April 2007 Archives

Tue Apr 24 00:15:10 EEST 2007

Glory be To God

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Tue Apr 24 00:12:50 EEST 2007


Posted by root | Permanent link

Mon Apr 23 23:51:17 EEST 2007


Posted by root | Permanent link

Mon Apr 9 00:01:38 EEST 2007

Christ Resurrected from the Dead !

It's Easter. The 3 days we christians celebrate the resurrection of our saviour and Lord Jesus Christ! The day started early I woke up and the morning and went to my grandma to congratulate us about the Good News of our Saviour Resurrection. I spend 30 minutes in her again we spoke about our family problem our mother. My family is really unhealthful. Day after day I more and more think about the meaningless of the worldly life. Praise be to Our Heavenly father for giving me from his love and power through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit all the heavenly blessings which keep me still up and running. I bought a new video Card from one of our Web Designers (Nvidia 5900) I was able to succesfully use it in FreeBSD and I'm very happy about this. It's great to play Quake I and Duke 3D in High resolutions and the opengl to work perfect. Alex and Hellpain are in our town for the holidays. We went out with Alex and Nomen the day before yesterday and had a great spend time. Alex is a great guy :], the same day I saw Hellpain but for a short time and I didn't have the oportunity to speak a lot with him and we spoke about trivial things. Yesterday we went to the Orthodox Church with Lily, Alex, Nomen and Static following the Orthodox ritual we walked around the church three times. And after that we went to spend 30 minutes in the Church. There was a sort of Liturgy and the Priest spoke publicly the good news about the Resurrection of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. This morning after I saw my grandma I walked to the church 10 minutes later Nomen also come and we take the Holy Communion ( The Bread and Wine - The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ ). After the Church we went to see Damiancho which is a boy with poor parents who is living in one building part of the orthodox Church. After that we bought a joypad to Nomen's brother who had a birthday today and spend almost an our in Nomen's home. Just 30 minutes after I come back home Pro-Xex called and said he is in the town with two other old friends, and proposed to go out for a drink. I accepted and spend 2 more ours out with them. Everyhing seemed like a geek meating we spoke a lot about computers and especially about FreeBSD a lot.

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Mon Apr 5 01:22:42 EEST 2007

Troubled Day

It was a day full of waiting. The Admin/tech support personel in sofia is a real pain in the ass. I waited half a day for a simple debian base install. The guy installed debian over already installed freebsd on a server we sent destined for colocation in evolink. The machine is great dual 3ghz Xeon with 3 x 70 gb SCSI discs. In 4:00 o'clock I received a mail with username and password of the server, but the system was unaccessible for 1 more hour. I got really nervous I received tons of calls from the boss, our project Manager, Vladi the PHP programmer. I logged to the server in 5:00 and configured apache with mysql upto 10:00 o'clock then did a little walk with nomen in the central park and drinked one beer per capita. I had to meet Static and Amri in 6:00 o'clock but I was busy configuring the new rack so I missed a great oportunity to have fun with old friends. ORDER has to come back to Bulgaria, today or even he maybe is already in Varna. I'm quite impatient to see him! In the afternoon I went to some spiritual downfalls but now Thanks to God I'm alive and well. The pozvanete site already points to the new rack so I hope the machine would be able to serve it's goal perfect. This will be made clear in the morning. Soon I'm going to bed. Glory be to God for fulfilling me with his love and sustaining my life and keeping me from evil!

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link

Mon Apr 2 18:13:08 EEST 2007


I need harmony. I'm overwhelmed with work and thoughts about existence, you know it's a terrible thing to think about the human existence all the time. The time passes slowly. Today I went throught a lot of stress. It seems that I did a mistake when modifying the server firewall in Friday when we moved pozvanete and connections about the aids were not possible thanksfully Vladi said it will be fixed. Bobb reported that efficiencylaboratory system does not send emails when I take a look I saw the qmail queue was broken ( something I see for a first time ). qmail-qstat reported empty queue while qmail-qread reported empty. I found this about fixing messed queues http://pyropus.ca/software/queue-repair/. After running it over the queue and restarting the mail server few times it seemed to work at the end. I experience terrible problem when trying to run jailkit on one Debian Sarge machine, I'm trying to figure out what is the reason few days ago with no luck a terrible thing even stracing the jk_socket does not provide with anything that could lead to a solution when I'm logging into the machine with the jailed user the auth.log indicates that login is successful and sftp-server is spawned while the sftp client closes the connection. I'll be looking at this later again I really ran out of ideas aboud a possible solution.I'm very tired I need rest. Too often I despair sometimes I want to cry, there is so much unrightfulness in the world. On Saturday night me and Nomen decided to do a pretty рeckless thing we catched the train for Botevo and spend the night in a forest around a fire. This time we was equiped at least we had a torch. We baked bread and potatoes on the fire and made a sort of sandwiches with a salt and cucumbers. At least this time we went to the other forest and there were trees all around so it wasn't necessary to search for them in the darkness. All the forecast said it would rain. But Praise the Lord it didn't. (We even prayed a little to God not to rain cause we had not the proper equipment ). Thanksfully again God heard our prayers. The only bad side of our great adventure was that after 1:00 o'clock in the morning the temperature started falling and it was extremely cold. I was able to sleep just for 40 minutes or so. In the morning after 6:00 the birds started to awaken and sing, so beautiful voices all around, even flickers :]. In went to the Botevo's railway station and in 8:40 take the train back to Dobrich. I went home and took a shower then went to bed. I was woken by a telephone call and it was the missionary which call me two days ago wanted to see me and speak about the faith, he call me to remind me of our meeting ( from the way he speaks I undestood he is a Mormon ). So I decided to rewrite the Orthodox Creed of Faith and show him and explain them what I believe. When we met they were very kind to me and after some time they supposed to go to their church to explain us about their faith. I went their and they started talking strange things they wanted to pray together ( I rejected ofcourse ). How can we pray a prayer I have no idea about. After a lot of discussion about the Gospel and the truth Church they got angry and chased me out of their sect/"church" ;] They tried to lie they tried to claim they're orthodox Christians in the first cause I told them I'm orthodox. One of the Moroms tried to convince me he knows more about orthodox Christianity more than me. Other of the two cited me a some Writting in the Book of Jeremiah trying to convince me I have existed before my birth, I told him this is occult (this was my opinion ofcourse God knows best).

Posted by hip0 | Permanent link