A system small in physical size but one that offers great processing power. Provides unusual expansion capabilities for batch or online operations.
Base System
- Memory - 16K bytes; core; 1.2 ms memory cycle for 2-byte access;
- Arithmetic/Logic - 34 hardware commands;
- Input/Output Control - scanned 8-position multiplexor trunk (120 KB);
- One 8-position high speed trunk (416 KB); 6-way simultaneity, plus compute.
- Operator Communications - integrated input/output writer and operator console.
- Base Peripherals - integrated card (300 cpm) or punched tape (1000 cps) reader; Integrated dual disc unit (9.93 million byte unit capacity, 312.5 KB transfer rate, 47.5 ms average access including latency);
- Freestanding printer (200 1pm alphanumeric).
- Memory expandable in increments to 64K.
- Hardware Commands — Logic; Multiply; Divide. One additional 8-position trunk (120 KB) and one additional 8-position trunk (276 KB).
- Integrated communications interface for up to 10 lines.
- Peripherals; terminals; communications equipment.