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Special Thanks To

Patrick Steinbrenner for his contribution to this page.

NCR COBOL Programming Worksheet.

The programmer writes a COBOL program on the NCR COBOL programming worksheet. This data is then input to the COBOL compilation process via a CRT terminal or the punched card reader.

Columns 1 through 6 on the COBOL programming worksheet contain a 6-digit sequence number. The sequence number labels a source program line. Only the digits 0 through 9 can be used in the sequence number in American National Standard COBOL 1974. However, NCR IMOS COBOL also permits the sequence number to contain alphanumeric characters.

When assigning sequence numbers, the programmer gives the lowest number to the first source line input to the compiler. Subsequent source lines are then given higher sequence numbers. The programmer uses the numbers to determine the sequence in which the source lines are to be placed in preparation for input to the COBOL compilation process. A source program must always have its source lines sorted before being input to the NCR IMOS COBOL compilation process.

Column 8 on the COBOL programming worksheet is the leftmost starting position for the division header, the section header, the paragraph header, and the paragraph-name. Any of these items can start in column 9, 10, or 11. Columns 8, 9, 10 and 11 are called area A in American National Standard COBOL 1974.

Column 12 on the COBOL programming worksheet is the leftmost starting position for the body of the paragraph. The first sentence or entry of a paragraph may start on the same line as the Paragraph header or paragraph-name. The first sentence or entry of a paragraph may also start on the line immediately below the paragraph header or paragraph-name. The content of the paragraph starts in any position after column 11. Columns 12 through 72 are called area B in American National Standard COBOL 1974.

Column 72 on the COBOL programming worksheet is the rightmost position in one source line for characters affecting the NCR IMOS COBOL compiler. When a character other than space appears in column 72, the compiler assumes that this last character in the source line is followed by a space unless a hyphen appears in column 7 of the next line. When the COBOL source program is input from punched cards, columns 73 through 80 on the punched card may contain any type of characters for identification purposes. The content of columns 73 through 80 is output to the COBOL compiler listing without affecting the generation of the object program output by the compiler.

Student Text


Coding Forms 

COBOL-Programmblatt COBOL-Programmblatt
FORTRAN-Programmblatt Datendefinitionsblatt
Codierblatt Datendefinitionsblatt
Compiler Steuerung Datei-Erlauterungen/Disk
Datei-Erlauterungen/Magnetic Tape Datei-Erlauterungen
Datei-Erlauterungen Tabellenerlauterungsblatt
Detail Plan Datei-Erlauterungsblatt/Printer
Datei-Erlauterungsblatt/Punched Tape Datei-Erlauterungsblatt/Punched Card
Coding Worksheet Elliott Algol Program Sheet

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 Copyright © Aleksandrs Guba. All Rights Reserved