Thu Mar 10 13:26:52 EET 2011

Solving (Getting Rid of) - Cannot open display "default display" after user login on Debian Squeeze

After my upgrade from Debian testing/unstable to Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid I started experiencing an annoying message after each user login saying:

Cannot open display "default display"

After a bit of investigation online I've figured out that the possible causes for the message Cannot open display "default display" are definitions in either /etc/profile, /home/myuserdir/.profile or /home/myuserdir/.bashrc .

According to some people suggestions online in some of the above mentioned files I was about to look for some commands which are related to deal with the X server.

After checking up the suggested files, I've found in my .bashrc some old xsetkbmap commands set in order to enable my CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to work in X.
I remember some long time ago I've played with the xsetkbmap tool in order to enable my X kill with the magic buttons to work as expected with the well known button combination ctrl + alt + backspace.

The exact code which was causing me the error/warning message Cannot open display "default display" was:

setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp

Using the commands:

noah:/home/hipo# which setxkbmap
noah:/home/hipo# dpkg -S /usr/bin/setxkbmap
x11-xkb-utils: /usr/bin/setxkbmap

I've found out the setxkbmap is part of the x11-xkb-utils debian package. As I suspected something might be wrong with this package I gave a try to reinstall the package using the command as shown below:

noah:/home/hipo# apt-get install --reinstall x11-xkb-utils
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Reinstallation of x11-xkb-utils is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

However as it could be seen in the above output it is impossible to reinstall the x11-xkb-utils package probably either because the package name is changed in Debian wheezy/sid or because the package is missing from my debian sources repository.
Next I loged in my gnome in X and tried the magic buttons CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE and they seem to work even without the setxkbmap below definitions which means I no longer needed the setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp definitions in my ~/.bashrc thus I completely scraped out the command from my .bashrc and the annoying message is now finally! gone, thanks God.
I've found