Mon Jan 16 11:09:11 EET 2012

How to set applications (programs) Autorun on XFCE in Xubuntu Linux

I needed to set TeamViewer to autorun, each and every startup on one Xubuntu Linux

Xubuntu is running by default with Xfce 4 . Xfce is a sort of a very liteweight GNOME like graphical environment.

In Gnome the way that is through invoking the gnome-session-manager .

In Xfce the command is almost analogous doing changes is done by running:

user@xubuntu:~$ xfce4-session-manager

XFce session manager Xubuntu Linux screenshot
Further on simply use the Add button to add applications to load each time user (opens xfce session) / logs in.
Cheers ;)