Mon Mar 21 14:17:12 EET 2011

ShareThis a wordpress plugin to easify your blog post sharing on social networks

etworks For a few days now, I'm looking through my blog and checking how can I improve the way it to be more convenient for my readers.
By so far I've been using the Share On Facebook wordpress plugin and custom build twitter button as the only aims to share my blog posts online.

As nowdays people are using more and more diversified networks and facebook adn twitter are not the only social places on the net, I found it would be handy if I have a bit more options for sharing my blog info online.

After a quick google search I stumbled upon a wordpress plugin which was created with the goal of sharing articles to most of the major social networks and websites.

I hope this plugin will have improve my blog's usability and in the same time allow my readers to easily share the articles which appealed to them.

The plugin in question is called ShareThis and can be straight found in the repository of wordpress extensions on's website.

The supported shares by the Share-This plugin are as follows:

1. Share on Facebook
2. Share on Twitter
3. Share on Google Buzz
4. Share on
5. Share in Digg
6. Share in AIM Share
7. Share in Stumbleupon
8. Share on Microsoft Messanger

The Share-This wp plugin is able to place automatically it's share buttons on the top of your blog posts and pages, it could be also easily customized to look a bit different from what it's by default.
Here is a screenshot on how the plugin looks after it is installed and configured on a wordpress powered blog;

Share-This Wordpress extensions screenshot

The Share-This extensions version which I have gave a try is 4.0.4 and it appeared to work correctly on my wordpress installation ver. 3.1.

Even though officially on the plugin website it's being stated that the plugin is compatible up to a wordpress ver. 3.0.5 it worked just fine on my 3.1 ;)
So it's a good news for users of the latest wordpress releases that the plugin should work like a charm.

In order to install and configure the plugin I've followed literally the plugin installation instructions:

1. Download and unzip the ShareThis extension

linux:/var/www/blog# wget
linux:/var/www/blog# cd wp-content/plugins
linux:/var/www/blog/wp-content/plugins# unzip

After it's succesfully extracted, next step is to,
2. Login to your wordpress administration and enable it

From the admin panel go to;
Plugins -> Inactive -> ShareThis

3. Configure the ShareThis plugin before you Activate it

Press the:

Plugins -> Inactive -> ShareThis -> Configuration options are here

Choose your desired plugin options and press the Update ShareThis Options button.

4. Activate the Share-This extensions

Plugins -> Inactive -> ShareThis -> Activate

Whoohoo now your blog installation is equipped with the trendy Share-This buttons and your users will be able easily to share online their favourite posts.
Apart from it's user usefulness I believe the ShareThis wp button should also be a very good choice in terms of SEO! as it will possibly attract some more users to your blog from the users that might take the step to use the ShareThis button and share on the major social networks.
Having in mind the versatile usefullness of the plugin I think every serious blogger should think about installing and using the nice plugin.

I'm quite curious if the plugin will have effect on my blog attendance, if I'm right my blog's visitors should leap in the coming weeks.
Let's wait and see :)