Fri Mar 18 22:27:42 EET 2011

Tracking graphically MySQL and Apache performance in web with Munin on Debian

Munin is great software for surveillance software for your MySQL, Apache, Qmail, Postfix and many other of the classical daemon services which most of the Linux, BSD servers online are running on.

1. Munin on Debian Linux is really easy to be installed and comes to executing:

debian:~# apt-get install munin munin-node munin-plugins-extra

2. Link /var/www/munin/ to some VirtualHost or ServerHost
For instance if your munin is to be placed on the domain which has the DocumentRoot of /var/www

debian:~# cd /var/www
debian:/var/www# ln -sf /var/www/munin munin
3. Restart Apache;

debian:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Now to access the newly installed munin point your favorite browser to: