are created in Joomla.

For instance let's say you want the current creating article to be listing as a sub-benu button to another already existing category, instead of listing as a separate button to the Joomla's main menu navigation.

Well it's pretty easy just choose from the Parent Item the name of an already existing menu button in Joomla main menu to be the parent of the sub-menu button you want to have.
That's it now you will have the sub-menu button to appear as a drop down button (if of course your template supports dropdown menus).
There are few more options to choose in between which I found to be quite self explanatory, so I want explain them

But I hope I was able to explain at least the basics how menu subbuttons can be created in Joomla 1.5 I find it a bit harder to explain in a bit plain way, but anyways if some of my dear readers is not understanding how to achieve the sub-menus I'm more than willing to help out further via the comments.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Mon Dec 6 13:01:16 EET 2010

Into Great Silence a documentary movie about Roman Catholic Cathusian monks, who lives in stillness

I've been told by a friend (Matthijs) about a Roman Catholic Monastery located in France known under the name of Le grande chartreuse

He mentioned in a casual talk this monastery is one of the most interesting Roman Catholic Monastery. It's basicly a Roman Catholic order of Cathusian monks who has decided to live in silence.

The monks there are allowed to speak just a bit and only on Sundays, the rest of the days there is a rule in the monastery that the monks live in complete silence.
This definitely catched my attention, since I've red in the Ancient Paterik a book about the sayings and livings of the early Holy Church fathers about this stillness practiced widely being in practice by the monks especially in the early ages after Christ's resurrection.

I've red in that book that in the ancient times there were hermits who lived a live like as Hesychasts in complete silence. Some of this holy men I read in the old books haven't told a word for many years (30 years!).

This from the modern stand point is completely impossible to achieve spiritual heroism.
Most of the monasteries we have in the Orthodox Christian world doesn't any more keep this kind of silence practice, the only monasteries I know where they still have this stillness practice in our Orthodox Christian monasteries is among monasteries and brotherhoods situated on the the Holy Mount Athos

From that perspective it's very interesting to see that the Roman Catholics has still monks who still live up to an ancient church practices.
It was quite interesting for me to read a bit more about the Grande Chartreuse monastery in wikipedia

A documentary movie was produced about the monastery by Philip Gröning . The movie came out in 2005 under the name Into a great silence . The movie director Philip Gröning spend 6 months in the monastery shooting the movie and he spend another 2.5 years to edit the film and prepare it for the general public.
That's really a hell a lot of time. What is unique about the movie is it contains no commentaries or any sound effects added and everything was recorded without any artificial light.
Even the Cathusian monks loved the film. The movie trailer I found as a quite interesting one to see:

Here is the movie trailer;

Along with that I found it interesting to see a movie prepared by some pilgrim on his road towards the Grande Chartreuse monastery;

Enjoy :)

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Sun Dec 5 11:49:29 EET 2010

Visiting a Roman Catholic Cathusian monastery movie

I was looking for a movie called "Into Great Silence" that is a movie about some kind of monastery, where there are still monks who does live a speechless live in every 6 days of the week.
This monastery I was looking for I was able to find a bit later and is called Grance Charteuse but anyways just by accident I came across to an youtube movie video presenting the life of some Roman Catholic Cathursian Monastery located in the heart somewhere in Italia.

The movie was quite an interesting one for me to see because I was not having any idea about the Roman Catholic monastic life;

Just as I expected the severity of the monastery life in the Roman Catholics monastery is a way less than the one in our Orthodox monasteries.
The monks life there looks a bit artificial from what I've seen and monks try to live in confort which in direct contradiction to the teaching of the holy fathers, who said that those who is living in confort is not a real monk.

Some of the Holy fathers in our Orthodox Church, many of whom by the way are also holy fathers in the Roman Catholic Church has said that even strive for confort kills the monk and makes the monk idle sluggish in both his physical appearance and in his spiritual life and also kills the monks spiritual fruits.

The veneration of to the patron saint of the monaster was quite strange to me. Of course I realize that as an Orthodox Christian my expectations are for a bit more raw, since the Orthodox Christinity is quite more hard and I would say real one than the Roman Catholicism.

Anyhow the videos were a good learning point for me on how Roman Catholicism's monastic life goes so I decided to share it here on my blog with the hope that somebody with profound interest into Religion and Christianity might benefit of it, so enjoy:

What is really striking me is the monks dress, they're dressed in white!
One major difference I've noticed between this Cathusian Roman catholic monks order and the our Orthodox monks is that they wear white and our monks in the Orthodox Church wear always black.

Also the altar in the Roman Catholics is open where everybody could gaze straightly to the Holy Throne where the bloodless sacrificied is offered by the priest, whether in our Orthodox temples the Altar is enclosed by altar walls and there is a curtain which is being pulled on and off throughout the Orthodox Holy Litirgy.
Apart from that I should admin the nature nearby the monastery is really amazing!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Sat Dec 4 12:56:30 EET 2010

Resolve / Fix "PM: Cannot find swap device, try swapon -a" GNOME issue on Debian Squeeze/Sid

Few days ago I've blogged on How to workaround (fix) hibernate “PM: Cannot find swap device, try swapon -a” GNOME issues on Debian testing/unstable Linux

In that article I've suggested one possible fix to the hibernation issues I experienced with the error;

PM: Cannot find swap device, try swapon -a

Nevertheless just recently I have figure out another better solution to the hibernation issues I've experienced
I've noticed that for some reason the debian package linux-patch-tuxonice was missing in my current set deb package repository.


Changing this repository to deb and installing the linux-patch-tuxonice package actually solved the issue properly without any need for exchange of the script /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate with /usr/sbin/hibernate as I've earlier suggested in my article on how to fix the PM: Cannot find swap device try swapon -a

So the solution to the hibernation issue came out as easily as to installing the linux-patch-tuxonice deb package.

Thus the issues was properly and fully resolved by:

debian:~# apt-get install linux-patch-tuxonice

Now hibernation should start working once agian.
One more issue with the solition I've earlier pointed out with exchanging the /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate with the /usr/sbin/hibernate script was that using the hibernate in favour of pm-hibernate cause my system to crash sometimes after a system restore from hibernate.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Fri Dec 3 12:27:56 EET 2010

How to fix "Could not instantiate mail function", PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILED and PHPMAILER_FROM_FAILED on Joomla and RSforms

've used the RSForms to build some custom Joomla Contact forms.
The RSForms was recommended to me by a friend and actually it's a pretty cool and quick way to create forms.
I've installed it and played a bit with it to create a custom forms for one of the website I had to bring up just recently.

After the contact form was ready however there was a problem with sending emails. It took me quite a while to find out how to solve the problemwith contact not able to mail whatever is filled in.

First time I tried the RSForms after filling in the details and pressing the submit button,I got the error message;

Could not instantiate mail function.

I should say that, I'm running a QMAIL email server on the server where I have the Joomla & RSForms installed and configured.

I've came up with a solution to this issue after some research in Google

In order to solve that you will have to login to your Joomla administrator and
Navigate to:

Site -> Global Configuration -> Server

Whenever it opens up you should be seing the Mail Settings on the bottom right corner;

From there you will have to change the Mailer from PHP Mail Function to SMTP Server

To give you a better idea check out the screenshot of the Mail Settings below:

Mail Settings dialog Joomla, Solve Could not instantiate mail function

Changing this simple setting resolved the Could not instantiate mail function for me.

Right after I tested the RSForms to send my filled in form content but this time the PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILED message was there;

This error was caused actually by a mistake I made in the configuration of the Custom RSForm I have prepared;

In Components -> RSForm!Pro -> Manage forms whenever I was preparing my form I've made a mistake in the User Emails customized field in my custom prepared form in the To: field I had a wrong variable set (a different value was set from the E-mail caption I've set on).

Solving this solved the issue. Even though the PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILED was gone now, next I was unpleasently surprised by another error message which prevented the Contact form to properly send the input data:

Now I had to fight with the error;


It took me a while and a lot of forums reading before I figure it out again my custom prepared RSForm had an issue;

The problem was in the Admin Emails customization of the form in the From: fill in box I had mistakenly typed in proper email, setting a proper email there solved the issue;

I've red online many suggested solutions to the issue which dealt with changes in the the file  joomla/components/com_contact/controller.php around line 112, 162 etc.

I should say that before I found and solved the actual problem I've tried modifing this file also but with zero success.

Sometimes Linux is so complicated, it really pisses me of, why is not life easier? :|

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Thu Dec 2 13:52:58 EET 2010

How to secure site with htpassword using Apache configuration instead of through external .htaccess file

It's actually very easy in order to enable this authentication via your website VirtualHost find the;

<Directory /var/www/yourwebsite>

Substitute the /var/www/yourwebsite with your correct website location in between the opening and closing Directory apache directive place something similar to the following lines:

AllowOverride All
AuthName "Add your login message here."
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
require user name-of-user

Eventually your Directory directive in your let's say /etc/apache2/apache2.conf should look something like the example in below

<Directory /var/www/yourwebsite>
AllowOverride All
AuthName "Add your login message here."
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
require user name-of-user

Of course in this example you need to set the name-of-user to an actual user name let's say you want your login user to be admin, then substitute the name-of-user with admin

Of course set the desirable location for your .htpasswd in the AuthUserFile. Just in case if you decide to keep the same location as in my example you will further need to create the /etc/apache2/.htpasswd file.

Note here that in the above exapmle the AllowOverride All could also be substituted for AllowOverride AuthConfig , you might need to put this one if you don't want that all .htaccess directives are recognized by Apache.

To create the .htpasswd issue the command:

debian~:# htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/.htpasswd admin
New password:
Re-type new password:

In the passwords prompts just type in your password of choice. Now we're almost ready to have the website apache authentication working, only thing left is to reastart Apache.
I'm using Debian so restarting my apache is done via:

debian:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

In other Linux distributions exec the respective script for Apache restart.

Now access your website and the password protection dialog asking for your credentials to login should popup.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link