Mon Jan 17 15:30:25 EET 2011

NX Nomachine a VNC substitute server / client program which is outstandingly fast on slow network connections

NX Nomachine was recommended by Dave just a month ago, but I forgot to mention about it here on my blog.
NX Nomachine in reality is doing the same thing as a normal VNC server or even a normal XServer / xinit remote connection that enables you to use your remote desktop on either Linux, Windows or Solaris.

The program is not free software and costs money, however for a personal use it's freely available and can be directly grabbed and installed.

I've tested the NX Nomachine and I should say the respondance it demonstrates is really amazingly quick
Even on my slow low band internet it flies and the connection to the remote NX Nomachine Server behaves exactly as it's running directly on your current host from which you issue the NX no machine client.

Nevertheless the free version of the nx nomachine is really annoying since, with the free version release you can't use applications which require a superuser privileges. However for console administration sudo is working so at least this is something.

I have installed the NX Nomachine client on Debian thus I'll describe how to install and start using the NX client on this Linux platform.

To install the nx nomachine client on my Debian Linux, I followed these steps:

1. Download the deb package (Suitable for both Debian and Ubuntu)
The download link for Linux at this time is:
Download NX Nomachine Linux
or use the nomachine debian download link
I used wget to download as I'm quite used to it;
debian:~# wget

2. Next and last step before you're ready to launch nx nomachine is install the client program:

debian:~# dpkg -i nxclient_3.4.0-7_i386.deb

This will have installed the nxclient; To further start the nxclient from your terminal issue:

debian:~# /usr/NX/bin/nxclient

Now if you have a remote nx nomachine server server you can enjoy the quickness of this program, it will be most probably like working on your workstation locally :)